Umm.. marriage??!

Discussion in 'Blogs' started by Zanza, Oct 27, 2004.

  1. Zanza

    Zanza .Net-ing & PHP-ing~*
    Staff Member

    Jul 16, 2001
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    (Confused and embarrased) Today, I had a 'date' with my teacher to teach me some C++ data abstraction since this is his major (even though he teaches me MIS).
    I called him at 12:15 pm to check if he was at the university so that he'd teach me (since our main teacher sucks so much). He appeard to be at home and didn't come to the university, so I told him to meet so that I can take the book and start studying for my test on Sunday.
    We met at 9 pm and it seems that he was ready to start teaching me, which I thought was tottaly cool!!
    I apologized for calling him because he sounded tired or sick, then he told me that he was sleeping and I woke him up..!! (I am so so embarrased). He said that it was cool and there was no big problem. At the end of the tutor class, he asked me a question, from his face I knew it was a question related to marriage (*again). He asked me if I don't mind marrying someone who is older than me, say, 20 years older, I said that I might not mind it, but my family would, even though I really didn't think of it (especially if someone I didn't know before. Yeah, my french teacher is a whole another story).

    *Before, after one of the classes I had with him, I asked him some questions then we started chatting and such. At the end he asked me if I don't mind being asked a personal question, I was ok with it. He asked if I was engaged (since I wasn't wearing any rings). I told him I wasn't. He asked how marriage goes by in here since he is divorced and has 4 girls and his wife isn't here in my country (he is originally from Jamayca, however you spell it, and he became muslim at the age of 19, and he wants to settle down in the gulf being it an arabic and muslim countries).

    I've been thinking, I could be the only one who is treating him nice and giving him attention, probably I should make that less, but I feel sorry for him and I have the feeling that he is alone in this country. And I feel sorry for his kids. But still, that is not a reason for me to 'marry' him if I even wanted.

    Interesting enough for you? I am starting to have an interesting life.. it might not be too interesting for some, but to me it is starting to. I have pretty dull life.
  2. Teddz

    Teddz Sexy Swedish Love ♥

    Dec 8, 2002
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    Someone's got a crush for her teacher!!!!

    ...sorry, I am hungry. Oh, and it's Jamaica :)
  3. Zanza

    Zanza .Net-ing & PHP-ing~*
    Staff Member

    Jul 16, 2001
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    I do not have a crush on him --;
    I have a crush on my french teacher! :p

    It's just, I really could use his help in C++, but I won't feel comfortable being with him.. unless I bring a friend of mine along..

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