
Discussion in 'Tomita' started by paul.mundy at n..., Oct 28, 2001.

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  1. I was watching the 1979 film version of Superman recently, and for the first
    time realised that part of The Tomita Planets is used as sound fx.

    When Superman as a baby is placed into the spaceship by his father while
    Krypton is disintegrating, the music playing as the spaceship ascends is
    directly taken from the first album track Mars.

    The section played starts at 2 minutes on the track and lasts about 50
    seconds, roughly. Its the wonderful part where the growing rocket sound is
    accompanied by a repeated beeping which gets faster and faster. It sounds
    wonderful in stereo, as the beep in the stereo image sounds as if it is _in_
    your right ear!

    BTW can anyone tell me what Apocalypse Now Redux is, please.

    Paul Mundy
  2. > BTW can anyone tell me what Apocalypse Now Redux is, please.

    Francis Ford Coppola prepared a longer reissue of his 1979 film
    "Appocalypse Now" for theatrical release this year . He restored many
    minutes that were filmed but never got to a finished edit because the
    film was running long and dangerously over budget in '79. The new edited
    version involved composing new music for these scenes and incorporating
    them back in the film. So its sort of a Director's cut.

    Keyboard magazine interviewed Ed Goldfarb who did the new music which
    attempted to match the style of the old score. The subject came up again
    when Patrick Gleeson, the synthesist in charge of realizing the original
    score wrote a letter in the current Keyboard magazine issue and took
    exception with some of Goldfarb's assumptions, notably that the original
    1979 team was trying to acheive a Tomita-like sound.

    In any event, though I've not caught the new version, the added music
    according to many shows a distinct Tomita influence, far stronger than
    the original 1979 music.

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