RPG Archives Angels VS Demons

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by Sebastien, Jul 8, 2003.

  1. Sebastien

    Sebastien Guest


    The year is 2134, the world has come under attack by 8 beings known as Demons. The only force that can stop the Demons are the 8 legendary beings known as Angels. For 3 years, the Demons have been terrorizing the earth, and now, in 2134, the 8 angels have finally risen up to the challenge: defeating the Demons. And so, these eight people’s lives are changed forever. They have been endowed with magical powers, the ability to change into a special being (Angel/Demon Form) and given special weapons to defeat their foes. Can the Angels defeat the Demons before it is too late?

    Stuff You Should Know

    Angel/Demon form is a special ability. It makes you become more powerful and gives you a few new powers that you can only access during angel/demon mode. You can only stay in angel/demon mode for 3 posts, and then, you must wait another 4 posts to be able to go into angel mode... Use it wisely…

    16 spots are available, make a character sheet and join in the fun! The 16 spots are as followed:


    Powers Available

    Fire -> Bounty_Hunter26


    Powers Available


    And here is the Character Sheet:

    Hair Color:
    Eye Color:
    Angel/Demon Form Ability:

    Hexerei Note: Bounty_Hunter26 will be the Game Master of this RPG. Feel free to PM him for questions and such.
  2. Kamui

    Kamui X//1999... best anime eva

    Mar 30, 2003
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    Name: Kazou
    Angel/Demon: Angel
    Age: looks 17.... is actually 127... the eldest of the angels
    Gender: Male
    Wt: 165
    Ht: 5'9"
    Hair Color: Light Brown
    Eye Color: Hazel
    Element: Fire
    Weapon: Samurai Sword
    Angel Form Ability(s): Hood covering head, Angelic robe has many tears and burn marks,Wings are made of Fire, Sword Lights on Fire, meteor, Magma Burst
  3. Kami

    Kami New Member

    May 27, 2003
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    Name: Yume
    Angel/Demon: Demon
    Age: 21
    Gender: Female
    Weight: 129
    Height: 5' 4"
    Hair Color: Red / Brown
    Eye Color: Gray
    Element: Earth
    Weapon: Claws
    Demon Form Ability: Hair extends and turns black, eyes turn hazel, transparent green wings appear, create larger creatures from the earth, control the greater earth's trees, plants, and forest animals.
  4. Hildi Maxwell

    Hildi Maxwell New Member

    Mar 15, 2003
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    This looks like it may be fun. I'm going to try and join. But..........In about two weeks I leave for camp for two full weeks. its just a warning incase the rpg is really moving by then.

    Name: Diana
    Height: 5'6"
    Hair Color: pure black hair down to her waist.
    Eye Color:A soft greyish silver color.
    Weapon: A glaive

    Angel Form Ability:Lightning wraps around the blade of her glaive and adds more pain behind her strike. She can also summon lightning bolts to strike down. Also used as a defense, the lightning forming a shield around her. Also uses lightning like a rope to catch someone. With every flap of her wings seem to give of sparks of golden lightning.

    If I was supposed to post in the sister thread then I'll try to delete this and transfer it over. Hope you like!
  5. Kamui

    Kamui X//1999... best anime eva

    Mar 30, 2003
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    OOC: At the begining of the game, you start out with full Angel/Demon mode!

    OOC: You can use your elemental powers outside of Angel/Demon mode, but you cannot use the spells you have already set aside for Angel/Demon mode... but you can use minor magic spells...

    OOC: I will be leaving on this coming sunday to vacation, and will be gone until the following monday... in that time, I will leave the Gamemaster in the hands of someone else whom i can trust to do a good job, (Note: My character will still be mine... the gamemaster cannot uses my awsome guy;) ) ad then, when I get back, your beloved Gamemaster (me) will resume.
  6. Kami

    Kami New Member

    May 27, 2003
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    ooc: I too, along with everyone else, will be going on vaca.
    ooc: My vaca might be longer though.

    *walks around*

    "how boring"

    *lays back on the grass and falls asleep*
  7. Fushigi Rockna

    Mar 4, 2003
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    Name: Miki
    Angel/Demon: Angel
    Age: 16
    Gender: male
    Weight: 120
    Height: 5'6
    Hair Color: blue
    Eye Color: blue
    Element: Water
    Weapon: Rapier (that's a sword that's designed for stabbing)
    Angel/Demon Form Ability: changes into a female (with same hair color and length, btw) wings made of ice, sword becomes flowing water, can attack with water and ice, blah, blah, attack is basically he/she creates two streams of water and ice and they entangle into one braided beam. :)

    Err... just something to tell ya, I modeled him after Miki Kaoru from Utena, and he becomes a female as an angel for an reason, so I could drag Miki kaoru's twin kozue into this. :p Sorry, I juts love them both... they're awesome. I atatched a picture of the two, though, i really hate this picture. *grumbles*

    Attached Files:

  8. Osaka

    Osaka New Member

    Jul 7, 2003
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    Name: Niko
    Angel/Demon: demon
    Age: 10 ( I wanna be the youngest ^^)
    Gender: female
    Weight: 60
    Height: 4'8
    Hair Color: pink (and short)
    Eye Color: purple
    Element: light
    Weapon: bow and arrow
    Angel/Demon Form Ability: turns into a 16 year old women who has red hair(that becomes long) and the entire body is cover with a silver aura. she attacks with huge balls of different colored light.
  9. Kamui

    Kamui X//1999... best anime eva

    Mar 30, 2003
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    OOC: you need to be either Angel or Demon...sry
  10. Osaka

    Osaka New Member

    Jul 7, 2003
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    OOC: oki demon then
    I'll edit the thing
  11. Raven

    Raven Fuhrer

    Jun 10, 2003
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    Name: Kamui
    Angel/Demon: Demon
    Age: 18
    Gender: Male
    Weight: 190
    Height: 6'0
    Hair Colour:Black
    Eye Colour: Crimson
    Element: Dark
    Weapon: Saber

    Angel/Demon form Ability: Wings of black feathers, sword lights on fire, keeps all characteristics, can control all crows, ravens and bats, has telekinesis.:bleed:
  12. Kamui

    Kamui X//1999... best anime eva

    Mar 30, 2003
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    OOC: All of the people have some telekenetic powers, like, my character for instance, can make his sword float and actually stand on it in then air... but, we do not have a bunch load. Just FYI
  13. Osaka

    Osaka New Member

    Jul 7, 2003
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    Niko walked slowly in the star-less night,as the village behind her erupted with a strong light and then began to burn

    humans screamed, "Water! water!We need more water to put out this fire!", "Help us!"

    Niko turned slowly to watch the village burn into ashes, a look of satisfaction on her face," My greatest creation yet, and no angels around to ruin my fun."

    She turned and swung her bow over her shoulder, and continued to walk into the forest....the only sounds interupting the queit night were the faint screams of humans.
  14. Kamui

    Kamui X//1999... best anime eva

    Mar 30, 2003
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    Just then... Kazou jump out from above a tree...

    "Well well well... I never though you could stoop so low as to destroying a village..." He then paused and the resumed again "... O wait... what was I thinking??? That is what you are here for... is it not??" he said in a sarcastic voice...

    "Good thing I was sent out to patrol this area... eh?"

    "Well... I can see that you are quite mad at me... cause I am here to... oooo how did you put it... 'Ruin your fun' ?? Lucky I'm the Fire angel..."

    As soon as he said that, Kazou held out his hand and the burning flames instantly stoped, and flew threw the air onto his hand... and he began to bounce it up and down as though it were a ball...

    "Well... I guess the proper thing would be for me to fight you..."

    So, He drew his blade... and held out his hand across from it... Suddenly, a perfect copy of his blade appeared in his other hand...

    "I have two swords..."

    And with that, he hurled the giant ball of fire at Niko and ran at her with both of his swords drawn.
  15. Osaka

    Osaka New Member

    Jul 7, 2003
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    Niko doged the fire ball which had been hurled at her. Unfortuneatly it erupted into flames burning her arm badly. Niko stood up quickly but this proved to be a mistake, Kazous swords ripped at her arm and leg causing her to fall over agian. Niko cursed and stood up.

    Niko grimaced,"you think you came here to stop me? HAHAHAHA! You should know better boy, than to attck the eldest of the demons! Just because I am in the body of a 10 year old does not mean I have a mind of one!"

    And with that Niko lifted up her bow and arrow. Nikos arm seared with pain. She shot two arrows at once out at kazou, and fell to the floor.

    Niko looked up hopefully to see if the arrows had hit there mark.
  16. Sieghardt

    Sieghardt Man With the Machine Gun

    Jun 4, 2003
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    I'd like to sign up, dont worry, ill rpg in this post.
    Name- Taoi
    Gender- Male
    Weight- 120 lbs
    Height- 6 feet
    Hair Color- Blue
    Eye Color- Crimson
    Weapon- A long sword that blows enemies away with wind when swung exactly right into the ground during a storm.
    Demon Ability- Create Dragons from Wind that shoots tornados and can create storms. When a anythig that can fly dies from Taoi, he can absorb them by turning there body into Wind, the wind is mae into power, and enhances his attack power.
    Taoi sees Niko on the ground and says" You need to be awake to seee the true destruction of the flame now get up!" he stands and notices Kazou and says "Did you do this, you angel?"
  17. Kamui

    Kamui X//1999... best anime eva

    Mar 30, 2003
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    Turning towards Taoi, he said... "Huh... I do not know if I have met you yet... but, of course I did... I am Kazou the eldest of the Angels and most wise in battle... do not take me for a fool."

    "And I will tell you something Niko... Just because I look like I am 17 does not mean that I am!!! I was here before any of the other current angels or demons ever walked this earth!!!"

    With that, he began to fly threw the air strait at Niko but, he did not see the arrows flying at him and they both hit him, 1 in the left leg, the other in his chest, just barely away from his heart...

    Just as he was about to swing at Niko's head, he flew up into the trees, and said "This does not mean victory, next time we meet, we will have a score to settle... that is... if you are there next time...." He then conjured up a fireball and threw it strait towards the ground...

    Not awaiting to see the results, he flew away into the night... hopeing that the arrows had not been enchanted...
  18. Sieghardt

    Sieghardt Man With the Machine Gun

    Jun 4, 2003
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    Taoi picks up Niko and takes her to his hide out in the forest, and sets her on his bed, as he wiats for her to become consious.
  19. Osaka

    Osaka New Member

    Jul 7, 2003
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    ooc: Yeah another demon*does a dance* these posts are back wards^^

    bic: Niko saw the fireball hurling towards her. Cussing loudly, she began to run away.


    the fireball exploded causing her body to be scorched, as she did a few unwanted summersaults in the air. She hit a near by tree, with a aloud smack, and was knocked out.

    Niko's thought's before fainting:*I'll get you, all of you, every last Angel, before I die, and I will destroy this curse on my body*
  20. Kamui

    Kamui X//1999... best anime eva

    Mar 30, 2003
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    OOC: Yes, the last two post are backwards... and happened as Nea-san tells it, and then Youkai Also, everyone, plz confirm the post that you chose to go into demon/angel mode....

    IC: As Kazou flew threw the air, he looked back as his fire ball exploded... "I hope she died... The we would rid the world of 1 more scum... just as I had rid all of the predisesors before them..."

    He then began to feel a serious amout of pain from the demonic light magic on the arrows and flew towards his camp...

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