Computers the worst unintentional thing i ever did...

Discussion in 'Computers' started by mlowen, Apr 2, 2004.

  1. mlowen

    mlowen Guest

    i just deleted my entire anime image collection! :( over 300mb of pistures gone. and they are not retrievable! not in the trash...
    that just taught me never to use "Shift+delete"...:(:(:(

    But, i must get over it! and it myst be rebuilt, just as if the empire state building collapsed, it is rebuilt (i hope) :(. could you folks please do me a great favour, and give your recommendations on which sites would let me as soon as possible get my collection back, or at least a similar one...?:( a place where i can download an entire bunch of stuff at once?

    dow. i feel soooo stupid...:(:(
  2. MamiyaOtaru

    MamiyaOtaru President Bushman

    Feb 14, 2001
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    I actually did the same thing once, but I recovered 90% of it (yes, after shift-delete) A program like Active Undelete can retrieve deleted files.

    The data is still there, the OS has just remover references to it. The data itself stays though, until it is overwritten by a new file. The best thing to do is to stop using your computer (or that hard drive, if possible), so the data isn't overwritten. Run a program like Active Undelete as soon as possible.

    With pictures, they are small enough that chances are they are all in one block on the hard drive, so they can be recovered. Larger files usually are in chunks on different parts of the hard drive, and then you are out of luck (Active Undelete doesn't know where to get the rest of the chunks from). But like I said, I got almost all of mine back. Try it before you give up and start over.

    If someone wants to google for a freeware alternative, fire away :D
  3. Shen

    Shen Indefinately away

    Nov 23, 2002
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    This was a few years ago. Didn't know much about compuers then (still don't), I went into my Windows folder and I accidently deleted the 'display.dll' (and a few other apparently vital drivers). What a wonderful thing to do... the next time I started the computer it shows nothing at all. I couldn't use safe mode, hell, all I saw was a black screen! and i can do f*** all about it. Maybe there was a method somehow.. but I just went and got a custom built one like the one I'm using right now. Sooo much power.

    Anyway, that was a real daft thing to do . Wasted a perfectly good pc :/

    - Shen
  4. mlowen

    mlowen Guest

    i am slowly getting over it...

    i instantly threw a psycho, and then went to the best naime wallpaper site i knew of and began downloading as much as possible (amap). i had about 250mb of images before, and now i have 15.8 mb back, though most of it are different, though same theme and better quality pics. i am beginning to think that this wasn't all that bad...?

    i even managed to get back my most 5 precious pictures, which i had a copy of on another pc's harddrive.

    ohh, and with Shen: you only ruined an OS (operating system), thus the hardware is unscathed. you didn't throw the pc out did you?!?!

    ohh, and i use Linux, so, eh? no .dll files, and i do not have access to them, only the "root" user does, and not even he (my dad) uses the root user a lot...

    >>>one last thing, do you folks know of any quality sites to take manga/anime from?

  5. Shen

    Shen Indefinately away

    Nov 23, 2002
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    No worries, I recycled the useful bits in the old one and bunged all onto my custom, e.g ram and harddisk... besides, that computer was ageing so it was partially an excuse to get a new one.

    And to answer back your question... there is an anime bittorrent site where you can download unlicensed animes. It's called Animesuki, download the bittorrent program first and away you go.

    - Shen
  6. mlowen

    mlowen Guest

    thx a bunch!

    thanks shen

    just outta interest do you have any place where you folks get pics? both anime and manga?

    and where do you people download Ai Yori Aiori (?) and Lain, and Love Hina?

    thanks again for the help!
  7. Suzu

    Suzu 7th Seat Shinigami

    Jul 19, 2001
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    Modifying start up files in UNIX OS. Playing with .logon and .cshrc files is a bad idea! +_+ Customizing your working enviroment huh.. glares at her UNIX in 24 hr book!
  8. mlowen

    mlowen Guest

    unix code? hey no!

    i don't mess around with the code, anyway, i can't, remmeber only the root user can. and that is my dad.

    so anything else on the counts of manga/anime images/anime series downloads?

  9. MamiyaOtaru

    MamiyaOtaru President Bushman

    Feb 14, 2001
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    On linux eh? (I am half the time) why didn't you say so? Obviously Active Undelete won't work for you, but there are options. If you are going to try to undelete anything (prolly lost some already if you have been DLing stuff) make sure you either unmount or mount as read only the filesystem with the data on it (if possible. Not going to be possible if it was on the root filesystem, unless you take out the hard drive and put it in another machine. Well, perhaps Knoppix would work..)

    Programs to look at are debugfs, e2undel (or better yet, recover or Midnight Commander) if on ext2.

    If like me you are on reiserFS, things are a bit harder. This is the only thing I've found. Luckily I've never shift-deleted anything I needed from reiserFS heh.

    This may or may not help. You're welcome just the same. If you are determined to download a new collection instead, well, there are plenty of others who can help you there :D
  10. MamiyaOtaru

    MamiyaOtaru President Bushman

    Feb 14, 2001
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    And oh yeah, to whichever mod moved this to Otaku tech: It only really looks like a tech thread because of my reply (which wasn't exactly what he was looking for) I just made a suggestion, but what he really wants is to know where he can get anime images, something that lends itself to misc or anime better than tech..

    in other words, move it back ;)
  11. mlowen

    mlowen Guest

    yea, did figure that much out...

    mmh. i know that much, even though i am completely useless at even vaguely understanding the program codes, whatever...
    i use SuSE Linux 9.0 with the kde 3.0 (IIRC). my dad (IIRC) got the kde update, to 3.1, with the new GUI. it rocks, mainly since they re-released Goldrunner. loved that little game...!
    what do you use?

    Ohh, and about the unmounting drives etc... i deleted remotely. basically i was doing filework via a lan network and deleted something on my home acount downstairs on the server. my dad also said he has a backup of the lost info on dvd, though it'll take sometime to load the backup... apart from that it seems i am saved!

    so how about those websites?
  12. Rem

    Rem New Member

    Jun 17, 2003
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    I once accidentaly broke our oven, and deleted my friend hard drive. I mean how was I supposed to know putting sugar onto the hob could break it?......................

    And the hard drive thing, well I remember a message coming up and I taped the enter key on accident and things started to die and go blue.

    My friend was scary, lucky she backed her hard drive up. I have not seen her computer since. :sweat2:

    good luck with the images.


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