Recreation Worst job you've ever had?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by BakaMattSu, Apr 10, 2006.

  1. BakaMattSu

    BakaMattSu ^__^
    Staff Member

    Feb 16, 2001
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    For those of the working crowd, what was your worst position of employment? Most everyone who has earned a buck has ended up somewhere they regretted for one reason or another. And sometimes they make for entertaining stories. Let's share some tragedies? ^_^
  2. Ashika

    Ashika This thing is so short...

    Feb 5, 2005
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    Im not necassairly(sp...) old enough to work. But for a certain recomendation, I needed to do community service. My next week was full of WASHING FEET for religious reasons, even though im not strictly religious, and helping bratty kids after school at day care.
  3. wertitis

    wertitis Proud Mary keep on burnin'

    Oct 18, 2004
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    You asked for it

    I'm still in the worst job I've ever had. The military is one of those places where you can raise your voice as high as you want and those above you generally will not listen to you if they think they're correct. People are placed in positions of authority simply because of seniority, not leadership abilities.

    Case in point: Several years ago we had a certain pump fail on us and it took this long for us to finally get to repairing it. Well the RMA (my 5th or 6th boss, I lost count) has been driving us to get this thing fixed and operational time and again. Well after jumping through hoops for about a week (working insane hours on our off duty days, not sleeping at all on duty days) we finally get this stupid thing ready to re-test. We all go home for the weekend. When we return Monday we found out that the RMA went ahead and pressed the Friday night duty section to re-test the pump regardless. Well, they messed up the valve lineup and ended up running the pump dry.

    What that means is the case of this fluid pump that moves water was empty and they failed to refill it. The shaft spun so fast they smoked the packing (the stuffing designed to keep water from shooting out the ends of the pump), and by smoked I mean black clouds of graphitic packing floating upwards- precursor to a fire. The shaft was spinning so fast that it was generating an enormous amount of friction and without any water there to cool it, it almost caught fire.

    We came to find out that they did more than smoke the packing on that thing. There was so much friction generated that they spot welded the shaft to the casing rendering the entire pump inoperable.

    They secured the pump and we arrived monday morning to hear the RO (my 7th or 8th Boss, right above the RMA) yelling at us about how incompetent we were, and about how we should have waited for when we had more people present to monitor and back us up. Bear in mind when they smoked this thing it was 8 PM on a friday night- we were all at home, informed by the RMA they were going to run it the following monday. No one knew about it except the RMA and the duty section on watch.

    After about 3 hours of asschewing and training the RMA gets up infront of us and tells us all the importance of slowing down and taking things slowly about not doing important work on the weekend when no one was there to back up the watch team...

    ...The funny thing was he was the one who ordered us to run the pump Friday night after we all left rather than Monday when we all would have been there. Saying one thing after doing another... Hm.

    After almost a month of more jumping through hoops we finally got a new pump, installed it, shimmed and alligned it and proclaimed it ready for retest. Once more it was Friday night and everyone was at home but the duty section. This time I was on duty.

    Sure enough, at 8 PM the RMA called down and wanted to know why we hadn't re-tested the damn thing yet, and promptly gave us the order to. Not only were we doing something we knew we knew was a bad idea, but it was the exact same thing that he told us not to do when we broke the pump the first time- to the letter!!

    Thank god one of the watch officers had thier heads screwed on straight and made up an excuse the RMA bought and we didn't retest it again until Monday.

    The pump still doesn't work. Thank god for brilliant leadership.

    1 person likes this.
  4. Seishin

    Seishin Guest

    To make it short:

    Grocery store named 'Publix'; Underpaid, overwokred. You get the point :p

  5. neoblacklady

    neoblacklady ~*Tpyo Godedses*~

    Aug 4, 2002
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    Worse job EVER had to be working on the Starlite princess cruise ship. Slave labour for pennies. "yes id like to work part time" since when is part time 40 hours and then soem a week???? No one shows up so you do all the work youself 75% of time. They assign you doubles and you tell them you can't. and they get mad when you dont show up.... err i told you i can listen???

    wait, I take it back. SDP.. I hate worse. nothing horrid than telemarketing. I hate being told no and I hate when people are rude to me. they say no I say fine. dont insult me :mad:. I hate that crap. The pressure is awful :(. No tbh both at even stevens. and Sadly I still work at the one, till I can get a different job. :'(. I don't get a raise b/c I dont "show up on time".. Why the heck do you schedule someone a time, when the bloody boat isn't even there yet???. IDIOTS!!
  6. Baphijmm

    Baphijmm Kunlun Knight

    Mar 8, 2003
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    Most of my jobs were pretty bad for some reason or other, but none worked me as hard for as little money as the second Pizza Hut I worked at, when I moved out to New Mexico. My pay rate was $5.50 an hour, and dispite repeated pleas to the contrary, they continuously scheduled me during my classes. Unfortunately, when you're immediately poor to the point of nearing broke (I mean, within five dollars of being broke), you'd rather work for money now than go to class for more money later.
  7. Reisti Skalchaste

    Reisti Skalchaste New Member

    Jun 14, 2004
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    I've only ever had a couple of jobs before. The first could hardly be called that, loading a catering truck for $10 a day. It was only an hour and a half of work so considering that, it was hardly bad. I also worked for my aunt, so it was nice to see her every day and get to talk to her a lot.

    Heh, the hardest part of that job was quitting. :p

    The second, the job I hold currently, is in a Safeway deli. Been there since July 2004, and though it's certainly had it's ups and downs, I can't say I hate the job. The only problem I ever had is how it eats my life and I don't really do much outside of my job (and internet :p)
  8. Hitohiro

    Hitohiro Angel of Wind

    Nov 5, 2004
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    A babysitting gig I took on a few months ago. The parents were going to do me a favor for payment but I never got it. Stayed at that hose for 3 whole days too.
  9. Soitsu

    Soitsu Flame Alchemist!

    Dec 30, 2005
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    Well...I work at a flea market and i sort and price yugioh cards for 5 hours and only get 10 bucks.

    I can't really call this bad since i work with yugioh cards...but hey my hands get tired...:sweat:
  10. Peachy

    Peachy ☆liberal HMod☮

    Mar 29, 2005
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    Have to be working at Camp 31. I get so sick of people coming in there coming from Florida usaully..asking me to talk to them!


    p.s. 910 POST! MWAHAHAHAH
  11. me_dreaming_zzz

    me_dreaming_zzz ¯\(º_o)/¯

    Nov 6, 2003
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    I worked at a strip club as a door girl. $15 an hour didn't seemed that bad back then.
  12. Samurai Me

    Samurai Me New Member

    Feb 18, 2006
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    Doin the hot sun while its 70 degrees out in the middle of a feild. Then going to a barn that is like 100 degrees and is full of dust and stacking it. And it cuts your arms and hands to. But it makes you strong as an OX so it is kinda beneficial.
  13. Alchemy_Dude

    Alchemy_Dude is addicted to bad ideas.

    Dec 21, 2005
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    I've been working at Boy Scout camp for a couple years. Eight weeks a summer, working with horses. Oh, and my twin brother gets paid twice as much (not kidding!) to work at a sports camp 9AM-12AM five days a week. Talk about humiliation!
  14. Cherrygirl

    Cherrygirl Cherrylicious!

    Feb 6, 2005
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    I worked at a snooty retirement home for about 4 months last year. It was filled with old rich people who had nothing better to do than spit on you and scream at you because you put 3 ice cubes in their water instead of 4 or because they didn't have enough jam for their toast. The people that worked there were either servers (take food orders from the oldies and serve them their meals) or cleaners (clean dishes, tables, floors, etc) or if you were lucky, you got to serve drinks and refill the jams/salt/pepper/sugars and fold napkins. Anyway, the servers hated the cleaners and the cleaners hated the servers. There was a couple occasions where some accusations regarding race were made and the manager had to get involved and talk us to find out what was going on.

    The funny thing was, this was a very prestigious rich retirement home that looked like a palace on the inside and out.

    So between the cranky moody old people who threw food at you and the segregated staff, it just wasn't worth it. OH and then a week after I quit, one of the caretakers raped an 89 year old resident.
  15. Bloodberry

    Bloodberry Bloody Berry
    Staff Member

    Feb 23, 2001
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    i worked in a grocery store bakery for a month before just plain one would train me, and would be madi couldn't do anything at all other than dishes >.>

    4 months later i started retail hell . . . which lasted 7.5 years.

    my husband works with cows/construction out at his families ranch. i envy him not. if you've never had the "privallige" of living in the state, summers and winters suck. and he get's to work outside in all of it >.> is it 110 outside? yeah, he's out in it >.> -ungodly? there too...
  16. shinigami

    shinigami The Dark Prince

    Aug 8, 2005
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    mine would have to be the one i'm doing right now which is working in a resturant.

    my job is dishwasher but i was required to learn to cook and prep cook if it gets busy i had to help cook the bad thing is i'm the only dishwasher adn i have to do that adn do dishes at the same time
  17. Cylor

    Cylor New Member

    Apr 28, 2005
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    How are you guys these days? Drop me a line sometime. ;)

    Worst job I've had (and believe me, I've had a few) would probably be overnight stocking at Target a couple years back. I think it's the only job I've ever held where I had a supervisor who, in the process of trying to call me in at bizarre hours, would actually lie to my answering machine. :dizzy2:
  18. Reisti Skalchaste

    Reisti Skalchaste New Member

    Jun 14, 2004
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    Do tell, what kind of lies would he tell you? You've got us curious. :3
  19. Cylor

    Cylor New Member

    Apr 28, 2005
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    Oh, things like insisting we'd had conversations, and made agreements about certain things, neither of which had ever happened.
  20. Orion

    Orion Gears

    Jun 27, 2005
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    Worst job... Well I'm only fourteen but I've got chores, which are technically jobs. Taking out the trash, mowing the lawn, then using the weedwacker (sp?), and getting yelled at for doing a lousy job. Ha, I still get paid. ;)

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