Harry Potter Welcome to Harry Potter [Read Rules V1.0]

Discussion in 'Movies and Television' started by Seishin, Apr 1, 2005.

  1. Seishin

    Seishin Guest

    As you all may very well know, Sebastian (or Arcueid) has left from Boards.Jp for good. Most of you may be aware that he was the moderator of this forum, before he left. Now, i will be in charge of this Forum. Not to worry, everything will stay the same as it was. Just remember to follow my rules:

    1-Before you start posting your own thread, check if there is similar topic. Sometimes people post some threads that you might be thinking of making.

    2- Before you reply to a thread, check if the you're clicking on the "post reply" button and NOT the "new thread" button.

    3-WARNING: To those who curse and insult others, you should repsect their opinions. If you choose not to, there will be conequenses.

    4- People, when you try to post, be patient and dont click the button more than once! This will result in double posting, wih is sometimes not good. If this happens, i will fix it for you (which is kinda what i'm here for...)

    5-This forum is only open for the disscussion of anything related to "Harry Potter". Try to keep everything on topic, an no spamming.

    All rule breakers will be reported. Then, the consequences will take place.

    Not so hard eh? You'd be surprised...... May you all stay well, and enjoy the harry Potter Forum as you always have. Keep it up!


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