Anime [Vireyda's Woolgathering] Cripes.

Discussion in 'Manga and Anime' started by Bijin, Nov 7, 2004.

  1. Bijin

    Bijin Bot

    Feb 8, 2001
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    I have the headache from hell! Non-stop anime watching will do that to you. *sigh* I'm almost done Whistle though! YAY! Love, love, LOVE this series ;x I've never really been fond of soccer either (Sorry, American Football all the way! Rawr. Colts! Rawr!) Oh, I go to the video store in order to pick up the latest volume, vol 8, of Twelve Kingdoms (Juuni Kokuki) and what happens... I get seduced (I swear it was blatant seduction) by the pretty box set of DN Angel. Cripes. It had Krad and Dark on the box. I couldn't resist :x There went the rest of my money at a really bad time *kicks the fees she owes to the BMV

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