Current Affairs a cure for being homosexual!

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Yossarian, Nov 14, 2005.

  1. Yossarian

    Yossarian Yossarian Lives!

    Apr 19, 2003
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  2. Reisti Skalchaste

    Reisti Skalchaste New Member

    Jun 14, 2004
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    It baffles me how some people can be so blind, so unaccepting of that. I don't understand why they can fight it so vehemently.

    There's more I should probably say, but I'd rather not.

    I find it hard to believe they can even be that serious about it. Such ignorance in this world...
  3. Sanyu

    Sanyu Member

    Apr 20, 2004
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    Is that.. serious? xD
    Bleh. What homosexuals must put up with. ^^;;
  4. Kain

    Kain Plaything of Doom

    Dec 16, 2003
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    That is seriously retarded.

    I think its really stupit that there are still people out there that have to act like a group of nazi's and say that homosexuality is wrong and is a disease, and that we have the way to cure it.
  5. Sanyu

    Sanyu Member

    Apr 20, 2004
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    Yep. That's right, Brian. Especially when it isn't something you can cure. Maybe people just need something to occupy their time.
    I suggest the Rubik's Cube.
  6. Cherrygirl

    Cherrygirl Cherrylicious!

    Feb 6, 2005
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    wow theyre going to get a lot of heat and trouble from the homosexual community...hope theyre ready for it.
  7. wertitis

    wertitis Proud Mary keep on burnin'

    Oct 18, 2004
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    Well aren't we all holier-than-thou?

    From an objective standpoint homosexuality IS a "disease". It's a disorder where males have the urge to couple with other males. From a biological standpoint such behavior is contradictory to hundreds of thousands of years of evolution, nay, millions of years of evolution and is counter-productive to the survival of the species as a whole. Instead of making more babies they simply stop reproducing while continuing to consume the resources around them. That is parasitic in nature, and can be considered a "disease".

    Homosexuality, like heterosexuality, is simply something that people are, or they aren't. It's neither right, nor wrong. I believe that it's a matter of choice, and however you chose is entirely up to you. It's your body and your right to make the decision to swing one way or the other. What ever makes you feel best, what ever makes you the most happiest is what you should slide with, any one disagree?

    Now, I looked around and nowhere on that site do they say that Homosexuality is wrong. They are merely offering a product to those who are uncomfortable with being homosexual, and would like those urges or symptoms to go away. That's all it is, a product.

    Who are you all to go around calling people Nazi's because they are uncomfortable with how they are and simply want to change themselves into who or what they want to be? At least where I'm from, in the United States, people have a right to do what they want to make themselves happy (within reason). It's thier body and thier god-given right to make that choice. If they are uncomfortable with being homosexual who are we to shun them because of that? If they feel that's not the lifestyle they want to live why on earth should we label them as "Ignorant" or as "Nazi's"? Don't they have that right to make that choice by themselves without being shunned by society?

    Nowhere in that site did I see anyone stating that all people MUST take that pill. It's obvious these people are not out to cleanse the world of homosexuality. It's simply an alternative to help people who don't wish to become homosexual, based upon personal prefrence, religion or otherwise.

    And, tell me, what's wrong with that?

    If there was a pill that worked the other way, that made heterosexual people homosexual, would you praise that for making people more open minded about alternative lifestyles?

    It doesn't matter who you are, if you are uncomfortable with yourself you have a right to try and change who you are. If your feelings are causing you confusion, distress and/or depression, or you begin to have suicidal thoughts because of it, if there's a safe means to fix that problem shouldn't you have the right to use it? If homosexuality isn't your bag of tricks, and you begin to feel yourself swinging that way, why shouldn't you have the right to try and hold yourself to your own beliefs?

    I can't believe I'm reading such bigotry here on these message boards. This has me floored.

  8. Tar.Aldarion

    Tar.Aldarion New Member

    Oct 17, 2005
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    No seriously it works, thanks to that site I am now cured of teh ghey ;)

    *sick idiots.
  9. Nephilim_X

    Nephilim_X New Member

    Sep 19, 2002
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    Just like the elderly and the impotent :cool: Yeah man they contribute nothing.[/Awful sarcasm] Evolution nothing; there are plenty of observed cases of homosexuality in wild animals.

    It's not choice, for the love of God. Not entirely at least. You can find millions of gays who'll tell you they didn't just one day decide to 'pack fudge' and some who wish they could be straight because of how outcast they are in some areas. Seriously, how would this choice go? They wake up one day and decide "You know what I haven't tried yet? I think I'm gonna be gay."

    Edit: However I have to agree with Wert, it's just a product supposedly allowing one to change orientation. I doubt it works but there's nothing inherently wrong with it. All those saying they're nazis or sick idiots need to stop and rethink themselves.
  10. Reisti Skalchaste

    Reisti Skalchaste New Member

    Jun 14, 2004
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    Indeed. It's the same as being born with naturally black or with blonde or whatever colour hair. It's the way you are, it's not something you have control over. It's wrong of people to think that it's a disease, and it's wrong of them to try and change who these people are.

    Yeah, I agree with that. There's nothing wrong with the product itself, however the people who made it probably had the wrong intention in mind, and probably have the wrong reasons for marketing it. I could be wrong about that, but sue me, there's no proof one way or the other, I'm going with the most common denominator. Typically when someone does something like this, whether it's medication, "corrective" camps, or what have you, they do it with the intention of "erasing" the "sin" of homosexuality. Am I wrong?

    As far as the product itself goes, I doubt it works. I'd be very surprised if it did. I see no proof of testing or actual success stories, and no proof if it actually doing what it's supposed to.

    [flawed logic] Hell, for all we know it could make your ... fall off and make you grow breasts. :D After all, if you're attracted to males and already male, making you female would automatically make you heterosexual right?
  11. wertitis

    wertitis Proud Mary keep on burnin'

    Oct 18, 2004
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    Thanks for putting words into my mouth. I appreciate it.

    From a neutral, biological standpoint, they contribute nothing to the survival of the species. How are they furthering the survival of the human race? They aren't procreating. Survival of the fittest means nothing when the fittest chose not to have children of thier own.

    From a human, social standpoint, the opposite is true. We're not talking about biological fang, tooth and claw theory anymore. We're talking about the social structure and human interactions now. A homosexual can contribute just as much as much to society as any heterosexual, often times more. DaVinci for example, was a genius- he was homosexual as well.

    The whole reason I brought that up was because people were acting like it wasn't a 'disease'. Tell me, if what you say is true and it really is NOT a matter of Choice, then if every human being on the planet became homosexual and we stopped reproducing that it wouldn't be a 'disease' in the biological sense? We, as a species, stopped creating babies for one reason or another. Webster defines a disease as a condition of the living animal or plant body or of one of its parts that impairs normal functioning. It even goes as far to say that it is a harmful development. A normal, functioning human being bears young- if that wasn't the case then we would have ceased to exist as a species long, long ago. Homosexuals cannot have children of thier own, the same as a couple who have problems with thier reproductive system. They are not functioning 'normally' by not bearing young and furthering thier species.

    This is all from a COMPLETELY NEUTRAL, BIOLOGICAL STANDPOINT. From a caring, emotional and HUMAN standpoint we all know that it's not really a 'disease' at all, it is what they believe in, plain and simple. For Mother Nature it is seen that way.

    What's worse is that in many cases homosexuals have a history of sexual abuse as a child. Children who didn't know what sex was were 'tainted' by the sick individuals who took advantage of them. The first biological imprint of what sex was, in their young minds, was that first expirience. As a result it follows them throughout thier lives. It spread from adult to child, almost like a disease.

    This is not always the case. I hope it isn't far more than it is. On this one issue I hope that I am more incorrect than anything, however some studies out there seem to indicate otherwise.

    Next you're going to tell me that 'depression' isn't a disease either because it's all in the head- there's no choice involved with that as well.

    Let's just ignore Bi-sexuals because they swing both ways and can CHOSE whether or not they want to sleep with a man or a woman. Let's just ignore the fact that a man can CHOSE who his partner is, and how he wants to live his life. It's a matter of choice, just like religion. People believe in religion as intensely as they believe in sexuality.

    It happens slowly at first like everything else, when they give in to those strange, new thoughts a little at a time until before they know it they've already decided thier orientation. Sometimes it's conscious, sometimes it might not be. I know of a man who's love life wasn't the greatest until he, literally, woke up one morning and realized that maybe he was gay. After expirimenting around a little he came to his own final conclusion that he was, and that's the way he is today.


    But it was still his choice to go ahead and foster those thoughts and try things out on his own. If he was devoutly religious could have simply pushed them aside and in the name of god continued on his own merry way.


    With the advent of this pill they CAN make that choice now. They CAN make that decision whether they want to swing one way or the other. The matter of CHOICE has been added to this equation and the whole game has been changed. You said it yourself- there were some who wished they weren't. Now, with the advent of that pill, they have that right to make that choice, THE SAME RIGHT THEY HAVE TO REMAIN HOMOSEXUAL.

    What is wrong with that right to chose?

    My whole issue with this thread is the fact that people are damning those who are offering a solution to those who do not want to be homosexual. Your very words support my argument. Who are we to call these people Nazi's and Ignorant because they DON'T want to be homosexual. What if they're afraid of how thier family might react, the community, thier FAITH.

    With this pill they now have the right to chose what is best for them.

    What is wrong with that?

    Do not put words in my mouth, especially regarding an issue as sensitive as homosexuality.


    :Edit: Ok, seeing as you are on my side about this lemme step back and take the sting out of my words. I thought you were siding with the others. I was just upset that rationally thinking people would forget such an important part of human existence- The right to chose who you want to be. Modern medicine has given us that choice and it should be up to the individual to chose what he feel is best for him. Our bodies, our money, our right.
  12. Yossarian

    Yossarian Yossarian Lives!

    Apr 19, 2003
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    it's not a choice. i've been a Lesbian for as long as i can remember.

    sure to some people "the pill" can be the miracle they'd been waiting for. but it's sad when people can't be comfortable with themselves; letting society shape them into what it wants them to be.

    i could careless who a person chooses to be with. you don't see people trying to find a cure for being hetero ( as funny as they would be to me).

    i know people who don't want to be black. lets make there life easier and invent a pill for it.
  13. wertitis

    wertitis Proud Mary keep on burnin'

    Oct 18, 2004
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    That's your opinion and you're entitled to it, but that doesn't mean that someone else has to live by those ideals. It's not just society that shapes people, it's religion. The bible doesn't look kindly upon homosexuals, and many people base thier lives off of its teachings. That's no more wrong that you basing your life off of what you believe in, so long as you (or those who believe in the bible) don't force your opinions and views upon others.

    What's right for you and what's right for another are two completely different things. Let others live like they want, and let them believe what they want. As long as they are happy in the end, shouldn't we wish the best for them? In terms of society, homosexuality is a crapshoot. In some places it's open and welcome, and many people are proud of thier views and lifestyles. In other places it's taboo, it's shunned and looked down upon.

    Personal opinions such as these are fine when they stay as such- Personal Opinions. When you try to unwelcomly press them upon others, homosexual lifestyles or heterosexual lifestyles, it's then that you cross the line.

    I withdraw my statement about homosexuality being a matter of complete choice. My own evidence disproves it as well as statements from others. I still believe that in this day and age, in light of this pill, that it CAN be a matter of choice. You can chose to go straight and take the pill, or you can chose to stay homosexual and turn it down. It's all a matter of how you want to live your life and what ideals you believe in. With it being a matter of simple choice from the beginning, I was wrong. Even if you are a homosexual and you chose to bed with a woman (guys here) that wont change who you are on the inside- homosexual. You would still be attracted to men no matter how many women you married.

    Frankly I don't care what you are, straight, lesbian or otherwise. This shouldn't be about your sexual prefrence, it should be about who you are on the inside. You've always been real sweet and polite here on the boards and that shows with the karma you have, the wieght your name seems to pull and, most importantly, the kind of people you have as your friends. If you were a seething b*tch, people would hate you as such. Sexuality has no play, especially upon a neutral medium such as this. That's all there is to it. :)

  14. Nephilim_X

    Nephilim_X New Member

    Sep 19, 2002
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    Fact: Not all gays have good genes anyway
    Fact: Technology makes up for a lot of bad genes
    Fact: There is no natural selection in place against us, as our society and technology ARE our strengths and hence inseperable from us.
    Fact: Not all straight people reproduce either
    Fact: Sperm can be donated
    Fact: The survival of the species can be enhanced (and usually is) in ways that are not genetic.

    Ok, so you agree then.

    Gay people can still have babies, it's just not going to be an enjoyable night of sex.

    Our biology cannot be seperated from our sociological aspects. It's like trying to look at an individual ant instead of the whole hive.

    Uh, calling for some proof now.

    Is my bearing a penis a disease? I had no choice in the matter of it.
  15. wertitis

    wertitis Proud Mary keep on burnin'

    Oct 18, 2004
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    The website also sites the books and refrences that they derived the information from. I can give you more examples if these aren't enough, but I am sick of such garbage.

    I'm not going to argue Darwin with you anymore. It's way off topic. Suffice it to say that it's not a matter of genes, it's a matter of how we're all wired in the head. Not once did I mention genetics. My stance is that homosexuality is not a benifit to the species from a purely genetic standpoint. From a sociological standpoint it makes no difference. Genetics dictate social traits, and social traits influence how our genes evolve. Two separate entities working together to create what is "man".

    We've already argued about this, so I'll let it rest. On this issue we agree to disagree.

    I sure as hell hope your penis is not a disease. Wang-uh-titus? Johnson's disease? I've never heard of that one before.

  16. KaMeKaZi

    KaMeKaZi Insanity$%#

    Feb 21, 2001
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    Ok first off.. why is this in the Humor section.. this is like a debate.. So i think i shall move it to the debate forum...

    And for anyone who cares I have to agree with pretty much everything Wertitis has said so far.. Homosexuality though.. Well you could call it a disease but i think its better if we call it a disorder in the brain.. Its the same thing pedophiles.. Those people instead of being gay like children.. Its the same as the people who injoy killing.. Something is twisted in the mind that should not be there.. its the flaw of nature..

    So yeah if a homosexual does not want to be that way, and someone gives them the option to change they should have it..
  17. Roffey

    Roffey I'm As Free As A Bird Now

    Mar 27, 2003
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    Non-sentient creatures lack coherent thought and therefor can't "choose" anything. Now if you look Here you'll note that those animals lack the ability to choose, and yet practice homosexuality. It's a rather extensive list.

    And in respect to your belief that a pill can cure homosexuality:

    If homosexuality is a choice, than nothing can cure it. But, since it isn't actually results from a bunch of brain issues way above my head, it would take sergury (read: removing all thinking parts of your brain, leaving only enough for you to survive. aka: brain dead) could cure it.
  18. KaYasha

    KaYasha I'm Boelak Yrubron

    Jul 29, 2004
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    It is a hoax, it isn't a real drug.

    For what I do have say about this issue. Homosexuality is not a choice, if I was straight then it would have only made my life easyer. I wouldn't have had to put up with so much hate and be teased about it ( although not so much anymore). If I did have the choice I would have chosen to be straight to start with.
    But now I have relized that I should be comfertable with who I am. I did not chose and if I was to have an chance to take a pill like that now, I wouold probably decline, because I am happy with who I am and being gay only adds diversity to our world. It would be the same if someone said Look I have a pill that will turn every person into a blue eyed blonde haired white girl or boy... would you take that pill?


    The guy on this drug was just trying to add in the What If factor in the issue.. like what if you could make a pill that would change a persons sexual perferance.

    I don't think the idea of the pill is wrong, if someone wants to be straight that is gay then they should be able to. I also think that the person should be more accepting of who they are.
  19. Roffey

    Roffey I'm As Free As A Bird Now

    Mar 27, 2003
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  20. wertitis

    wertitis Proud Mary keep on burnin'

    Oct 18, 2004
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    Are you guys listening to anything I say?!

    God almighty. At least give me the curtesy of reading my rantings before you lambast me, it's insulting.

    Since this is a hoax I have to admit it was a very convincing one. It had all of us fooled. Still, if you read KaYasha's link it served its purpose, down to the letter. Nicely done, I say.

    I can guarantee many people would take that pill. The Barbie and Ken doll dream lives strongly within many. Everyone wants to be the blue eyed, blond bombshell and if a pill could take you there without you actually doing all the hard work you can bet the creators of this drug would make billions. Americans want the easy way to good looks and sucess, and what can be easier than taking a pill?

    It doesn't mean that it's right for me. I'd decline out of principle. I don't want to be blonde and I like my grey eyes. But to others, well, I can't answer for them. It's thier choice, thier bodies and thier lives.


    :Edit: Take a look at some of those mail messages this guy recieved towards the end of KaYasha's link. How dare any man, especially someone who claims to be servant of god so harshly judge another man, especially when his faith teaches him to love his fellow man, no matter what sinful state he may be in. Judge not lest ye be judged yourself? Let the man free from sin be the one to throw the first stone?

    They're not even arguing about the product (most of them realized from the blog that it was fake), they're damning that man for his stance on homosexuality. Hypocracy really boils my blood, almost as much as using the teachings of god as an exuse to hate your fellow man.

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