Current Affairs Suddam Hussein Sentanced to Death

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Kain, Nov 5, 2006.

  1. Kain

    Kain Plaything of Doom

    Dec 16, 2003
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    As of today the verdict that i think a lot of people were looking for was confirmed. Suddam Hussein, former dictator of Iraq, has been found guilty of crime against humanity after the killing of 143 Shiites after a failed attempt to assainate the former dictator in 1982 and has been sentanced to death by hanging.
    There seems to be a fair amount of criticism about the verdict being read out today on the 5th November, mainly as its seen as a way to influence the mid-term elections in America that are going to take place in 2 days, as well as the Americans having a pretty strong influence in the court throughout the whole precedings.

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