Time to alter my lifestyle a tad o_O;

Discussion in 'Blogs' started by Bloodberry, Jan 15, 2007.

  1. Bloodberry

    Bloodberry Bloody Berry
    Staff Member

    Feb 23, 2001
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    Because i promised User18 i'd do this with him, and because i wanted to lose some weight/tiny tummy this year, i'm gonna try and keep my blog updated every sunday.

    I know it's not sunday. >.>

    sunday got rather busy with cooking and company and then getting ready for work and bed. (damn early morning overtime)
    anyways, am gonna try and work with him and basher and hiro to all lose some weight this year.

    that, and my doctor wants me to =p
    (she also suggested i try some CLA suppliment pills to help lose some fat that i've never been able to drop on my legs. And some B vitamin suppliments. am on this and that.)
    as of my visit there in october, i was 195lbs >.>;
    though, i only gained a couple pounds through the holidays, which helps =3 colesteral good. which is awesome, cause there's a strong history of heart disease in my family. my younger brother and my father were both on heart moniters in the past. grandfather on dad's side has had 3 heart bi-passes. greatgrandmother (dad's side) died of a heart attack.
    god only know's about my mother's side. o_O;;

    so, my goals for the year:
    • to loose about 20lbs min.
    a nice realistic goal for me. it's not as scary sounding too. having a goal that seems attainable is a good thing. at least, that's what i got from TV.​
    • to start exercising regularly
    this is will help with my first goal and help my heart, and over all circulation; which is poor, to me anyways. regularly is the key word here though.​
    • to reduce/control my stressing.
    i dwell on things, and slight little things really really REALLY piss me off and a freak about them for a long time. my husband can attest to this one. heh it stores in my neck, so THAT gets sore. it's bad for the heart, for weight, self-esteem, and general relationships. and it makes me mad that i do it and can't really control it at all. o_O!!​

    first, i now have some pilate's books and hopefully will be starting on that. am also planning, as stupid as it sounds, on playing more super swing golf-swing mode and standing with full motion. it's a wii game, but the first time i played it, was for like, 8 hours straight, i hurt sooooo bad the following week, so i know i can exercise with it.

    second, eating healthier. my doctor wants me eating on the low end of the glycemic index (Under 55 btw, is low. =3) like, i've started this week with replacing my munching items of granola bars with carrots (a 16 btw). got a cook book, just need to start cooking out of it. we already do TONS of rice, fish, chicken, small amounts of pork, and very lean beef. (it's usually 90% lean) i do cereal and orange juice every morning i work. i eat 3 a day (which my doc used to harp on me about, cause you can gain weight by skipping breakfast).

    third, i'm going to learn to meditate. this should/will help my stress out alot. worked for my husband. (he doesn't do it cause he meditated himself to sleep too often. heh he's also the most passive creature on earth. i've seen him irked once.)

    Sooo, hopefully this will all help me out over time, healthwise. =3 i can't see how it won't.

    unless i fall. =3

    Todays weight: 194-7 lbs
    (weight varies during the day. 4 in the morning, 7 after work here)
  2. Fudge_Monkeys

    Fudge_Monkeys www.boards.jp

    Mar 30, 2005
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    Gl on your plan
    I should

    Gl on your plan

    I should make a Plan too but not to loose weight but to gain weight =O (Muscle Weight) cause im not that strong But i have high matabalism so...I can eat as much as I want and stay the same weight (135) =( I guess thats good..
    you can do it! rawr
  3. Bloodberry

    Bloodberry Bloody Berry
    Staff Member

    Feb 23, 2001
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    hehe i used to have a great metabolism, but it's dropping like i new it would (see, i can just watch my older brother and learn when it's coming. i should really warn my younger one he has 2 more years lol) but alot of the fat i'm having issues loosing, used to be muscle, like rawr muscle not shapely tone stuff. (and my legs have always sucked >.>) maybe i'm just getting old, but i want my energy back, and to be skinny again. i also don't wanna look like my mom ^^

    was watching a diet thing on tyra today (>.> i know) and am thinking of trying one. o_O;; just cause it focuses on changing your lifestyle, not just knocking the pounds off. which i desperatly need ;-; (it's called the fat smash diet btw)

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