Art Web-Comics and Online Manga

Discussion in 'Visual Arts' started by IronMice, Mar 4, 2004.

  1. IronMice

    IronMice New Member

    Mar 4, 2004
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    Web-comics and on-line manga

    Sorry about the previous URL and link. So, now this is a thread about webcomics and on-line manga. (Does anyone know how I change the thread title?)

    Here's my own site, which has a number of free webcomics and manga available. Any comments/criticisms will be appreciated.

    I stuck a picture from my site, since this is an art forum. This is part of a 29-page manga I did for a competition. Some pages are up on the site.

    Does anyone else have any good webcomics/on-line manga to recommend? I got one: I really like this guy's stuff, though it may not qualify as "manga", more like "independent comics". Most of his stories are short, and very well illustrated. Great for a short reading.

    Other places that you can look for on-line manga includes However, if you ask me, alot of it's of questionable quality. The site has a tendency to accept any type of on-line comics, irregardless of quality. You may have to wade through loads and loads of stuff before you find something you like. is also trying out a new system where you can pay to view a manga. The creator sets an amount for each page (say 5c), and whoever wants to see it will pay that amount for each page from their account. Does anyone use this system? I wonder whether it's working... it's basically like bitpass (which scott mccloud is such an advocate of).

    ** Hmm. Maybe this thread should be moved to the "manga" forum.
  2. seraphinx

    seraphinx Oy, Artista!

    Mar 5, 2003
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    Edit: one huge site with hundreds of webcomics is They even host your comic for you, so likewise it attracts hundreds of people. The bad side is that nearly half of them haven't started their comic/manga yet, and most of the people who have something up aren't very good. After browsing a few dozen you might come across a comic that you'll like.

    Then there's, which is still my favorite webmanga. I'm not even into videogames/computers that much, but its themes work nicely with its characters and story.

    Original post (about Actually it's not completely free. Sure we can access some of the pages, but the site asks for a subscription fee as well in order to get more benefits. That would make it a "pay site" rather than a free one. Free should mean free all the way. Seems like a pretty good deal, a few bucks a month for easier access to 16 decent comics. But then again, there are dozens of good webcomics out there to keep us busy, where we don't have to pay anything at all.
  3. Sen

    Sen Ero-ninja

    Jun 2, 2003
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    isnt this spam? :confused:
  4. IronMice

    IronMice New Member

    Mar 4, 2004
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    Woah, send me some links if you've got some good ones! I like to browse the net for GOOD free webcomics as well.
  5. Superfly

    Superfly Active Member

    Feb 23, 2003
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    Here's my favorite one (well he's doing a webcomic) but he doesn't update alot.. But each time he does an update, it makes up all the waiting!
  6. Ciel

    Ciel Unoa Freak
    Staff Member

    Apr 16, 2001
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    Ya I see this as spam. I'm not quite sure why you are advertising it. plus it isn't free. I do like the art in your own website though. I'm happy you are willing to delete your post, but how about just editing and replacing it with a discussion on webcomics in general and your own art than?

    edit: for now I am removing the url and ad.
    I also see you are advertising your own manga. We have a few talented artists here at m2a who do and show their manga and present it in their threads but as well are active throughout the anime site, You are welcome to stay if you intend to post in the forums.
  7. IronMice

    IronMice New Member

    Mar 4, 2004
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    Yeah, keenspace. Their server can be screwy at times, though. I think they fixed the problem, but I have friends at keenspace who STILL complains about the screwiness of the server. Either that, or they're complaining about the "not-yet-begun" webcomics. :sweat: Maybe there should be better policing at comic-hosts like keenspace and But then, maybe not. I'm all fer freedom of people creating their own webcomic, but it's becoming increasingly difficult to find the gems amongst the sea of trash. It seems that everyone and their dog has a webcomic these days (which is why I'm asking for good webcomics here in the first place). Not to mention the loads of actual manga that is pouring out of Japan and into Western countries. Too much choice :dizzy:

    Does anyone else think that the market is over-saturated? Both on-line and off-line?

    And how could I forget MegaTokyo? It's one of the dinosaurs of webcomics. I'm not a fan, and it appeals only to certain people, but here's an example of someone who succeeded by perseverence. I bet there are loads of people at this forum with their own webcomics. If so, post it here!! :anime:
  8. seraphinx

    seraphinx Oy, Artista!

    Mar 5, 2003
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    Hey now, we could say that for just about any comic, that "it appeals only to certain people." I'm not a fan of anything, yet I can enjoy MegaTokyo cuz it's not too American nor too Japanese in it's story style, without having to know much about the hobbies that its implied target audience are all into. Yeah, reading the creator's rants are part of the experience of the comic, especially when he left his day job to concentrate on being a manga artist. I wouldn't call it the "dinosaur" of webcomics... there were some good, famous comics that came years before MegaTokyo.
  9. IronMice

    IronMice New Member

    Mar 4, 2004
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    Sure. I was just expressing my 2 cents opinion.

    Post the links here, then! I didn't start looking for webcomics on the net until a couple of years ago, so I'm not surprised there are lots of good stuff older than MegaTokyo. You seem to know alot more about the webcomics scene than I do (which is why I'm asking people to post links... I know only as much as the average Internet surfer does).

    I just found this:
    I think it's an anthology made by a group of web artists... they have links to the contributor's websites. The anthology ITSELF is not free, but some of the links have free webcomics (the contributors', I mean). Definately more "independent" than "manga", but really worth a look.
  10. anna desu

    anna desu New Member

    Mar 10, 2004
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  11. Superfly

    Superfly Active Member

    Feb 23, 2003
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    Damn, why does the male leading role's name has to be Armann?
    The male leading role in MY story is Armane...

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