RPG Archives Warcraft - Storyline

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by Raven, Mar 4, 2004.

  1. Raven

    Raven Fuhrer

    Jun 10, 2003
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    Its a week or so after Arthas the King of Lorderon and and leader of the evil scourge has made his ascension and become one with the Lich King. The land of Northrend lies in ruins and Illidian Stormrage-leader of the Blood Elves and Naga- lies wounded in his citadel.
    Lady Sylvannis the Undead Elf commander of the Forsaken prepares to attack the remants of the Human Alliance while still on guard for an attack by the Lich Kel'Thuzad, a friend of Arthas.
    Maiev Shadowsong the Night Elf warden who had guarded Illidians prison for 10,000 years is running out of forces and is returning to Kalimdor to get more forces before she returns to hunt Illidian. However both Illidian's brother Shando and his lover Tyrande both have forgiven Illidian and only want peace.
    Jaina Proudmoore is returning from Theramoore Isle after the Orcish Horde attacked and killed her deadly father who was hunting them. Though Jaina is a friend and ally of their leader Thrall she understands their reason for attacking but is still in greiving.
    All of them will be involved as Arthas will try and take over the world.

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