Wedding Dream #2

Discussion in 'Blogs' started by BakaMattSu, Oct 23, 2004.

  1. BakaMattSu

    BakaMattSu ^__^
    Staff Member

    Feb 16, 2001
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    Well, it happened again. A dream this morning, somehow linked to a marriage - and possibly the second in the ongoing serial that plays in my head while I'm out of it.

    Let me backtrack and provide some background information so everyone who's lost (likely anyone reading this for the first time except me) can get up to speed.

    First off, dreams and me work on different shifts. Rare is the time when we run into each other, so I often don't remember them. The only real reason I know they happen is because studies of dream cycles say we have them during R.E.M. (Rapid-Eye-Movement) periods a few times every night. We just don't remember them. And this is common for most people, of course - forgetting dreams. Often, waking from one you can remember it fully, but if you don't write the details out right then and there, it slowly drifts away from memory and conscious thought. Unless they're very vivid.

    So, what I meant to get across with all that is that I don't have many dreams that I remember. Okay, let's get onto point two.

    For this one, we backtrack to about a week ago. I ran into my best buddy and during all our catch-up talk, he brought up how his marriage was coming up soon. Now I'd known about this since early this year - he'd proposed to his girlfriend on Christmas Eve last year. Of course, 2004 has trucked on past faster than any year I've been through, and they're already planning to go through with things. I wish him the best, of course. We've been friends longer than I can truthfully remember, starting somewhere in early grade school up until now, and had been in close contact all through to the end of high school. His fiance seems like a great person from the few brief times we've met, and the fact that he's been nearly impossible to get ahold of, but still easy to track down (90% chance you'll pass his car parked across the street from her house), says they're nuts for each other.

    I, on the other hand, don't see marriage anywhere in my near future. The main reason being I'm selfish. That's it right there. Marriage is all about sharing and looking out for the well-beings of your other half. I'm far too preoccupied with the half I've already got. I'm a year and a half into my bachelor lifestyle, and just not getting why anyone would want to give up this kind of freedom. I probably sound very shallow at this very moment, but at least I'm honest...

    So, the night after that discussion, I had a dream. I'm still kinda fuzzy on the details, but it was about marriage. Now, anybody could have been the groom there, but I've got the inkling it was me. And the bride - well, the bride was always facing the other way or head down whenever the camera lens (or whatever dreams are viewed through) went to her. So, pretty lacking in substance, but a dream, nonetheless - which I've pointed out above, is rare for me.

    So now we get to dream #2, which happened late last night (or early this morning if you're techincal with time). I tried to extract all the details I could before I forgot, and missed one important one that I'll address later.

    This dream took place in a large hotel, and I got into an elevator with a passenger woman already aboard. The door shut and it proceeded to carry us to the ground floor. First, it stopped at the seventh floor, where a man got on without a word. The doors shut again, and it continued down to the fourth floor, where it opened, but no one was there. Once again, the doors shut, and we travel down to the ground floor.

    However, upon reaching that floor, instead of letting us out, it starts to climb back up the floors again. It travels all the way up to the top floor where it then halts. We push the buttons, but none respond. So, we use the emergency call box, except it plays back a recorded message stating that the offices are closed and to wait for normal operation hours. I realize it's 3am at this point.

    So here we sit for some time, stuck in an elevator hovering at the top floor with the nagging thought that we could drop at any moment all the way down to our deaths. Time passes. Dreamwise, not very long, but the sensation is that a few hours went by. The elevator lets us out at the top floor. And this is where it gets strange.

    I get out on the roof of the hotel to find the whole city in ruins. Not only that, but its got aliens running around blasting anybody they see. I sneak about for a short while before blam, I get shot, and I'm awake.

    Now, the detail I missed. This dream was somehow connected to the one I had a week ago. I cannot remember how, but I just know it had something to do with the previous wedding. You know how sometimes dreams happen in serials? Like a set of continuations of a single dream? Like that. I was still in the same tux, I believe, at the very least.

    I'm almost tempted to try and make sense out of it. There are publications that detail what pieces of dreams mean and how they relate to your current thoughts and feelings. Maybe I'll look into it, later. I just wanted to get this down before I forgot, really.
  2. Zanza

    Zanza .Net-ing & PHP-ing~*
    Staff Member

    Jul 16, 2001
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    You are probably just thinking about marriage, or most likely your friend's. As for the Alien part, it could be you running away from marriage (yes, marriage in an alien form!), or simply you need to stop playing your weird (yet, stupid :p) games!!

    Anyway, it's just a dream :)
    (though it could has to do with your subconscious, wich I have no idea what's going on in there)
  3. BakaMattSu

    BakaMattSu ^__^
    Staff Member

    Feb 16, 2001
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    Okay, I went and analyzed it, and think I unraveled the mystery.

    Elevator: Increased understanding.
    Hotel: Long journey.
    Alien: Distant, strange, or unrecognized.
    Death: Something is finally over.

    I just recently finished another long and enduring project for work. It involved some unfamiliar ways of doing things, and I learned a lot from it. The dream was like a subconscious reflection on finally finishing it. I think...
  4. Zanza

    Zanza .Net-ing & PHP-ing~*
    Staff Member

    Jul 16, 2001
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    Yeah, that could be it. Where did you get these informations? I do have a weird, yet concerning, dream that I'd like it to be analyzed.
  5. BakaMattSu

    BakaMattSu ^__^
    Staff Member

    Feb 16, 2001
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