Debate Your thoughts on the American republic.

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Chance, Jun 15, 2006.

  1. Chance

    Chance Admitted Pokemon Fan.

    Jul 28, 2004
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    Now everyone, let me ask this.. How many of you know what a republic is?

    The answer can be presented in numerous ways, due to the wide definition of the word. In America we exist in a republic. Similarly the British form of government is also a republic. For those who do not know, the form of rule in the United Kingdom is very different than the one in the United States, but I digress as that is another topic of discussion. Getting down to the answer of my question, a republic is a system of government where a wide group of people have the power to elect the people that will take part in the running of said government. The key to this government's implementation is participation of the voters.

    Now, we have two major political parties in this country. Democrats and Republicans. In this, they each have their own platforms[or stands on certain topics important to the american people.] like immigration and the enviorment. Yet people still complain that they are not fully covered by one party. Example: If I had a bag on M&M's and asked you to pick your favorite color, but only from two colors, what would you say if neither was your favorite color? What other choice would you have?

    Now, do you think that a republic is a good choice for a government or do you find it too limited?

    In all honesty, I find a republic to be quite effecient as a governing body. In my opinion, we are able to choose from a wide selection of parties that are not so well known but most choose not to because they infact find it easier to just pick their candidate of choice by image and not by talent. [*cough* Bush] At times, the american public tends to choose properly like in the re-election of Mr. William Jefferson Clinton. Though he did infact screw up by having an affair then lying about it, his pros outweighed his cons tremendously. He was the first president to balance the budget in about thirty years. Also, after it all was exploited and such publically, he was given the image of a 'real' person. Real people make mistakes, but eventually move on with their lives. He made a real, normal by american standards mistake and was accepted even though 'tainted'. Why?

    Well, americans like 'real' people. This is why they are hooked to reality TV and programs that show them the 'real' side to celebrities and other big name players in the entertainment buisness. 'Real' is what people want to an extent, then after seeing things that are too real, they are appalled by the subject and move on.

    But, I'm off topic so I apologize. Back to the point, are you in favor of a two party political system.. A republic?
  2. Cylor

    Cylor New Member

    Apr 28, 2005
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    Yes. It's worked for the past two centuries, and it's still working, now, regardless of the catcalls, lamentations and best efforts from certain quarters.

    The biggest problem in the political arena of today is with the number of people who are uninformed, or simply don't pay attention to things. But that fault lies with them, and not the system itself.
  3. Reisti Skalchaste

    Reisti Skalchaste New Member

    Jun 14, 2004
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    Very true. It's impossible to make a good decision if you don't have any idea what you're deciding on.

    However, I have a stronger belief in Canada's system as a constitutional monarchy, perhaps my view is skewed because it's the system I was born under.

    I don't believe any system is perfect, and, really, my biggest issue with the United States' system is the way the electoral colleges work. Not the two-party system for sure- there are many parties in the United States and the only reason it seems to be a two-party system is because the Democrats and Republicans are the only parties with any real weight- this is something that voters have long demonstrated. However, at the same time, many people feel they are in fact the only parties "worth" voting for, which kills any chance of ever seeing another party with any real weight.

    The "winner take all" system they operate under now, is not at all to my taste. It's in a system like this that can see men elected despite not recieving a majority of the votes, which makes no sense to me, whatsoever. It tends to give people the feeling that their vote "won't make a difference," and so many don't bother voting because of this.

    Typically, voter turnout can tell if the american public thinks the system works- true, sometimes people just don't care, but when your elections are showing less than 33% voter turnout- when only a third of your constituents even bother to come forward and vote, does that not send a message that the system needs improvement?
  4. Chance

    Chance Admitted Pokemon Fan.

    Jul 28, 2004
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    Honestly, the only thought running through my mind is how maybe my fellow citizens are what need an improvement.
  5. Roffey

    Roffey I'm As Free As A Bird Now

    Mar 27, 2003
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    It works all right, I suppose.

    Really though the best from of governments in my mond is a monarchy in which the ruler has a close and personal relationship with his citizens and thus thouroughly understands their needs and want; or a full democracy in which everyone votes on everything, majority rules.

    realistically, neiter works, so I dont complain about our current party.

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