RPG Dawn of Destiny The NRC

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by Basher, Jul 20, 2004.

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  1. Basher

    Basher Mad Writing Skillz

    Mar 21, 2003
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    This is the information on the NRC (Never Return Camp). All role-players will be role-playing here. Please remember that everyone has done something wrong to get here.


    The NRC is located in quadrant 6 on planet Ventune. The quadrants will be available shortly.


    The NRC is a heavily guarded fortress. It is surround by a 10-foot in length and 10 foot in height wall. The wall is 50 miles in width and 60 miles in length. Basically a rectangle. On one side of the 68 miles is the 60-foot in length by 10 foot in height prison cells. 20 feet after this enclosure is a 10-foot electric fence.

    Inside the prison cells are 20 cells. 10 on each side of a wall with a 4-foot walk way. Each cell is barred like a cage. They are 5 foot in width by 8 foot in height and length. There is 2 feet in height not used. Inside each cell there is three beds on one wall, which are 6 feet in length and 2 feet wide. There is no mattress just the rock hard metal. They are up every 2 feet. All cells also have a basin filled with dirty water and a food slot on the door. The NRC can hold up to 60 prisoners.

    The quarry is where everyone works. It is about 5 miles in depth. There is just rock to move around. There is though underground tunnel in which workers work when the weather is bad.

    The quarry is heavily guarded at least 100 Garra around the wall. 15 are guarding the prisoners in the quarry. 10 are in spacecrafts that pick up the rocks.

    It is unknown what is beyond the fence and where the Garra Force live for now.


    There are 2 shifts on the NRC. Everyone works 12 hours and sleeps for 10. Ventune has only a 22-hour day. The first shift starts at 22:00 works till 12:00 and then starts again at 22:00 everyday. The second shift works at 6:00 works till 18:00 and then starts again at 6:00 the next day. The heat from the sun varies day by day. It can get over 110 degrees above 0 and 50 degrees below 0.

    The longer you stay at the NRC the more privileges you get. Everyone works with their hands in the beginning. After 20 days the worker is given something that looks like a pickaxe. After 40 days the worker is given something that resembles a shovel. It is unknown what is available after that because no one has lived past 60 days. Everyone is forced to wear an electrical collar.

    A dirty drink is given every four hours. There is one meal a day after the end of the second shifts work. If you are not ready for the meal when the trolley comes by then you miss your meal for that day.
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