Who was the chosen one?

Discussion in 'Star Wars' started by Jedimdo, Jun 1, 2005.

  1. Jedimdo

    Jedimdo New Member

    Sep 8, 2004
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    It's time for real thinking, right? I've always wondered this: Who was the chosen one? Anakin or Luke? I've heard both answers, 'Anakin's task was to have a son who would bring balance to the force' or 'The balance was brought by killing the 'excess' of Jedis around the universe'. That last one is pretty silly actually. So, what do you think? Who was the real chosen one?
  2. That guy!

    That guy! Expecting Father

    Apr 4, 2001
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    The force is like Ying and Yang, two opposite forces in the universe. And a balance between these two forces should exist. Before Vader came along there were very few dark Jedi, and a massive amount of light Jedi. So, the light Jedi had to be thinned out so that there was an equal amount of light and dark.

    In Episode 3, Vader helps this a bit along with Grievous and Clone Troopers.. But, when Obi Wan trains Luke to become a jedi there are 3 jedi and 2 sith, and Vader brought balance to the force by taking out Obi Wan. And when Yoda died Anakin brought balance again when he took out the Emperor. Then Anakin died, leaving Luke and Leia to start things anew.

    I think that sort of explains it, but then there were 2 light Jedi at the end, he and Luke.. hmmm.
  3. Seishin

    Seishin Guest

    One thing, what about Obi-Wan? Where does he come in all this. I know that like all of you, I've heard everyone saying that it was all thanks to Anakin or Luke or something, but no one ever mentioned Obi-Wan. Let's think about it shall we?Obi-Wan Kenobi was practically the guide to all of this. The following may get a bit confusing:

    If it wasn't for Obi-Wan rasing Anakin, helping him and teaching him the Jedi ways as much as he could, he never would have gotten into his relationship with Padme, and never had Luke. He also is the one that helped keep Luke and Leia (which in the future becomes the leader of the Rebellion, meaning something big for the hope of freedom).

    Now, when we get to the future, it was Obi-Wan himself that helped Luke in learning the ways of the Jedi, guiding him through life, and also leading him to Yoda (Another big part of his training). He also helps Luke stay in what would be the "Light". What if Obi-Wan didn't take part in this. Would there really have been some (Like Anakin said) as wise as Master Yoda, as powerful as Master Windu, and someone with such a noble heart? All those events that brought this "balance" to the force would never have happened.

    Getting back to the topic at hand:
    Then wasn't it Padme's task to actually hold on to her life long enough to give to the one that finishes the task of bringing balance?

    Wasn't it Qui-Gon the one that took Padme to Tatooine, place where she met Anakin? Or also, the one that asked Obi-Wan to take Anakin as his apprentice (leading to all events in the future).

    Wasn't Jar Jar the one that gave Emergency Powers to the Chancellor (the one that helps Anakin bring the "Balance" to the Force)?

    I could go on and on about almost every single character and their importance. But what i'm trying to say, wasn't it everyone combined that helped bring balance to the force?

    Anyone have any thoughts on that?

  4. Cherrygirl

    Cherrygirl Cherrylicious!

    Feb 6, 2005
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    lol wow 2 posts and already things are drifting =P so now that we're here i like the point seishin brought up about obi-wan...it was really all him and people dont give him enough credit! he screwed everything up big time with Anakin but then made it up by training luke wow what a guy! now how many of you can say you destroyed AND saved the universe in one life time? :p

    anyway luke was the chosen one obveously....i also think it was totally necessary for this anakin thing (with everyone thinking hes the chosen one and all) to happen because if people didnt think he was the chosen one he would never have become a jedi and if anakin never became a jedi he wouldnt have become 'too powerful' then he wouldnt have turned evil then the force wouldnt have been completely thrown out of balance and then there would be no use for a "chosen one"!! i mean after all isnt the purpose of "the chosen one" to defeat all evil and yada yada? (like all chosen ones in genereal in all movies and books etc) and what better person to be the chosen one then mr evil bad dark side's son himself? its perfect i tell ya lol my reasoning for it anyway :p hope that made sense....it made sense in my head :dizzy2:
  5. Seishin

    Seishin Guest

    It wasn't his fault actually. All he did was carry on his Master's (Qui-Gon Jinn) last will. He took that young boy as his padawan learner, and taught him as much as he could.

    When he grew up, he tried to do all that he could to keep him a Jedi, but it was inevitable due Anakin's love for Padme. That desire of power to save his loved one that soon turned into Lust, and made him fall to the Dark Side of the Force.

    Besides, it wasn't only him that belived that Anakin was the chosen one, it was all of the Jedi. His unusual bond to the force at such a young is what made them belive that.
    How could they not think he was the chosen one? Perhaps if that silly engine or whatever it is they needed never broke, they never would have met. But hence they met, Qui-Gon could sense his great talents in the force.
    That's excactly what the Council thought. For Yoda and the Council, balance meant good throughout the galaxy and all the goodies, but like mentioned by ThatGuy, balance is equal amount of force on both sides. And like Yoda said, "misread, a prophecy could be...."

    In other words, everyone screwed up. Kinda sad. BTW, don't feel like i'm picking on you for quoting you like 10 times :D, I just like using the tags. :p

  6. SaberJ2X

    SaberJ2X Moderator
    Staff Member

    Aug 29, 2002
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    he DID kill the emperor at the end and died as a good jedi and not as a sith...
    so Yoda was right after all..

    though I don't know what kinda of balance should this be :p it's in the eye of the beholder...
  7. Zealot

    Zealot New Member

    Feb 2, 2005
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    I thought the whole Jedi interpretation of balance was interesting. The whole point was that the chosen one would destroy the sith and bring balance to the force. The Jedi seemed to only notice the first half of that prophecy. If the sith are all but wiped out, that would mean there is an inbalance in the favor of the Jedi. If the chosen one was going to destroy the sith and bring balance to the force then knowledge would denote he was going to destroy the Jedi as well creating a balance of 0 to 0.

    Of course then there is the whole issue of Anakin's son (the final Jedi) which would make people think that there is actually 1 to 0. Nephilim X said something in a different thread that I thought was very interesting. He said that Luke was more like Qui Gon Jinn at the end of the saga and that Qui Gon Jinn was not as one sided as the rest of the Jedi, which is why he was never allowed on the Jedi Council. This fact would make Luke more of a mid range kind of Jedi. Another thing that makes Luke more of a mid-range kind of Jedi is that he was born from someone who was created by th dark side of the force. I'm referring to Anakin of course since he had no father and was conceived by medicloreuns that were most likely manipulated by Darth Sidius's master. All of these factors would put Luke standing on the center of the balance rather than on any one side.

    Long story short Anakin killed all the Jedi, then he killed all the Sith, and since he died himself and his son was at more of a midground; he did indeed bring balance to the force (.5 to .5) and thus was the chosen one.
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  8. Seishin

    Seishin Guest

    Once again, Yoda said that the profecy could have been misread, so it was them that didn't get it.
    Not precisly (i think i mispelled that :D), the fact that he was supposedly born from a Sith doesn't make him a Sith, it just brings him the powers of the force. While Anakin was secretly dating Padme, he was as Jedi as he could be. Just a bit arrogant, and such, but it wasn't any different than other Jedi in the Academy. When he got Padme pregnant, he was still a good Jedi, and was mostly on the Light Side, meaning that Luke himself would be in the light side as well.

    Luke also proved himself a complete Jedi after he denied the powers of the Dark Side to the Empeor and Darth Vader (Episode VI:Return of the Jedi).
    Did we forget Leia in all of this?

    Also, if you didn't know, Luke creates a new Jedi Academy, meaning that there will once again be more Jedi than Sith. But...like Darth Traya said on KoTOR, for every Jedi that rises, a Sith rises, and for every Jedi that falls, a Sith falls.

    Oh, and one more thing, I'm not sure if it's right or not. But let's remember that on Episode III, Obi-Wan and Yoda did change the Signal Beacon, and made a message to all the Jedi who were alive to escape and hide (or something like that), so there may still be a possibility that even more Jedi would be alive. But like i said, i'm not so sure on that.

  9. Jedimdo

    Jedimdo New Member

    Sep 8, 2004
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    I don't really think that the balance on the force could be brought by making them in equal numbers. If that's so, so simple the force is, by maths ruled. Seriously, the conflict between both sides of the force is not held by it's users, but by the force itself. What do I mean? We can't classify anyone as dark or light because no one ever gets those extremes. The conflict of the force is fought inside of our hearts. There is no need to kill anyone for this.

    I see it in other way. I think of a Anakin who had in his hands the fate of the universe (or the galaxy at least). There were two paths, and he had to choose one of them (think of Kamui, from X). However, his son(daughter) had to undo whatever he did (Chronos vs. Uranus; Zeus vs. Chronos). That's the balance of the force I imagine.

    [EDIT]700 posts! May the force be with you.
  10. Seishin

    Seishin Guest

    It was mentioned that the conflicts within someone is what leads to the Dark Side. Doing those deeds like killing innocent or something preety much release the Dark Side in you.

    For example, if someone is bothering you over and over and over, what would you do?

    Light Side: Bury those feelings deep inside you. Forget the hate, and go on with your life.

    Dark Side: Express your hate. Remember that hate, and use it as your ally in the battle.

    Anakin had the Dark thoughts of hate towards the Sand people for killing his mother, but was he at any point a Dark Jedi?

    Then, when he had the dram about Padme, he wanted to do anything to help her. Palpatine told him he could help him become invincible and cheat death. Anakin knew that the Chancellor was a Dark Jedi, and thought that it wasn't the right way (good thinking there). But he was angry inside of himself that what wa possibly the only way to save Padme wasn't right, yet, he was still a good Jedi, since he turned in the Sith Lord.

    Then, when Mace Windu was about to kill Palpatine, Anakin let all the anger out and sliced Windu ( :D ). At first he was only concerned with the powers to save Padme. But in time, he fell deeper and deeper into the Dark Side, and only cared about how powerful he could become.

    What i'm practically trying to say, is that even though Jedi have Dark thoughts deep within them, it doesn't make them dark. Maybe a bit confused. But if we're talking about thoughts of killing everyone, then perhaps. I'm not quite sure about that.

    Nevertheless, this is what I think about the whole being Dark issue.

  11. Jedimdo

    Jedimdo New Member

    Sep 8, 2004
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    Everything you said true is, Seishin. But that's not what I meant. Like I said, we have nothing to do about the *real* conflict of both sides of the force. What strange thing am I saying!? The conflict is our potential. Nobody is born as light or dark or ever turns to be one of them. Our potential to be either of them is the balance of the force.

    And the whole key point of my post was: Anakin has to choose between two fates, both of them will bring balance to the force, but both are completely different things ^_^ complicated?
  12. Seishin

    Seishin Guest

    Not so complicated, and indeed very true.

    Also, if you play the Revenge of the Sith game, you'll notice that throughout the game, there's so many different choices that Anakin could have made and changed the outcome of his fate completly.

    A few examples:
    Had he not sliced Mace Windu- Sidious would have been defeated. The war would be over, and Anakin gained Windu's trust, then becoming a very powerful Jedi Master.

    Had he not missed his shot on the final battle agains Obi-Wan- He would have killed Sidious, and taken the Galaxy all to himself (as the game shows)

    Had he not killed Douku- It would have been impossible for them to escape. If they leave Douku in trying to make it out of there alive, Douku would have escaped. If they took Douku with the, Grevious would have instantly freed him when he captured Obi-Wan Anakin and Palpatine. So when i thought about it, you had too kill him.

    That and others that i can't remember at the moment.

    Regarding my last post, my apologies. I misunderstood what you said. But gimme a break, reading all these different theories and such at the same time is very confusing :D.

  13. Fudge_Monkeys

    Fudge_Monkeys www.boards.jp

    Mar 30, 2005
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    Could the Chosen one be ObI WaN?
  14. ZakoSoldier

    ZakoSoldier Zeon Commander

    Aug 13, 2003
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    I friend who eats, sleep, and beathes Star Wars says that the Force being in Balance is thier being a select number of light side jedi and no dark side. Which makes no sense. And that his killing of the emperor in ep. VI is his fufilling his destiny.
  15. Seishin

    Seishin Guest

    Actually, after reading a book on the future of the story on Star Wars, you find out that the force isn't really in balance. There are plenty of Jedi that survive from the Empeor's assault thanks to Obi-Wan changin the signal Beacon as shown on Episode III.

    Also, it's found that that Lord Sidious isn't precisly dead. Having planned even Darth Vader's betrayal as a worst case scenario, he had himslef cloned. After a few years of his Death, he manages to possess one of his clones throughout the force, now also recruiting more Dark Jedi to his side.

    Kinda thinking about it, perhaps there is NO chosen one, and the force can never stay in it's proper balance, right?

  16. Jedimdo

    Jedimdo New Member

    Sep 8, 2004
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    Then everything was a lie? The prophecy was just made up for convenience of the Jedi? It kinda makes sense a bit. After all, Jedi and Sith are the "same".
  17. Seishin

    Seishin Guest

    Preety much. Like Darth Sidious said to Anakin, "The Jedi and Sith are similar in all ways, even their fear of loosing their powers." After that, Anakin says "But the Sith rely on their emotions, and try to find a way to be more powerful", Palaptine answers saying "And the Jedi don't?"

    They see the "Chose One" as their only true power to destroy the Sith, when in fact it may not exist at all. Or maybe this "prophecy" was created as a way to let the Jedi keep going, or to give them a meaning for survival.

  18. Orion

    Orion Gears

    Jun 27, 2005
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    Well, the Jedi do rely a lot more on their emotions then the Sith do. But I think the Sith rely on their rage than they do their emotions.
  19. Seishin

    Seishin Guest

    Well, actually, it's their emotions that cause them rage no? so they're preety much the same thing there. At least that what i think...

  20. luvweaver

    luvweaver Ad Jesum per Mariam

    May 13, 2002
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    I think I could explain this.

    The Jedi aren't actually trusting their "emotions" but they're using their "feelings" to get in touch with the Force, which guides them. But Jedi don't let their emotions guide them, instead they guide their emotions with the force. This is for example, what Yoda wanted to tell Luke when he had the vision of their friends suffering in the cloud city.

    The Sith, in contrast, let themselves be guided by their emotions (fear, doubt, hate) or use them (rage) to gain physical advantage over their enemies.

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