Debate World War III

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Sp1k3, Sep 25, 2005.

  1. Takamatsu1986E

    Takamatsu1986E New Member

    Jun 1, 2005
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    heh you know i practiced taekwondo through my worst years of asthma. whether anyone's in a position to start a war right now is really not going to stop a war from coming, eventually.
  2. Baphijmm

    Baphijmm Kunlun Knight

    Mar 8, 2003
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    Currently, the state of nations is very similar to the fragile set-up of the "balance of power" seen right before WWI. I honestly would not be surprised to see an all-out world war break out within the next two decades.

    I believe the beginnings will actually be nestled in the Kashmir region between India and Pakistan. One of the two countries will finally make a move, probably based on who begins feeling more confident. Based on that, it will probably be Pakistan as the aggressor (just postulating based on current affairs). Both are nuclear powers.

    This action will probably bring with it not only a sense of freedom for countries to attack whom they wish (North Korea / South Korea, China / Taiwan, Israel / Palestine, etc.), but a sense of responsibility to aid whichever country another thinks is in the right. From this, one could probably expect China, North Korea, and the Muslim world to side with Pakistan, and the United States, Taiwan, Russia, Britain, etc. to side with India.

    There is also the possibility of a third faction - arms dealers. Because of the sense of freedom many contries who barter with weapons manufacturing products, such as Germany, France, and, in all reality, the US, there will probably be a large amount of aggression in their general direction. This will result in crossfire.

    The final effect will probably end up with a massive singular nuclear holocaust innitiated by whichever country loses the patience to hold back first. Once the first country is decimated, opponents of the aggressor will launch nuclear weapons in their general direction. This will continue until someone decides a ceasefire is in order, which will probably take a lot longer than it needs to.

    Terrorist "rings" will have very little to do with it. I laugh whenever someone mentions they will; they just don't have the power the US thinks they do.
  3. Nephilim_X

    Nephilim_X New Member

    Sep 19, 2002
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    Practice is different from an actual fight, and I think you're taking the comparison too literally.
  4. wertitis

    wertitis Proud Mary keep on burnin'

    Oct 18, 2004
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    Fascinating line of thought Baphijmm. I've completely forgotten about India and Pakistan. It's true that they are both nuclear powers, and it is true that they have more than their fair share of missiles.

    However like I said above I somehow doubt they'll fire their big guns as a first strike- Deterrence comes into play again. You show me yours and I'll show you mine and then we're both screwed.

    However the line of thought talking about a standard war turning into a nuclear holocaust is a more realistic.

    "Dammit I'm going to loose, we'll you're going to come down with me."

    I can see that happening, and is a possibility I've overlooked. The scary thing is in this day and age conventional wars don’t have to end with conventional means.

    Russia is an empty shell of its former self. The only thing we have to worry about with them is their carelessness of their missiles. We don’t want the wrong people getting their hands on one.

    Finally CrazedOCD is right- mankind is to war as cattle are to grazing. It's our nature to fight amongst ourselves and amongst others. Unless you want to go and sterilize the world a la Equilibrium there will always be war. Nuclear war is what we're scared of, though.

    But does WWIII HAVE to be a nuclear conflict? All we've talked about here are mushroom clouds, are there any other avenues WWIII might take?
  5. Bloodberry

    Bloodberry Bloody Berry
    Staff Member

    Feb 23, 2001
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    i think what baph is saying isn't that big guns will be starting anything. a couple countries in a political hot box will finally act on each other through basic needs, and a snow ball effect like WWI will result.

    personally, i see maybe only a couple of nukes actually being used. i don't think the world will be irradiated, just a region of it, where ever the main fighting will be.
  6. wertitis

    wertitis Proud Mary keep on burnin'

    Oct 18, 2004
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    Noted. I see what he was getting at now. My mistake.

    This is another interesting thought and it leads me to this: Maybe what the world needs is a Nuclear Vaccine. To protect ourselves from an all out, earth shattering, life ending apocalypse maybe what we need is a small taste of what would happen. Imagine if only a single country was wiped out by nuclear missiles. The world as a whole would flip out and a series of Anti-Nuclear bills, rules and regulations would suddenly appear. The purpose of these bills would be to kick start programs preventing such a thing to ever happen again. They would make today's bills and treaties look like little play-ground "Pinky Swears" if you understand my meaning.

    Ah, but the cost. Hopefully it WONT take such a devastating act of violence to help make the world wake up and take action.
  7. shinigami

    shinigami The Dark Prince

    Aug 8, 2005
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    sorry if this is off subject
    Kamaikaze pilots are from different culture and time period the kamaikaze pilots fought for land and emperor. The pilots didn't join to be a kamaikaze pilots After the kamikaze program was installed they volunteered for various reasons. My dads insurance guy at akishima, japan was a kamaikaze pilot and died in 1982 of old age. my dad was stationed at yakota AFB in fussa-shi, tokyo-to, japan.
    The muslim suicide bombers are not part of any offical military just murders and terroistes and nothing more.
  8. Nephilim_X

    Nephilim_X New Member

    Sep 19, 2002
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    I was joking, thanks.

    (how does a kamikaze pilot die of old age anyway? As far as I'm concerned, you're only a kamikaze pilot when you impact!)

    (that was another joke, kthx)
  9. shinigami

    shinigami The Dark Prince

    Aug 8, 2005
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    Kamaikaze(devine wind) was a military program more then half never made it to the ships ( the planes were old and fell apart or younge pilots who couldn't fly good)
    ( Georg was raised six years during 1930s in United states but his family moved back to japan late 1930s befor the war started. Georg joined military to fight for his country(japan). He joined the kamaikaze program because his family comeing from the states was suspect by tojo's regime. Georg was protecting them, but georg spoke english new japan lost the war and was not stupid enough to die for a lost cause
    Sorry I'm off subject again but i take some topics a little to serrious

    Here is another factor that may cause wwIII or lead to it will be the BS put out by socialist radicals which will in flame ignorant people causeing a race class war

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