Philosophy Trust

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Wolfie, Nov 24, 2005.

  1. Wolfie

    Wolfie New Member

    Jun 10, 2005
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    trust what a curse it can be give to the wrong person your trust you end up pennyless, homeless, in situation you can't solve the first two weren't good points about it well basically someone you give your trust to can seriously hurt you and make you feel like nothing
    my question is how do you know who you can trust?
  2. Cherrygirl

    Cherrygirl Cherrylicious!

    Feb 6, 2005
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    In a world where betrayal and dishonesty are the in things to do, it can be really really hard to know who to trust and who not to. People can change on a dime even if you've known them for a long time. I have issues with trusting people because i have been betrayed by so many so i only give out my trust to people who prove themselves to me time and time and time again. people who have earned it by doing things for me that are extraordinary and extreme and who open up to me, leaving themselves vulnerable.

    Trust is a very delicate thing which cant be rushed. ive learned though that just because you've been betrayed over and over again does not mean you shouldnt trust anyone ever again. we need people to trust in our lives so we can have someone to fall back on when things get tough. i take my time when i choose who to trust and it pays off when you do choose the right people.
  3. Kain

    Kain Plaything of Doom

    Dec 16, 2003
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    Trust is something that needs to be handled with care. Its somethink you will give to people you feel that are worthy of such a thing, either by being proved to, or sometimes just by a feeling you have that this person can be trusted.

    Granted, that last point is a bit of a gamble, but it can lead to you haveing a very good friend. I myself am very picky about who i place my trust in and as such their are only three people in the world that i place my full trust in, as i have been hurt time and agian buy those that i was foolish enough to beleive that i could trust. While some of these people are still my friends i don't feel that it would be a wise choice to place as much trust in these people as i have before.

    Its up to you who you place your trust in and i think that it is worth not placing your trust in the first nice person that you come across, even on the second point that i mentioned above i would still wait a little while to see what these people are like befor i really begin to trust them. Its something that is both great and terible, as placing your trust in somebody can give you a closer feeling to that person then anyone else. On the other hand if they were to break that trust it can leave you with quite the shattered image of that person, you are also left looking and feeling foolish for actually trusting somebody that went ahead and broke that trust.

    Like many things in this world, Trust is not something that should be thrown around, and should be handled with care.
  4. Takamatsu1986E

    Takamatsu1986E New Member

    Jun 1, 2005
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    i trust my feelings(or try to). they've never been wrong... but i tend to forget them for the sake of something i want.. and i always regret it. you'd think i'd learn. :/
  5. Yossarian

    Yossarian Yossarian Lives!

    Apr 19, 2003
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    I can barely trust anyone in my family besides my sisters and mother. Trust is find of like love. It can lead you in so many wrong directions.

    I find it a bit hard to trust people but I automatically give people a little of my trust because everyone deserves a chance. But the minutes it’s seriously betrayed we have a problem and most likely can’t be friends anymore.

    I know I can trust someone, if they are loyal to me. Not everyone is mature, they do stupid things. But those things can be forgiven with time.
  6. luvweaver

    luvweaver Ad Jesum per Mariam

    May 13, 2002
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    Here's a passage from the book of Sirach.

    Kind words will earn you many friends, a polite language brings you kind answers. Have many friends, but for advise, choose one among a thousand.
    If you have found a new friend, begin by testing him, do not give him your trust too soon.
    There are friends who are friends only when it's good for them, but won't in hard times.
    There are friends who turn into enemies who tell everyone their lack of respect towards you, to embarrass you.
    There are friends who are to share your table, but won't when your businesses go bad. While they're doing well, these friends will be your shadow, and even will order your servants. But if you have problems, they will turn against you and will avoid your gaze.
    Keep your enemies away from you, and beware your friends.
    A faithful friend is a safe shelter, if you find him you've found a treasure. How much is a faithful friend worth? Priceless! A faithful friend is a saving remedy; those who fear the Lord will find one. He who fears the Lord will find the true friend, for as he is just, his friend shall be.

    Sirach 6: 5-17.
  7. Reisti Skalchaste

    Reisti Skalchaste New Member

    Jun 14, 2004
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    You ask how you know who to trust. I say you do not need to know. If you trust someone, it comes naturally, without needing concious thought.

    Certainly there are people where it's evident that trusting them would be foolish. And there are those that would seem trustworthy, yet aren't. Worst, in my opinion, is those who would be trustworthy, but are also prone to mistakes, they could break your trust unintentionally.

    However I believe that one is worthy of trust when you do not need to think about trusting them.

    I don't wake up one day and think "ok, I'm going to give trusting so-and-so a try." Trust happens, it shouldn't need to be thought about.

    However, it's different when someone breaks your trust, and wants to regain it. I'm a firm believer in second chances.

    Of course I'm not willing to immediately trust someone completely, after they've broken my trust. I'd find some lesser way they could prove their trustworthiness to me. After all, how can you prove you are worthy of trust if you are not given a chance to do so?
  8. Wolfie

    Wolfie New Member

    Jun 10, 2005
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    my trust dosen't apply to anyone anymore i don't even trust my own family me giving out trust applys to me as somthing i should hide from people i been hurt all my life with wounds that will never heal i may say to people i trust them but i don't as fear of being hurt again has over come me of doing so it always turned out i was right i shouldn't of trusted them i never will trust anyone it is a curse i have to live with maybe its for the best
  9. Reisti Skalchaste

    Reisti Skalchaste New Member

    Jun 14, 2004
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    Mind if I split this up a bit so I can understand it easier?
    You don't trust anyone? That's kinda sad, something bad must have happened to make you feel that way.

    I can't understand that. I don't know the details of your upbringing, but it's almost unthinkable to me that you could mistrust your own family. Aren;t they the people who raised you and who love you more than anyone else in the world?

    I'm not quite sure I understand this. Do you think you could clarify on it a bit?

    As we have all thought, at one point or another. As much as it may hurt, time will dull its bite. All wounds heal in time, it's a matter of whether the damaged relationships may be repaired. Not all can, and that perhaps hurts more than the original pain.

    So you'd rather lie to them than trust them? Lying isn't a very good way to build trust on their part, frankly. Rather than tell them you trust them without meaning it, why not tell them you'd like to trust them, but that you've had problems in the past and you find it hard to?

    You can't go through your entire life never trusting anyone, can you? Your own strength can only carry you so far...
  10. Wolfie

    Wolfie New Member

    Jun 10, 2005
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  11. Cherrygirl

    Cherrygirl Cherrylicious!

    Feb 6, 2005
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    everybody has a choice. you're making the decision never to trust anyone on your own. people may influence your decision by how bad they treat you but in the end, you are the one who decides what to do.
  12. luvweaver

    luvweaver Ad Jesum per Mariam

    May 13, 2002
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    Hunter: I'm so sorry to hear that. Yes, it hurts when someone you trust betrays you. You're experiencing a defense mechanism to avoid getting hurt again. It's sad, but I really wish you to get better.

  13. Orion

    Orion Gears

    Jun 27, 2005
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    You know you can trust someone when they trust you back. You can trust very best friends, family members, anyone related or close to you. Trust is something that has to be earned, and people earn your trust through trusting you and helping you out when you need it.

    That's my view on what trust is, I know others may have different views and or opinnions on trust. Just make sure they trust you before you trust them.

    I've had my trust violated many a time. Sometimes by strangers when I needed help, sometimes by someone close to me. My point is that you just gotta trust people sometimes. If you're the kinda guy who thinks he can do everything and he is almighty, fact is, he ain't goin' nowhere without trusting at least one person.

    So whatever situation you're in, you need to trust someone, somwhere out there in the world.
  14. Wolfie

    Wolfie New Member

    Jun 10, 2005
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    thank you for your concern it's quite comforting
    Shijin it’s even with help no matter what I keep on getting hurt the times when those people hurt is stuck in my memory for my whole life I try to hide them but it eats away at me if it share it with anyone they laugh at me my pain seems like a joke so I guess I have to keep it to myself they will never listen and can’t trust anyone from my family they are one of the main causes why I’m like this
  15. Kain

    Kain Plaything of Doom

    Dec 16, 2003
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    This is actully perfectly understand able. Not all parents are the same loving people that most people are blessed with. There are a lot of people out their that would only have kids in order to find some way to benifit themselves. I in fact know of one such person and i trry to have nothing to so with her. LEts just leave it at their are a lot of people out there that don't deserve to be parents.

    I also think that its worth point out that trust is something that should be thought about. Its a fact that giving out trust blindly to people is whats going to get you hurt in the first place.

    Trust is something that you build up over time without even noticing it, that much i must admit, but i think that it is still worth thinking about before you give your trust out to somebody else.
  16. Wolfie

    Wolfie New Member

    Jun 10, 2005
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    done it don't work
  17. That guy!

    That guy! Expecting Father

    Apr 4, 2001
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    Trust is a good topic...

    Just a word of warning, though. This isn't a personal issues forum. If you have a problem to this extent then talk to your guidance counsellor at school or your social worker. There isn't much that we can do for you in terms of advice, we don't know your whole situation and exploring into that is a bad idea to do on a public forum. For example, imagine if you followed through with something posted on here and your parents came and read it - there'd be hell to pay.

    If you want to make a point about a topic then use a case scenario.
  18. Wolfie

    Wolfie New Member

    Jun 10, 2005
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    Naw that why i'm trying to keep it least as possible and my parents will never come on this site anyway
    i think that might answer your question but i am unsure
  19. Chane

    Chane Audience of One

    Nov 28, 2005
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    Just got done watching a movie (well, yesterday) that had a quote that makes me think of this:

    "Trust everyone. Just don't trust the devil inside them."

    Aaaaanyways... I tend to trust most people automatically but from second one I am always looking for traits that would give me a good reason not to trust them. I'm not so much untrusting, I'm just very paranoid.

    "I am a kind of paranoid in reverse. I suspect people of plotting to make me happy." :p
  20. Meaikoh

    Meaikoh See you later, Moderator

    Aug 23, 2001
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    I agree with That guy! *<3*.

    I think that Trust is a double-edged sword. In society, it's foolish to trust everyone, because that trust is unfounded, and it's likely that we'll be hurt. I think that we must be wary of two things: giving our trust too easily, and being paranoid. If we don't trust anyone in our lives, we are sure to lead extremely stressful existences, always looking back behind our shoulders, unsure of whom might be about.

    I think it's important to give trust freely but not blindly.
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