RPG Requests The Maelstrom of Fates

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by Valant Rapitor, Jun 12, 2004.

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  1. Valant Rapitor

    Valant Rapitor A Hungry Weeble

    Jun 11, 2004
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    Deep in the strand of time and space, a maelstrom rages. One of many colors, forms, and auras. Everything that has existed in the knowledge of the overall dimensional body as we know it, though nobody actually knows about it.

    This point in the time continuum is where all creation meet. And it is about to break apart, forcing all creations to be scattered, their forms bastardized by the sheer force of such an incoming wave. The maelstrom has seen this. It has forseen it. And now it knows what it must do.

    Worlds and multiverses, formed by many imaginative minds. Every time one extends his thoughts beyond the norm, thousands of these worlds are made. However, many of them die as the ideas wane and wander in one's mind, finally dissipating into nothingness, the forgotten, the ignored.

    These worlds, though nonexistant in memory, exists in the maelstrom. Their instability has, in turn, made the maelstrom unstable. To upkeep its own stability, the maelstrom had to make those 'incompletes' true by distilling similar, complete worlds into them to lessen, but not nullify the strain. Thus it is made. However, now the strain of incomplete worlds are too great.

    The maelstrom has frantically lashed out, in the attempt of gathering beings to dispel the curse of these incompletes. The strands of fate are out and about, and like a spider web, they will catch those who are unaware..


    This is a world-travelling sort of RP, though the characters need not to haev the ability. And the time era is infinitely extended... one can have a caveman while another can have a futuristic general. However, balance will always be kept, if not by common sense then by the 'wizard who did it'. :d

    Though worlds of both my design and worlds that we already know from games and shows and books and such will be used, know that I prefer game and original worlds... I haven't watched enough comprehensive anime to go there... yet. ;P
    1 person likes this.
  2. chiquitabanana

    chiquitabanana finally legal

    Jan 19, 2003
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    Can I just point out that this is quite interesting, but very complex to understand. May I suggest that you also look at other RPG requests that are passed on what else to throw in. But otherwise its a good start.
  3. Sebastien

    Sebastien Guest

    .. I am pleasantly surprised by this Request. It strikes me as the kind of RPG which will evolve quickly in the world of Boards.Jp.

    I'm more than willing to adopt this!
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