Travel Would you travel alone?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Kain, Jan 7, 2006.

  1. Kain

    Kain Plaything of Doom

    Dec 16, 2003
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    I'm looking to get some opinions on this subject

    The thought of travel has been something that has been going through my mind now for some time now. It seems that after working all through last summer, and not taking a trip to New York as i had promised myself, i have saved enough to go on a bit of a better holiday.

    This is all proving fine, but the one thing that i don't have for a holiday is a companion. Whenever i mention going away and the fact that i have nobody to go with me, i always seem to get a mixed response from people who have both been away and those who have not. Some people have said that even if i should go on my own then i should take it, and that going on your own is actually a great way to find out who you really are and other such things. I've even asked people who are traveling through this country that say its better to go on your own cause even if you were to bring your best friend, you'd end up getting pretty fed up with them.

    On the other hand there are also people who think that it would be unwise for me to travel alone and that i should bring along a friend since that way i'll always have somebody to talk to and somebody to look out for me.

    I can see that their are points to both sides of the coin, but the problem is that most of my friends have little or no money since they sqwander it away on booze most of the time. So the fact is it would actually be really hard to find somebody else to go with, its either that or wait another few years for them to actually save up (but i'm not going to fool myself since they wallets that are more open then a burst water main).

    As i've said before i'm looking to get some opinions that about what other people think, or about what other people have done.
  2. Orion

    Orion Gears

    Jun 27, 2005
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    I travel alone a lot, except it's never one mile from my house. ^^ Seriously though, I don't think my parents would let me go anywhere alone. Maybe they'd let me get on a plane to Florida to see my grandparents alone, but they'd make sure I was on the right plane first. :) So basically, the literal answer is no, but in some cases, yes, I can travel alone.

    t3h edit: You should probably bring someone with you, just in case.
  3. Soitsu

    Soitsu Flame Alchemist!

    Dec 30, 2005
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    I would never be able to travel alone...I have to stay in my neighborhood or I get grounded(seriously who gets grounded these days)!!!

    P.S I if do get to travel alone, like to my Uncles house in Puerto Rico...They would probably call every 5 minutes saying are you ok, how are you, do you have clean boxers:sweat2:
  4. Reisti Skalchaste

    Reisti Skalchaste New Member

    Jun 14, 2004
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    I've travelled alone on more than one occasion. And not just one mile, either. :p

    I've been to Toronto and back numerous times, and I've been alone in the streets of downtown Toronto, at night. Hell, I even went to meet Neph alone. :p I'd do it again, too.

    It's all about paying attention, looking alert, and not taking undue chances, really. If you can't bring someone to watch your back, it's not that much harder to watch your own.
  5. Basher

    Basher Mad Writing Skillz

    Mar 21, 2003
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    I travel like 20 miles or so alone. I really can't anymore I have a son and a man. They always want go with me. And making them walk would be rather mean.
  6. Zanza

    Zanza .Net-ing & PHP-ing~*
    Staff Member

    Jul 16, 2001
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    I agree with Raggie, I wish I could travel alone though, there always seems an older person along that does everything..

    As for the friends part, you get fed up with them because you'll see them 24/7, unless they'll play the role of your room mate. During travel you get to know the real them because you will be living with them.

    If you can handle travelling all alone, do it :) Just be extra careful and watch your own back ^^
  7. Seishin

    Seishin Guest

    Currently, given my age, I can't travel, not alone at least. But it's something that I'd like (and will) do when I'm older. Well, as far as traveling goes, this paragraph is for something like traveling to other parts of the states or another country.

    As far as traveling anywhere here, yeah, I go alone most of the time. And again, because of my age, I don't have a car of my own, so I usually take the bus to Best Buy or the Florida Mall, usually where I buy my anime and manga. And mostly the only reason I should ever go somewhere alone.

  8. neoblacklady

    neoblacklady ~*Tpyo Godedses*~

    Aug 4, 2002
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    the first time iw as alone :S i was having heart attacks. i was soo worried id get lost or on the wrong plane. and i was doing an international flight. oh boy. but it isnt that bad at all hehe! i dont mind it and i travel alone a lot. but it is fun to go with friends. you arent alone and you have someone to talk to. as well as share the expierence. it can get lonely :(. but its fun too D:!
  9. Teddz

    Teddz Sexy Swedish Love ♥

    Dec 8, 2002
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    I have travelled alone, and it's the best feeling ever :D

    You can do whatever you want, and you are your own "parent". It's a great deal :)

    - Teddz
  10. Fushigi Rockna

    Mar 4, 2003
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    I traveled alone before, last summer. Went on a plane all by myself twice. Didn't wnat to tho. *paranoid* Yet, it turned out okay, and it was quite peaceful...I just wish a hottie had sat next to me. =D Hot-cha!

    But I doubt you mean 'going on a aplane by yourself' and actually mean going to new exotic places, with no one else to go see thigns with you. :)

    Would I travel alone? no actually. <.< I'm paranoid remember?
  11. Baphijmm

    Baphijmm Kunlun Knight

    Mar 8, 2003
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    I travel by myself all the time. Kinda have to, considering I go to school a good 1300 miles from home. :p In fact, if I get this internship over the summer I'd really like, I'll be travelling to a completely new place no one I know in person has ever been (except maybe my physics teacher), entirely by myself.

    I'd love to take a vacation just by myself, if I ever got the money to do so.
  12. Orion

    Orion Gears

    Jun 27, 2005
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    I would love to take a vacation somewhere alone someday. Japan maybe, to Tokyo. Actually, that's where I want to move. Have any of you guys seen the Animatrix? If you have, do you remember the one with the girl and her cat getting lost and then she runs into a fun house gone wrong? The kinda place/neighborhood she lived in is where I want to live. Also a place like in Yotsuba&! Vol. 1. :)
  13. Ashika

    Ashika This thing is so short...

    Feb 5, 2005
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    You should get one good friend around your age for saftey. And hey, who else can you joke about random things if you get bored. You need company

    And it would be weird if you tapped some random male in the street, started laughing your head off over a window display. Keeps randomness to friends. :p
  14. Kain

    Kain Plaything of Doom

    Dec 16, 2003
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    Thanks for your help everyone, i had come to the decicion that i was going to go on a touring trip on the east coast of Australia (Sydney - Cairns), but then last friday i got news that theirs going to be a Metallica concert around the time i'm going, so i'm going to go to that and see what happens in the mean time.
  15. Kryshana

    Kryshana Dont try to understand me

    Nov 20, 2004
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    Wow...a metallica concert!!! that's awesome! I'm going to a Fall Out Boy concert soon around here in the USA! wooohooo!

    Anywayz...I would NEVER travel alone! Because I get so paranoid...that i tend to freak out if i'm left alone in the house. waaa....*tear* I would love to travel the world with my boyfriend. I already visited Arizona with him and my high school's band! It was awesome! But I would be pretty scared. My bf acts so brave and tough...he's left alone all the time at home...but he'd cry if he was seperated from me in the middle of'm j/k. but...NO!!!
  16. Samurai Me

    Samurai Me New Member

    Feb 18, 2006
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    hmmm.Im am often going places by my self.I spend alot of time in the woods by myself to(Its creepy at night).I stay alone at my house alot to.But sometimes I get lonely and wish I had a friend to keep me company.So,I guess I myself would do it.But I recommend going witha friend.

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