Recreation The "Getting to know your fellow Otaku" Thread!

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Seishin, Aug 9, 2007.

  1. Seishin

    Seishin Guest

    This one is basic, just tell everyone a little bit about yourself.

    You can also comment and stuff about other people as well (and be nice!).

    If you DO comment, please make it conversation worthy (meaning; not short) so the thread doesn't get spamm-o-fied!

    Let's starts!

    My name is Seishin, also known as Alan Vieyra, or Nicolai Andrews in some cases (mostly X-Box Live).

    I'm 17 years old, but I'm almost 18 (thank God!!!).

    I'm a huge nerd, by that meaning that I like Games and Anime. You can tell just by coming in my room though, it's composed of my Anime/Manga Library, what used to be walls are now things with wall scrolls of Anime I've watched. My television plugged in to my 360.

    On each of the sides of my collection stand, a Guitar (Hero) is hanging. Then there's my computer that is only on to display cute anime wallpapers, and then there's my bed. It's that thing that I spend like 4 hours a day in :p

    Let's see...I don't have much else to say.

    I DO have a MySpace, but all of the pictures are old. I'm trying to get my friend to send me some of the newer pics I took, but in the meantime, that will have to do.

    The following include all ways you can see(*) and talk to me;

    AIM- PunkMaster343
    Yahoo- PunkMaster343
    MSN/X-Box Live Messenger*-
    X-Box 360- Nicolai Andrews

    Hot enough for ya! :p

  2. Basher

    Basher Mad Writing Skillz

    Mar 21, 2003
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    I am up for it.

    My name is Basher, also known as Karrie. Or basherbaka, or bakabasher. I am no longer basher19. 5 years since that wow.

    I just turned 24.

    For those who don't know I can be considered as a nerd. I like video games and anime. Anime to the extreme along with manga. Though I am rather hot so must are supprised.

    I have a book shelf in my room layered with books. 1 shelf is full of Shonen jump. 1 shelf is full of manga in two layers. 2 shelfs are full of books mainly ranging in fantasy, demon/werewolf/vampire types. And the last shelf is full of notebooks, binders, and etc.. I just bought 30 notebooks in the last month. 10 cents each. Maybe even 40.

    I am not a big fan of posters anymore since I grew up. I used to have the walls covered with them. But now I prefer things in frames. And I am to cheap to buy a frame for a poster.

    Also in my bedroom is a tv stand. My grandmothers so it is rather old. But I keep it anyway. My tv is 17 in. I have a dvd player, Wii and Game Cube. Loads of anime are hidding inside a compartment in the tv stand.

    Let's see my bed is a queen size so it can't fit my computer in the room. But I might find away soon anyway. I am rather good at that. Half my bed is filled with stuff I am going through. It makes no sense having a big bed but I like it.

    I have a dresser in there to. A box sets ontop filled with art work stuff. Paint and etc.

    I have a five year old son. Who also likes anime. He even watches it in japanese. We sometimes sit down together and watch it in my room. He likes YGO, Pokemon, Naruto (he can name the characters), Bleach, and The Strongest Disciple Kenichi.

    My computer is in the living room and it is littered with stuff. Need to clean it off.

    I have 6 tvs in my house. Don't ask why.

    Let's see some personal info. I had surgury done on Dec. 06. I am planning on going to school in Spring of 08. Don't know for what yet. Checking stuff out.

    My favorite quote right now is: "The sad truth is that most evil is done by people."

    For now that's it.


    Question for Seishin: Is your myspace background your room?
  3. Seishin

    Seishin Guest

    Response (<-lol)

    That WAS my room. I no longer reside on it. The room you see there is twice as big as the picture suggests, meaning that the other half is not in the picture. Nor the bathroom.

    This was the room I shared with Kaiyon/Nameless, our Anime HQ, complete with 2 360's, a computer, zomgwtf loads of anime, and other stuff, like the drawing board, recording (sound) stuff, the chair, and me :p

    I'll take a picture of my new (and smaller) room whenever I update MySpace.

  4. Bloodberry

    Bloodberry Bloody Berry
    Staff Member

    Feb 23, 2001
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    i'm berry, bloodberry, berryblood. (was lime(random number here) on napster way back =p is why i'm here even)

    i like reading, siming, and playing random games. i like a chunk of anime, and have always had a soft spot in my heart for sailormoon.

    just turned 27 in june, and am married. 2 cats and a dog, not planning on kids until i can get a house, or it starts tottering too close to 30...>.>

    i like to dwell on things, and keep stress in my neck and stomach. i'm sure i'm going to have ulcers one day. =p

    i have random stickers on my computer, i have ALWAYS had a horde of stickers around, and once i have better viewing of my case, more will adorn it. currently, i have a blade of the immortal, zombie bunny (go roman!) and 2 dita von tesse stickers on it. and some random postit note, cause memory doesn't always wait until you're old to start going out >.>

    i LOVE collecting things. i have a huge collection of bouncy balls, stickers, toys, video games and consoles, comic books, manga, anime, plushies, and am currently collecting stitch pins everytime i go to a disney park. i have ALOT of them <3 i collect CDs, well, amass anyways, candles, blankets, pillows (not the sleeping kind), books, and huge piles of paper....and notebooks. i also have a nice collection of beads for jewelery building up. i kinda make stuff when i have the time or urge to do so.

    i also draw. >.>

    i tend to be rather stupid at times too. annoyingly so.

    my MSN is under my name, i'm too lazy and forgetful to keep a journal i keep near me, much less one for the world to read, and i don't think my husband would like me giving out our wii or 360 stuff.
  5. Peachy

    Peachy ☆liberal HMod☮

    Mar 29, 2005
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    Hello guys.

    My name is Peachy AKA many other names..Krisis, Blue. But my real name is Tiffani Dawn Henry.

    I attend W.S. Neal High School. I am a sophomore and not what you'd call a "teacher's favorite" I prefer not to include my age due to reasons concerning laws in the state of Alabama me and my significant other are breaking horribly.

    I love to dress different ways in different colors and styles. That's me. Tiffani. I am a fan of NuMetal, Alternative Rock, and Rap. Music = Life. My favorite bands are Korn, Static-X, Nirvana, Incubus, and The Gorillaz.

    I love anime/manga. Well, no **** i'm on BJP. My favorite animes are Full Metal Alchemist, Chobits, and Berserk.

    I used to be a very violent person. Due to drug problems I have had in the past. You could call me crazy..I still am a bit of a person on the edge still but i've calmed down more than ever. Thanks to a very special person in my life. William Trey Taylor. Who i've have known for awhile..and used to encourage my habit but in the end he was the one who managed to to stop me.

    I am very random and cheerful. I like being positive and saying odd things to make people smile. I love making people feel beautiful. I believe everyone truly is beautiful in their own way.

    I have a myspace it is..

    I love BJP and the friends i've made over time. I have a lot of good memories here..and some very annoying memories. {*****ing}

    I live with my boyfriend that I mentioned earlier. He is 20 and very strange.

    My late father's name was Kenneth Micheal Henry {43}, my mom's name is Shelia {44}, my sister's Tawnya {19} and Adriane {30}. The oldest having a down-syndrome and being my baby.

    My friends are the best.
  6. SaberJ2X

    SaberJ2X Moderator
    Staff Member

    Aug 29, 2002
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    hello ladies and gentleman

    my name is SaberJ2X, most commingly spelled Saber....

    my name is alberto

    I'm from puerto rico

    I've been here since almost the dawn of times

    I'm currently.... 21 millenias old and I used to have a cat...

    I've been trying to fit in the adult world with no success, I just won't fit o_O

    I have problems expressing myself...

    I'm a PC technician and cook...

    and I don't know what else to say :p Rick pulled me to this site like 12 years ago :p

    and that zanzy is my internet partner in crime lol
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