RPG Sakeido High School 2 Teacher Sign-ups! (One spot left!)

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by Kaiyon, Sep 17, 2005.

  1. Kaiyon

    Kaiyon Grim Reaper

    Jun 19, 2004
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    Aye, its finally here. Those who have asked to sighn up in the RPG as a teacher, and those who just want to, are just what this thread is about.
    Now, since teachers will be a little more key players than a regular student (and i dont want there to be too many of them), Im limiting the sign-ups to those who meet the requirments.
    What requirements? The following..

    Sakeido 2 Teacher Sign-up Requirments

    1- You must have decent grammar. Decent doesen't mean avarage since teachers are supposed to be wiser. It means you should have practically invisible errors in your grammar....something presentable.

    2- Sign-up sheet is the same one as the students one. With a little twist though...
    You may try signing up as more than one character, but i cant guarantee you'll get both, of course.

    3- You also have to provide a little more background. Dont hide much of his story. For example, if your character has criminal record or something to make us suspicious, thats fine and dandy. Just give them a little more story.

    To put it simply, spell and write things right, try signing up a little more, and give a little reality background.

    Teachers, of course, can only teach a certain subject. Make sure your character sticks to it.

    EX: Kiyo teaches alchemy, but he can also cast spells.
    NO! Teachers are specialists of their teachings.

    The following teachings are the spots for teachers at the school.

    This class of teaching is a very powerfull one. Although spells may be casted in different languages, the teacher can know a wide variety of them. Be it Japanese spells, Latin, or whatever. This guy knows his spells good. Incantations must be written in a different language...(NO ENGLISH!)

    Swordfighting / Battle Skills
    This class of teaching is all about tactics. The teacher has to be a great tactitian on the battlefield, and stern with the students. This class of battle is also allowed to use the "Chi" of the body to cast certain hidden moves within a technique upon exectuion, not spellcasting.

    Reserve this for someone who's a know-it-all. This teacher's advantage on the books is unparalleled. This class includes spellcasting on the reading level. The teacher of this class is able to copy spells either by hearing them, or from a book. This will teach students to use the enemy's tactics against them.

    Bio/Al Chemestry
    Using a combination of Biologics in all sorts of enchanted potions, along with the difficult Alchemy, this class is only for students making all A's in their classes. Since this class is so hard for students, the teacher barely works and walks around a lot.

    Anyways, Im tired, and im going to sleep people. Bye, and I hope to see wonderful characters.

    Thanks again!

    - Kaiyon
  2. Hitohiro

    Hitohiro Angel of Wind

    Nov 5, 2004
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    Name: Tobias Tsuga
    Age: 32
    Race: Demon
    Weapon: Demon Dragon Blade

    Fighting style: Uses the Demonic Dragon Blade form of swordsmenship. He only uses his demonic powers when it's absolutley necessary.

    Appearance: Has silver eyes and long, silver hair. Wears a silver business suit when teaching a class. He can always be seen carrying his blade around with him where ever he goes.

    Background Story: He is the son of one of the oldest demons who was on the Peace Committee. His father was a warrior and so was taught to fight and use his demonic powers from an early age to use in battle. His father once sent 5 demons after him to fight and just about killed all of them. He was sent to the high school to hone his fighting skills. He became the most popular and strongest demon in his first year but didn’t brag about it. 10 years later he teaches swordfighting to the school he once helped protect. He also helps his students use their demonic power to strengthen their weapons.

    Teaches: He teaches swordfighting to his students.

    Likes: He likes hanging out with his old high school friend Katsuke when they're not teaching.
    Hates: All evil.
    Love life: He married a human 5 years ago named Sarah. The don't have any children.

    Virtues- He's kind hearted and cares for both demons and humans. Very protective of his students and loved ones.

    Faults: Sometimes lets his pride get to him.
  3. Hiro

    Hiro Active Member

    Jul 11, 2003
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    Name: Hiro Kirosagi

    Age: 25

    Race: Was once fully human, but now seems to be part fallen angel(demon)

    Style: Yirokusagi Ryu Sword style adapted from his fathers style. Also is versed in many other styles and the counters to many sword techniques. Also magnificent tactician

    Weapon: Soul Sword (Made partialy from his soul)

    Appearance: Has short brown hair. Medium build with white button down shirt which he wheres a trench coat, at times, over it. He wears 2 black belts and has angelic markings all on his right arm . He has blue eyes and a radiant perplexion. He has a scar across his chest from some battle or other. he also has angelic marks on his chest

    Personality: he is known for his strength of mind and stern, logical reasoning. He knows the ins and outs of battle liek it were in him ever since birth. He is kind and generous, but is not easily persuaded or easily used. He looks down upon dishonesty and takes to heart what he teaches to his students

    Likes: strong minded and strong hearted people... he puts honesty on the top of his list for his students and friends

    Hates: Dishonesty and misleading people. He may not liek demons but he has no hate for them

    Love Life: Single...was married but wife was murdered

    Virtues:honesty, sterness and a strong heart mind and body. He has a strong mind and is very cunning.

    Faults: sometimes keeps to himself and is cold at times to people who seem to be the class clowns and such.

    Background: As a child he lived with his father who was The great Sword Mage Kira Kirosagi. His father was well known as The Andel Of Death for all the evil demons and humans he laid waste to. Hior's name is also derived from his fathers as they are linked by there powers and by there ancestry. Hiro was handed down the Secrets of his families past which include that of the great Sord Mage Sakiedo. There is trully only one move of Sakeido's magnificent Swordsmanship that has been known and past down, and that has been kept secret within the Kirosagi Ancestry. When Hiro's father past away he in turn past down that move to Hiro so that he can keep the secret and only use it when another threat of great porportions comes up. He never trully had a hard life except for the fact that his father died when Hiro was only 12 years old, forcing Hiro to learn the ways of te sword before he had come of age. By age 16 he was a high ranking swordsman in the swordsman elite classes at his school. His abilities were even compared to his fathers. By Age 20 he had met a beautiful priestess women named Yuki (age 19), which he had married at the age of 21. One day as Hiro was training to be come a teacher of Sworsmanship, His wife had been out taking care of soem errands. She had almost finished when she was attacked by a group of lesser demons; she was able to fend them off with hat little she knew of spell casting but was mortally wounded and died later that day. When the news reached Hiro he was the tmost devsatated, but it was as though his face was lost in his emotions, not showing sadness but indifference. A blank stare across his face... his brown eyes seeming as if they were glazed over by a thick fog. The very next day Hiro did not return to his lessons, but had gone missing; while in the news there were headlines of head demon criminals and Human criminals being masacred every day. they named the man The Angel Of Silence, for he took great care in taking the lifes of anyone who set there eyes on him. No one knew who this man could be , except for the other students at his school. They had no doub in their minds that no one could do such a thing but Hiro. After many years of headlines that came up the same and Hiro still missing, A letter was recieved by Katsuke Inaba requesting a teacher position at the new school as the sword fighting and battle skills teacher. The letter had been sent by none other then Hiro now at the age of 25 his appearance now changed from the last that his friends had seen of him... the largest change had been the wings that now pertrude from his back at times....
  4. Seishin

    Seishin Guest


    Name: Keitou Satomi
    Age: 28
    Race: Human
    Weapon: Magic Staff made from wood

    Fighting style: Magic spells, knows all kinds.

    Appearance: Wearing a long coat, and carriyng his staff. Stands to about 6 feet tall, silky black hair, and dark red eyes.

    Background Story: Comes from a foregin country. Has mastered even the hardest magic spells, and plans to teach students of Sakeido High School. Has a bad relationship with some demons. Has been training for many years into mastering techniques, and has come to Sakeido to prove himself.

    Teaches: He teaches students magic spells and techinques.

    Likes: Alone time reading, and girls with mini skirts.

    Hates: Demons.

    Love life: He had a girlfriend when he was 23, but was attacked by a pack of demons. Now alone.

    Virtues- Although demons ruined his life, he doesn't blame the entire race, not publicly at least. He's a warm, kindhearted person, and will help anyone whenever they require help.

    Faults: Perverted.

    --End file--
    Eager to teach class. I MAY also create a student player, he will go by the name of Seishin if he is created though. What an actor...

  5. Nephilim_X

    Nephilim_X New Member

    Sep 19, 2002
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    One character limit, folks. Don't apply for both student and teacher roles. Pick.
  6. Hacker

    Hacker ~Richie Rich~

    May 21, 2005
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    could there be two spellcasting teachers? *please* *_*
  7. Hiro

    Hiro Active Member

    Jul 11, 2003
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    well... i really want a teacher role... but if i cant have a teacher role i would still like to participate as a student... if thats okay?
  8. Kaiyon

    Kaiyon Grim Reaper

    Jun 19, 2004
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    Dont worry guys. This Sakeido RPG is just like last one. Teachers and students can be played simultaiously. But teacher roles will be limited, so there wont be that many.

    If you have more than one character (be it both teacher and student) dont double post. Just do like last time, and separate points of view for characters.

    - Kaiyon
  9. Nephilim_X

    Nephilim_X New Member

    Sep 19, 2002
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    I think you're forgetting who moderates this forum.
  10. Kaiyon

    Kaiyon Grim Reaper

    Jun 19, 2004
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    And I think you're forgetting who else does.

    Im not going to take back what I said. I want Sakeido 2 to stay true to the original, and if I allowed people to play as both teachers and students for the last one, ill do the same for this one.

    - Kaiyon
  11. Nephilim_X

    Nephilim_X New Member

    Sep 19, 2002
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    Have it your way. The plug is pulled on this one.
  12. Kaiyon

    Kaiyon Grim Reaper

    Jun 19, 2004
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    Cloud considered and accepted this RPG for the success it had last time. And I think we know both of our opinions.
    Unfortunately, Im the one planning this game, and i think its safe to say, I say how the game is being played.

    Thread Re-opened

    - Kaiyon
  13. Nephilim_X

    Nephilim_X New Member

    Sep 19, 2002
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    I'm the mod of the RPG forum. It's safe to say I overrule you. Thread LOCKED, and if you open it again, it's going to be binned.
  14. BakaMattSu

    BakaMattSu ^__^
    Staff Member

    Feb 16, 2001
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    Kaiyon & Nephilim_X:

    We have a Game Masters forum for a reason. In the future, take your disagreements there.

    For a quick recap of the Boards.Jp hierarchy in the RPG forum:

    Administrator > Super Moderator > Moderator > Game Master ( > Registered User in their respective game)

    Kaiyon, as a Game Master, you are expected to follow the RPG moderator's decisions, and if you are disagreement to take it up in the appropriate channels. If I see any more "locking wars" I will intervene...and you might not like what happens if I do.
  15. Hacker

    Hacker ~Richie Rich~

    May 21, 2005
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    uh, what's up with the whole two spellcaster teacher deal? i really wanna be a spellcaster teacher...and i haven't seen anyone who signed up for teachers excepted.........
  16. Seishin

    Seishin Guest

    Then you haven't checked up well enough? Seriously. Hitohiro got accepted as a Swordsman Sensei, and I got accepted as Spellcasting Sensei. Kaiyon said that he only needs one of each, and I guess he liked my idea for the spellcasting teacher (can't spoil the good plot though). Although I must admit your teacher is hotter than mine!! oO

  17. Athena

    Athena Wisdom comes with Sadness

    Feb 1, 2003
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    If it's alright I'd like to bring back my old character from Sakeido I to be the Historian Teacher. I'll write up a more detailed application sheet since i'm inbetween classes right now and i'll post it tomorrow.

    Here's my application for teacher:
    Name: Athena
    Race: Human
    Age: 29

    Style: She still favors her traditional Japanese Sword when she must fight. Her magic affinity is still that of white healing magic.

    Apperance: She is only 5'5 in height but her build is slender and toned due to her long training hours. Her dark sapphire blue eyes are still beautiful but their light died with Kaiyon. She keeps her thick, curly black hair up in a bun for the most part but every now and then she lets her hair down and it has grown (since her Sakeido High days) to fall about her knees now.

    Likes: Meditation, Research, and Training
    Hates: Lazy People
    Personality: Athena has a motherly aura to herself and without even trying acts the part. She is easy going but at first impression she is hard to approach but after that first talk, her students wonder why they thought different of her.

    After the end of that battle, 10 yrs ago, Athena had been lost inside herself for 5 yrs. Existing only to train herself until she was physically and spiritually at her peak. Still it was not enough and she has spent the last 5 years traveling around the world and learning new spells from others and accumulating a vast libary of sorts along the way.

    Love Life: Although she has been asked out, Athena has dated no one since Kaiyon was believed to have died. In her heart she still hopes and believes that he is alive somewhere.
  18. Kaiyon

    Kaiyon Grim Reaper

    Jun 19, 2004
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    All looks good Athena. Only thing you need to fix, if your character is from the old Sakeido, add ten years to the age she was, not nine.
    Just a minor mistake, but anything bugs me.
    Good to have ya back, and sorry for not replying any earlier...school's been killin me.

    - Kaiyon

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