Comics The Super-est Superhero....EVER.

Discussion in 'Visual Arts' started by LegendarySpider, Dec 2, 2002.

  1. LegendarySpider

    LegendarySpider New Member

    Nov 23, 2002
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    I'd have to go with Batman. Ah, man, he's beyond awesome. Timeless, classic....dude never kills (probably one of my most favorite things about's more effort for him to hold himself back sometimes, but he does it), only superhero with no superpowers (that I can think of right now...if there's another, he's probably not exactly a the Punisher? Can't remember...), always cool, kinda dark and scary but never evil, really deep personality, great interaction (as in as little as possible...not exactly Mr. Chatty) with other characters....makes all the villains look even more....well, villain-like. He's my all-time favorite....even George Clooney and Joel Shumacher can't make me like him less (see 'Batman and Robin'...yeah, you know what I'm talking about)
    So who's your all-time favorite comic book superhero? (Just no Batman-bashing...I tend to
  2. artemis836

    artemis836 Vampire Slayer

    Sep 1, 2002
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    Ah a girl after my own heart.

    Batman is, by far, the greatest of the superheros. A tourtured soul trying to end the pain of his grief. And Tim Burton's films are beyond awsome. The only reason Forever and Batman & Robin look bad at all, even though their ok, is 'cause the Burton films were so great.

    Are you perhaps a fan of Birds of Prey, the new WB series? Its ok, I just watch it to pacify the demons of Bat-obsession within my soul.
  3. ~ Zack ~

    ~ Zack ~ Guest

    (Slight Spoiler)

    I think it may be Batman Beyond, but Bruce Wayne cut off his career as Batman because he killed someone, I believe... so... he has killed. :)

    (End Slight Spoiler)

    Anyways... Batman's nice and all, especially the Michael Keaton movies (though Val Kilmer and Clooney aren't Batman material... they should stick with playing the roles of Sioux Indian descendant and Doctor on a television series). Though it seemed as if each Batman thing (film, series, comic) each had him a bit different. Though I could just be imagining ****. Not that I have beef with Batman, he's cool and all... just not the best, in my opinion. I'm not quite sure who I would consider... Deadpool and Venom were both nice, but I'm not sure you could really classify them as "heroes", though later on they are 'good guys' so to speak... They're more grey than either black or white. The Punisher was nice, though, as was Blade. And the Scarlet Spider just looked cool.

    Though, thinking back... my vote would have to go to Ghost Rider (Deux, not the Johnny Blaze one... though Johnny Blaze is another kick-*** character). Flaming skull, chain, motorcycle. 'nuff said.
  4. LegendarySpider

    LegendarySpider New Member

    Nov 23, 2002
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    Same here...I don't like it much at all (actually, I got mad when I found out what it was really about....the Huntress as Batman's daughter? That blows the whole 'No Man's Land' saga all to hell) But I like to watch every now and then to see if Batman might actually be in an episode. Last week was just a big tease... :( Yeah! I'm so glad to see another Batman fan...seems so rare now. ;)

    ArkAnjil: Ah, you mean 'The Return of the Joker', right? It turns out that the Joker's death was really an accident, but Batman felt responsible, as he usually does whenever he can't stop a death. Gah....George Clooney was the poorest excuse for a Batman. He should stick to playing pretty-boy doctors and "bad" guys. I like Deadpool, too....his struggle to be a hero is fascinating, and the fact that he's a madman with a smart mouth is always good entertainment. :D
  5. blood_pheonix

    blood_pheonix New Member

    Sep 29, 2002
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    my favourite would have to be......
    wolverine or gambit from the x-men.
    or any female superhero in tights:D
  6. artemis836

    artemis836 Vampire Slayer

    Sep 1, 2002
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    Yeah, alot of people have problems with the whole "Huntress is the Bat's daughter" but that was the original storyline. The powers that be axed that arc and made Huntress into who she is now 'cause they didn't like it and I think I agree with their decision.

    I loved the No Man's Land Saga. I have the novelization by Greg Rucka, but I haven't read the accual comics. The novelization is superbly written and is one of my favorite books. Its on if you want to buy it.
  7. LegendarySpider

    LegendarySpider New Member

    Nov 23, 2002
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    Hey, I could've posted that exact same thing! I've only read the novel, too...I love that book! (I've got Knightfall, too, which is so awesome.) I think I actually liked Cassandra better as Batgirl than Barbara Gordon...she rocked, and she was closer personality-wise to Batman than Barbara, too. :) That book made me want to get all the comics it was based on...I think it's gonna take a while, though, 'cause Christmas always leaves me broke.

    blood_pheonix: :p What do you think of X-Men: Evolution? Wolverine's so cool in that...I think I like the animation better in Evolution than I do in the original. Also, Rogue isn't as annoying in Evolution. :D
  8. VM1070

    VM1070 Let's Go Voltron Force

    Oct 4, 2002
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    Batman , by far, it is Batman.

    For all the reasons listed here---He is the only true super hero in my book---no super powers, just the mind to out do all evil.

    He is the true great detective.....

    I have to say, Birds of Preys really hurts my eyes to watch. I can't get into this storyline.

    I think the best storyline for Batman was when he first met Superman.

    Classic comic story.
  9. LegendarySpider

    LegendarySpider New Member

    Nov 23, 2002
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    Yes! Rock on. Batman rules, and that's all there is to that. :)
    And I hear Birds of Prey is going to be shelved. Thank God. :D

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