Hellsing Alucard vs. D

Discussion in 'Manga and Anime' started by kanashimi, Feb 3, 2003.

  1. Notason89

    Notason89 New Member

    Feb 2, 2004
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    You know what forget what I said, Alucard would when this battle. Even if D is not full vampier those shots fom those guns would kill any one, it blows hoiles the size of your fist.******sploilers****it could have killd Anderson(if he weren't a f****ing regenrater)it even blow the head off that vampier clean off.He could tear through D with is own two hands, he doesn't even have to use powers.
  2. wing_goddess

    wing_goddess Power User

    Mar 21, 2004
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    I'd vote for Alucard on this one. After watching the series, you see him endure so much and yet still comeback to win the fight. Let's see... he's been impaled everywhere from neck down, head separated from his body, his hair turns into liquid metal or something, he can transform and create illusions, a full vampire....the list can go on...and the guy's insane, so he has to win^_^
  3. Izzy

    Izzy moo. moo. moo!
    Staff Member

    Apr 17, 2002
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    You're also forgetting that you're PROBABLY comparing the Alucard who DOESN'T have his limiters taken off by Sir Integral's order. He could release SOME of his power without Integral's confirmation, but to unleash EVERYTHING Alucard has...he'd need an okay from the Boss.

    And, if you've watched Hellsing, you SAW what he did to Incognito at the end...and having a grand ol' time doing so...

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