Movies Which Star Wars Movie Is Your Favourite?

Discussion in 'Movies and Television' started by GentatsuNoZanshi cc61, May 8, 2002.


Which [i]Star Wars[/i] movie is your favourite?

  1. [i]A New Hope[/i]

    2 vote(s)
  2. [i]The Empire Strikes Back[/i]

    5 vote(s)
  3. [i]Return Of The Jedi[/i]

    7 vote(s)
  4. [i]The Phantom Menace[/i]

    0 vote(s)
  5. No Preference

    0 vote(s)
  1. GentatsuNoZanshi cc61

    Jun 1, 2001
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    With the release of Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones hovering above us like an IT-0 interogation droid, I figured this would be an appropriate question. Please take a note that the Ewok movies and the Star Wars Holiday Special have been intentionally left out.
  2. KaMeKaZi

    KaMeKaZi Insanity$%#

    Feb 21, 2001
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    I personaly liked return of the Jedi.. I think with Jaba, and the ewoks and the death star's return that it was a faster pace movie.. the empire strikes back is Great plot wise but im gonna stick with ROTJ

  3. BakaMattSu

    BakaMattSu ^__^
    Staff Member

    Feb 16, 2001
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    Dum-Dum-Dum, Dum-Dah-Dum, Dum-Dah-Dum

    The imperial march is what that above is supposed to be...:D

    While I like 'em all, ESB just features more of the Empire as it really is than any of the others. And Vader is truly ultimate in it... Asteroids, Jedis, and Fett... Walkers, Hoth, and a Saber Duel...

    I think it's the one that flows the best. Jedi seems like two or three stories forced together sometimes, and ANH is pretty slow moving. And TPM, well, we all know the flaws there...
  4. alkhoon

    alkhoon .: G.Heyer is my life :.

    May 5, 2002
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    i like em alll...
    However, Empire Strikes Back.. is well the best .... you might say of the movies...

    it has the classic quote "Luke i am ur father" :D

    hehehe.... and in Return of the Jedi.. well i dont know why but Luke kinda irritates me a bit... :sweat2:
  5. Ciel

    Ciel Unoa Freak
    Staff Member

    Apr 16, 2001
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    I dunno Always liked Return of the Jedi the best..Endor is just awesome and the Ewoks are Kawaii!!!

    'Star Cruiser crash crash!' -Wicket, Ewoks movie
  6. That guy!

    That guy! Expecting Father

    Apr 4, 2001
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    I have to go for Return of the Jedi when it comes to Star Wars, the beginning isn't exactly my favourite and it sort of moves slowly until everything turns upside down for Jabba and Luke kicks some @$$.... but why did Boba Fett have to fall in the Pit of Carkoom and get eaten by the Sarlacc!!! well in the books he isn't exactly dead because of that, although Fett is one of my favourite characters. The whole scene where Yoda is dying is also memorable because Luke finally realizes who his sister is and Yoda becaomes like a spiritual guide or something to Luke. My favourite part of RotJ is when the Rebels enter Hyperspace and go to the Death Star and the cool music is playing (gotta love John Williams). but then they realize it's a trap! and they pull out and it looks like a dark time for the Rebellion when even the Death Star 2 is operational and the Pitiful little band on Endor is ambushed by the Imperials!! Then again the Rebels with help overcome evil with the Ewoks help and destroy the Imperials...oh yeah :cool: :cool: :cool:

    Well, what can I say...Return of the Jedi roxor!!! yessssssssss
  7. *Fabee*

    *Fabee* Retired

    Jul 15, 2001
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    We'll im not a BIG STAR WARS FANATIC, but I have seen the movie "Star wars: Ep 1" and i liked it. However i like the story line of Ep2 than Ep1

    I know that ill sound shallow but I also prefer Ep2 over Ep1 cuz the hottie(the Jedi that will turn to the dark side) is in the film ;) :p
  8. Ciel

    Ciel Unoa Freak
    Staff Member

    Apr 16, 2001
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    lol.. you mean Hayden Christensen or something? (please tell me I didn't make this name up) he's from Canada! yay Canada!

    I'm going to try to see this one next weekend. It may be very crowded! I can't wait to see Amidala's/Padme's outfits. the rainbow one she wears is quite beautiful.

    well. still like the Ewoks, but I'll never let'em eat me!
  9. BakaMattSu

    BakaMattSu ^__^
    Staff Member

    Feb 16, 2001
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    Don't count your yays before they hatch....or something like that. o_O

    It may just be me, but I'm hoping this guy can pull off a better performance than what I've seen from assorted trailers. In said scenes, he seems to overact very awfully...Much to the point as to make me forget the overacting the kid from Ep.1 did... So I hope I was just imagining this, and he'll do okay. At least N*STINK got canned...

    On the topic above about Luke, I too, find him annoying from ROTJ onwards. I guess it's the whole Whiny Farm Boy -> Jedi Knight Assertiveness... the transition happens so quickly between movies V and VI that it seems out of place. Plus, he seems a little too "I'm the best Jedi in the galaxy, don't worry."

    And Ewoks. They were cool. And they'd have no problem beating out Gungans anyday!!
  10. alkhoon

    alkhoon .: G.Heyer is my life :.

    May 5, 2002
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    *totally agrees with the first part* :D...
    i hate anakin in ep1... ugh!.. he was soo annoying! esp the scene when he said "itsssss woooorrrkiiiiinnnnnggg" ... ArgH!...
    and the new guy.. ok he might be cute... or whatever... but doubting his acting skills... from what ive seen from trailers and stuff.... i really am concerned on how ep2 will be....
    but i really cant wait to see Obi-wan!! and any Jedi Fighting! ep1 scenes rocked!!...

    and BakaMattsu ... yay! u agree with me! hehehe everything u said was exactly my thoughts ;)
  11. BakaMattSu

    BakaMattSu ^__^
    Staff Member

    Feb 16, 2001
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    Anakin sucks so far, but I agree that Ewan made a perfect Obi-Wan! And of course, the not-quite-Emperor-yet was as prolific as ever. I really loved the way he twisted around everything to his favor in the council, especially considering he was responsible for the tragedy in the first place....

    Yes, saber duels are great. In fact, any sort of duel hits me on a higher scale than large scale war scenes... I'm eagerly awaiting the Mandolorian vs Jedi scene...

    Then again, is it just me, or is nobody else too fond of the idea of throwing in so much together?...clone troopers, mandolorians, jedis, battle droids...I hope it all comes together nicely, and doesn't just seem forced to appease fans...

    Anyway, I could go on and on until the movie gets released, so I'll just shut up for now, and hold comments until I see it... :)
  12. alkhoon

    alkhoon .: G.Heyer is my life :.

    May 5, 2002
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    quite true ... quite true.. ^__^

    i really dont want to put my hopes up a lot for this movie.. i just wanna stay "neutral" hehehe.. cause for ep1 .. i was expecting a lot ..... even thought it impressed me .. i still was hoping for lots more since it had to live up to the past Star Wars...

    however i really cant wait... *anxious* .. i really really want to watch it now now.... :sad: no patience at all...
  13. BakaMattSu

    BakaMattSu ^__^
    Staff Member

    Feb 16, 2001
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    And I remained neutral for the first movie...pretty much the same way this time...just as I was neutral for most movies I see...

    Basically, I go in figuring I'm gonna hate the movie. That way, it's usually such a low expectation, that I end up liking it no matter what...Strange, but that's me! :p

    BakaMattSu, Jar-Jar is still the worst thing to ever exist in the galaxy...
  14. alkhoon

    alkhoon .: G.Heyer is my life :.

    May 5, 2002
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    BakkaMattsu... hmm.,.. got a good point there... will put that into practice...

    ugh! dont get me started on Jar Jar... :anger2:
  15. BakaMattSu

    BakaMattSu ^__^
    Staff Member

    Feb 16, 2001
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    Actually, on that nerve, anyone heard the rumor of old JJ getting offed in this movie? I'd love to see it, as long as they didn't follow it with some stupid memorial service....:)

    Sorry Jar Jar, but you almost ruined the movie single-handedly...:mad:
  16. DrunkLeprachaun

    DrunkLeprachaun Tetsu Oushi

    Dec 15, 2001
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    Anakin and Jar Jar killed ep. 1. I hate them so much.
    Despite them, I still think it's an alright film, if only for the kick-*** lightsaber battle.
    My favourite Star Wars film however is Empire Strikes Back.
  17. Chibi Meg

    Chibi Meg New Member

    Apr 28, 2002
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    I liked return of the Jedi soully because of the Ewoks lol oh and Jabba the Hut is so awesome too - we have a dog that looks like him that we call Jabba the Mut
  18. GentatsuNoZanshi cc61

    Jun 1, 2001
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    Well, time for me to do what I do best and rant about all the problems I see here ...

    Let's start with A New Hope. As everyone else seems to be saying, this movie moves very slow. I really can't stand how whiny Luke is here, but Obi-Wan makes up for that with his wisdom and the like. Another problem is Darth Vader's voice. I think that James Earl Jones was still getting the feel for the character when the final cut was produced, hence the kind of snarling tone he has when he says "and bring me the passengers! I want them alive!".

    Now, The Empire Strikes Back is a good, solid movie. I just have one problem here, a little inconsistency. In one of the scenes on Cloud City, IG-88, the droid bounty hunter, is seen dismantled. Later in the saga (between ESB and ROTJ somewhere), IGgy returns to dogfight Slave I at the Tatooine system. What's the deal? I have no real problems with this movie, though. It was my favourite a few years ago.

    Return of the Jedi ... I'm not going to get into this one. It's too brilliant. Let's just be thankful that Lucas didn't use the original title, "Revenge of the Jedi".

    The Phantom Menace I will detail briefly. Jar Jar Binks, as we all know, sucked like a high-powered vacuum ("oh, Jar Jar, everyone hates you except me" -Comic Store Guy, The Simpsons). And of course Jake Lloyd is an example of why I can't stand the typical "little kid" actors, and he's made even worse that he was 12 or 13 when the movie was filmed, even though his character was 9 and looked 8. Natalie Portman I can't stand for some reason, probably that cheap accent she uses in the movie. It frequently flickers in and out with her normal voice.

    Now, Attack of the Clones. This title is unworthy of the Star Wars name. Now, I've heard reports that our Canadian star can't act worth a R-unit with a broken motivator. It looks like it'll just be something pretty to look at, with Christensen for the ladies Portman for the gentlemen, and special effects for the rest of us. I haven't seen the movie, though, so don't mind me until I see it and it becomes "Attack of the Critic".

    Oi, I whine too much for my own good ...
  19. BakaMattSu

    BakaMattSu ^__^
    Staff Member

    Feb 16, 2001
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    Heh. The IG-series.

    Would you believe there were three IG-88s? Yup, and it's one of the coolest storylines. They were a set of three assassin droids. I can't fully remember the details, but I think I remember they were all competing against one another. The scrap heap we see in Cloud City was left from one that tangled with Boba Fett (now there's a cool fight), and the one that had followed the scrapped one, was the one that fought with Slave I, and lost...

    I think it's all in Tales of the Bounty Hunters. A real cool story, IG-88's, actually. :)
  20. bogdantab

    bogdantab New Member

    May 28, 2002
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    hmm, after seeing ep2 twice in three days, im still not convinced.

    as far as the original trilogy goes, esb kicks major a*s. Let's see: A New Hope just doesnt exactly move, its good for 1977, but come on! stealing the Hidden Fortress plot, and having that awful battle between Vader and Obi-Wan! if Han-Solo was not in it, that movie wouldnt b half as good. RotJ: one word only- ewoks! why, oh why? singing and dancing? lucas, what were u thinking?

    it's worth noticing that empire strikes back is the only one where lucas doesnt write the screenplay. sure he writes the story, but not the screenplay. good thing as well, coz george isnt very good at writing credible lines. take ep2 for example *SPOILER*: I truly deeply ... love u! says padme b4 entering the arena. come on, no one talks like that! theyre supposed to b cool teenagers, whats up with the mushy stuff? on the other hand, empire strikes back has sooo many cool lines: he's worth a lot to me! (fett to vader), never tell me the odds! (han to 3po), i am ur father! (vader to son :), u dont have to do this to impress me! (leia to han). the list goes on...

    and the asteroid field chase... oh, man, still gives me goose bumps! ep2's sequence with obi-wan and fett pales in comparison! and williams' music for the esb millenium falcon vs. ties is superb! the best! only pieces coming close: vader's theme, and the creepy music in rotj, the final duel. u know, the evil music with the corus going mm mm mm, mmm mmm mmm.... :>

    so, ep3 might still b the most amazing film ever, but i hope lucas gets someone else (lawrence kasdan!) to write the script. and lose jar jar! and NO EWOKS! or singing! (little chance of that, since every good guy minus obi-wan and yoda eats it).

    Empire Strikes Back rules, ok?!

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