Square Enix Why so many people hate Tifa?!!

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by Star Princess, May 11, 2004.

  1. Star Princess

    Star Princess Haters are retarded.

    Mar 30, 2003
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    On this forum, I've heard many people flame Tifa for no reason. Just because they like Aeris better, and they always call her a slut because of her clothes, what on earth is wrong with them?! Am I the only one who likes Tifa around here?
  2. BakaMattSu

    BakaMattSu ^__^
    Staff Member

    Feb 16, 2001
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    Maybe they're jealous because she's more well-endowed than they are? :sweat2:

    Actually, Tifa was one of my more favored characters of FFVII. I never did like Aeris too much, and with Cloud's romance options mainly tied to one of the two, it was pretty much set in stone that I would like one of them.

    Plus, there's that angsty bit that follows her around - knowing that Cloud's memories aren't matching up with the truth, and competing with Aeris for his affections, but more or less losing out. I felt for her.
  3. Izzy

    Izzy moo. moo. moo!
    Staff Member

    Apr 17, 2002
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    It's usually the same people who flame Yuna and Rikku for being slutty, too.

    Most people don't realize that less and less is being worn by both sexes as the Final Fantasy series goes on. But, that's their mistake, and I'm always glad to point that out. ^_^

    As far as Tifa, though, I'd go as far as saying that a LOT of people don't like Tifa because they feel that she stole Cloud from Aeris. Whereas it's actually not too true. Aeris liked Zack, and saw Zack in Cloud. Tifa liked Cloud for Cloud. Aeris liked Cloud, but would always be tainted by Zack because Cloud resembles him so much now.

    But, no, I don't hate Tifa. However, she has the CRAPPIEST Ultimate Weapon in the game. Since it only hits high damage when her Limit Bar is closer to full. =\
  4. Paranoid Trooper

    Paranoid Trooper Reanimator

    Apr 23, 2004
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    I like Tifa better than Aeris. Partially because **Spoiler start** Aeris dies **Spoiler end** Man, I almost cryed when Aeris died though, but now I'm getting off topic. The fact is, I don't hate Tifa, I like her.
  5. Suzu

    Suzu 7th Seat Shinigami

    Jul 19, 2001
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    I liked Tifa from the Start, actually! Much more than Aeris. I also felt sympathetic towards her since she gave a lot of room to Aeris relationship with cloud, and did not show off her jealousy. She was good friends with Aeris until the end. I always wished that Cloud would see that.
    Anyways I can't wait to see Tifa in FFAC! :anime:
  6. Dante

    Dante New Member

    Feb 27, 2004
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    Originally, I hated Tifa because it was an overly-blatant attempt at fanservice, I mean here we have a woman who's, what, 20, with a bust that makes the former Pamela Anderson look like a prepubescent girl and a leather skirt that might as well not even be there. I mean, c'mon, this woman's arms were covered more than her body. Not to mention the dumb wench needed to speak up so Cloud didn't steal Zack's woman (even though Aerith, really, sucks too). Hell, besides the gloves and the armpads, probably the most covering article of clothing on her would probably be those bloody suspenders. It was just... blech...

    However, on an up-note she does look much better it seems in FFVII: Advent Children (especially in that black get up, that actually covers her body :p) and more... believable proportions. :p

    Personally, the best FFVII female was Elena. ;P
  7. Kain

    Kain Plaything of Doom

    Dec 16, 2003
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    AS far as the game went at first i didn't like her that much cause she was pretty weak, but after a while i trained her up a few levels and she got a really impressive limit break that i loved.
    I can't really say who i like better cause i thought that Aries was a great character as well. But i don't hate Tifa.
  8. Nephilim_X

    Nephilim_X New Member

    Sep 19, 2002
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    Like a few others, I actually really liked Tifa.
  9. MrPig

    MrPig New Member

    Dec 26, 2002
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    I didnt really have a problem with any of the characters; it just seemedto me that after Aerith died; Tifa's main reason for being there died as well. Of course, Cloud needed a honey for when he went Cookoo...

    Either way, neither of them compared to the awesomeness of Cid. But maybe thats just because im British XD
  10. soundofsilence

    soundofsilence New Member

    Mar 1, 2004
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    I don't hate Tifa, but I don't like her that much either. My reasons are not based on how effective she is in battle, but her actions during the game.

    ~Possible spoiler for game~

    If Tifa knew Cloud was not who he claimed to be (Zack), she should have told him BEFORE the whole mess with Shinra and Sephiroth started. Even if she believed the truth might hurt him, she owed it to him to tell the truth. If she trully cared about him, Tifa could have helped him struggle through the pain and regain his lost self, if that makes any sense. In other words, she should have "pulled the band-aid off quick" and been done with it instead of waiting until Cloud was catatonic and crazy to share her knowledge.


    Even so, I don't really hate her. I'm just really, really annoyed with her. There's a difference, y'know?
  11. toeskater91

    toeskater91 New Member

    Feb 21, 2004
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    your are not the only one who likes her.
    she isn't my favorite charecter but i like her.
    i have to say a good bit of people hate areis to.
    some even have aeris death recorded and watch to feel better.
    so u seem it is about 50/50 on who likes tifa and who likes aeris.
    i don't hate tifa i just prefer aeris.
  12. Jam Chii

    Jam Chii New Member

    Mar 1, 2004
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    I didn't like Tifa much, probably because she was weak for me. About the love triangle, I didn't care much for. Aeris is cool, but still. Yuffie is the best. She owns all! GO YUFFIE!
  13. Star Princess

    Star Princess Haters are retarded.

    Mar 30, 2003
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    That's probably very true. Hey, it happens with real life women. :rolleyes:

    I personally like Tifa better than Aeris. I like Aeris a lot too, but I just think she's very overrated due to her personality. Everyone likes Aeris because she's outgoing, playful, and very socialble. Tifa, on the other hand, is quiet; thus sending the sumbliminal message: "Quiet people are losers." I was a very quiet person in high school, and most people shyed away from me because of it. Saying things like that makes my blood boil. So what if Tifa's shy? That doesn't mean she's a mean, horrible character, and she's certainly not a coward. I think she's actually more realistic than Aeris, because not all women are like Aeris. I think the Aeris lovers need to leave Tifa alone.
  14. Dante

    Dante New Member

    Feb 27, 2004
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    Vincent and Rude were both absurdly quiet however Vincent is probably one of the most well-liked characters throughout the game (the top three would probably be Vincent, Sephiroth and Cloud) and I wouldn't doubt Rude would have a Hell of a fanbase as well. Squall from Final Fantasy VIII was also quiet and the numbers of his followers are simply absurd. Ninja-based characters, namely Shadow, are always very quiet however they are very well liked. So kinda shoots the "Quiet people are losers" thing. :) Besides, Tifa WASN'T quiet, especially not nearly as so as Vincent, Rude, Squall and Shadow are. She was provocative, plain and simple fan-service masked by the fact that she's the main character's childhood friend.

    I've discovered due to the fact that she's portrayed, simply by the way she looks and dresses, she is portrayed as "easy" and this is what not only attracts a number of male fans to her, but also repels just as many. As far as female fans of the game, those that I know, that are friends of mine, dislike her due to the fact that she's pretty much the epitome of "Women Are Sex Objects" and they find it offensive..


    Just my observations.

    Thankfully, as I said, she seems to have improved a lot in the transition over to Advent Children.
  15. Mystic

    Mystic New Member

    May 24, 2004
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    Tifa is nice

    Tifa is nice. I don't hate him. I prefer Yuffie, but Tifa is a close second.
  16. Nephilim_X

    Nephilim_X New Member

    Sep 19, 2002
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    ...Tifa is definitely a her, not a him.
  17. Shen

    Shen Indefinately away

    Nov 23, 2002
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    Yes, that's for sure. And this is just an example of your posting recently in the Square Enix forum. You've been on a wild run, just calm down... check your posting as well, such as this.

    You have referred to 'Reno' and 'Yuffie' on a number of occassions, I understand that you like them but seeing that it seems to be attached onto the end of your sentances in a number of threads regardless of thread topic... To a certain extent, I'd consider that repititive spam and I may need to forcefully remove a few in future.

    This is a kind warning if you like...

    - Shen
  18. mangamonkey

    mangamonkey New Member

    Oct 31, 2003
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    Wouldn't warnings be best placed in PM's? but who am i to tell you how to do your job :sweat:

    anyway I didn't hate boobs... I mean tifa...I mean...what exactly do i mean? ahh well

    (what's wrong with a bit of fan service :anime: )

    Whether you prefer tifa or aeris basicly comes down to your preference on dominant or dominated and that's a discussion for another thread (or another board, or some secluded chat room)
  19. Genghis Khan

    Genghis Khan New Member

    Jun 14, 2004
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    I don't think that it's that people hate her. I also don't think she's disliked because she has worst proportions than Barbie. I think that, well, she's so overshadowed by . . . everyone. Cloud has a past. Vincent has a past. Aeris has a past. Tifa has . . . a childhood friend. Woo hoo. Personally, I liked her a lot better than Aeris, if only because happy people- I mean, constantly, bubbly, ditsy people- bug me. Especially in video games. I mean, who acts like that in real life? Anyway, I don't believe in wasting energy hating a group of pixels floating around on my TV screen.

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