FLCL the manga version

Discussion in 'Manga and Anime' started by seraphinx, Sep 17, 2003.

  1. seraphinx

    seraphinx Oy, Artista!

    Mar 5, 2003
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    I just bought volume one of the TokyoPop english manga version, and it's cool. The art style is a lil sketchier, although you can see that the anime version took some influence from the original character designs (not a whole lot though...the characters are more chibi-looking in the manga). The layout of the images are interesting too, unlike typical manga. It all has a very "done-by-hand" look (sometimes has a comic-strip look to it), including the frames around individual scenes. It's cool cuz it goes with the eccentric feel of FLCL.

    Ooh, you know how the anime uses real pics of a vespa in the credits? The manga sometimes has real pics of clay dolls of the characters (between chapters). That also goes with the eccentricity of FLCL! I like it!

    It's a pretty fast read too; not a whole lot of sentences unlike some other manga.
  2. ZakoSoldier

    ZakoSoldier Zeon Commander

    Aug 13, 2003
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    I thinking about getting it when I can afford it but how was it so I plan on buying before Nov 19 (my sis's b-day)
  3. DrunkLeprachaun

    DrunkLeprachaun Tetsu Oushi

    Dec 15, 2001
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    I'm not 100% sure, but I am fairly sure the anime came before the manga, like evangelion it's a spin off.
  4. seraphinx

    seraphinx Oy, Artista!

    Mar 5, 2003
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    Oh, I see! I just looked up some info, and yeah, the 3-volume manga series is based on the anime.
  5. Yasuko

    Yasuko I beg your pudding?

    Apr 27, 2003
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    Hey I got it and read it. It's great! I love the unique style they used. And I LOVE the clay dolls, especially the freaky Haruko-nurse one on the second page or where ever. It's so adorable, and the way they draw Naota "dead" is quite funny.

    Yes, the anime came before the manga!! Are you SURE sera? Absolutely sure? It doesn't happen seem like it would...
    Manga is rarely after the anime, except for Evangelion, Cowboy Bebop... that's about all I can think of.
  6. seraphinx

    seraphinx Oy, Artista!

    Mar 5, 2003
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    No, I'm not sera! (that's Seraphim's nickname). And yes, I'm sure that the manga is based on the anime and not the other way around. It doesn't have the conventional feeling of a manga that was translated from a Japanese version, plus on the cover it says "Story by Gainax," which tells us something about the way the manga was made. And I looked up synopsis/review sites that confirm that the manga was made after the anime.

    Yeah, the claydoll pics are really interesting. Makes me wonder if they created a lot of those, and have a website somewhere devoted to pics of those clay figures.

    I got a kick out of the part where Mamimi touches the protrusion on Naota's head, and she and Haruka pretend it's something else.
  7. Yasuko

    Yasuko I beg your pudding?

    Apr 27, 2003
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    AH! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I know I'd hate it if someone kept getting MY nick messed up...

    But if the story, like it says on the front, is by Gainax, doesn't that mean... they wrote it first and... I don't know!!! It's confusing! I also wondered how they could think up all that stuff in the anime that WASN'T in the manga.
    Still your right and I learned something new!

    Eww... it was funny..:D
  8. BlindZGuardian

    BlindZGuardian New Member

    Dec 20, 2003
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    in second manga....

    at the end when "hocarus superior form" tells him that hucaro has been taken away for falling in love with an earth boy does that meen when hukaru when all phyco and betrays niota was that her supieror form just confuzed :sweat2:
  9. seraphinx

    seraphinx Oy, Artista!

    Mar 5, 2003
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    Your post is confusing too! (Cuz of your spelling mistakes.) Not Hocaru or hukaru.... it's Haruko! For story-sake, we don't know yet if that is her superior or just herself. But maybe in the future issues of the book we'll find out. It's fine to be confused about it, cuz it's meant to be so.
  10. seraphinx

    seraphinx Oy, Artista!

    Mar 5, 2003
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    I was re-reading the first two volumes again, since it's a lil hard to catch the story sometimes. Plus, compared to other manga, the layout of the frames is closer to what I look for in a comic. Sure gets quite confusing sometimes when there are too many lines in a drawing (like in most comics), while in FLCL they just limit it to the fight scenes. Isn't it adorable when Ninamori is floating around, and she calmly thinks she's dreaming/astral-traveling? (When the robot attaches to her without her knowing.) Talk about a surreal experience... After a while, I get used to seeing the characters in chibi form--yesterday I finally saw the English dubbed version on tv (first episode). And so I had to get used to Ninamori looking "big" again (seems cuter in the manga version). Speaking of the dubbed, Haruko's English voice seems alright, although she didn't make a cute noise like "nyaaaa!" when making the cat face (right before Naota goes to the hospital).

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