Anime Digimon vs Pokemon

Discussion in 'Manga and Anime' started by *Fabee*, Aug 12, 2001.

  1. Musashi

    Musashi New Member

    Aug 22, 2001
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    Well, I have to say this or ill explode. POKEMON AND DIGIMON ARE HORRIBLE, THEY ARE ALL ABOUT HAVING FUN AND FIGHTING WITH MONSTERS RATHER THAN DEALING WITH PROBLEMS THEMSELVES. Sorry its just I dont like either side, but if any1 would win it would be both would be sulf destructed.

    Always your undying servant, Musashi
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  2. Yuki S.

    Yuki S. New Member

    Mar 15, 2004
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    I would have to say digimon. Yay digimon is better though i like 1st,and 2nd season better then the others.
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  3. Dilandau

    Dilandau Highly Disturbed

    Feb 11, 2004
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    I think what most people have forgotten here is that Pokemon, Digimon, and Monster Rancher can't be held to the same standards as anime intended for an older audience. They ARE children's shows, don't expect them to be as complex as more mature anime. You can't judge them against FCLC, Cowboy Bebop, Escaflowne, etc. If you look at them that way, of course they suck.

    Personally, I've watched at least a little of each anime. I never really got into Monster Rancher, but it did have some interesting stuff every once in a while - and from what I saw, a moderate level of intelligent material. Digimon had interesting character designs and fairly nice animation, especially in later seasons (although I liked the bits of the first season better than, say, stuff from the third or fourth). Pokemon, you have to understand, was based on a videogame - so naturally it isn't the most incredible thing out there, that stuff rarely is. On the other hand, it is sometimes entertaining, the animation has gotten far nicer than it was in the first season, and Team Rocket is actually funny now and then.

    My vote'd have to go to Pokemon. I can't resist a man who crossdresses. XD
  4. Appleboy

    Appleboy New Member

    Feb 23, 2004
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    I'd much rather be a Pokemon trainer then a Digimon....owner, uh.

    IMO, Pokemon has such an awsome concept, If I went to the digiworld, I'd probably jsut be scared and spend most of time shivering, huddled in a corner.
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  5. Dilandau

    Dilandau Highly Disturbed

    Feb 11, 2004
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    It does. The world is nice and solid, the way that the creatures interact with their environment actually makes sense most of the time - just because it's aimed at younger viewers doesn't change the fact that Pokemon is really a very well-rounded show/videogame. Of course, you gotta hate the blatant merchandising - but did we really expect anything less?

    Another nice thing is that it's not just another "boy + cute creature have to save the world" thing. It's actually about the characters going out, learning about things, growing as individuals and occasionally having to be heroes. It deals with the characters - ALL of them, badguys included - as people with their own goals, motives, and viewpoints. I was impressed that, although Team Rocket are the villains, they're never really portrayed as evil. Portraying them as people with human feelings and flaws really helps the show.
  6. Superfly

    Superfly Active Member

    Feb 23, 2003
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    Pokémon: the game's idea was nice, though based on the old FF rpg-standards. But the idea of capturing the monsters, that was original.
    Then zhe horror began: anime shows.
    Now in Belgium (and probably in America too, ANYWHERE but Japan...) they showed the anime before bringing the game on the market so kids could get acquainted with these "Powkimon"... Seems they were cute. So sickenly cute, it made hardcore GTA fans -WORLDWIDE!- vomit...
    So the episodes keep repeating themselves, and over and over again... "Oh no, we're lost! Look there, it's a new monster I've never seen before!" Damsel in distress... "Shall we help her? Yeah!" Hormonal instability within Brock..
    And so, the happy trio helps out another person. Or wait, no, the monsters do that. Sure the show is about learning things and about helping others, but shouldn't the hero's do that themselves instead of their monsters?
    Then comes Team Rocket... "Wow! I want that yellow vermin so it could clean up my mess!" Catchphrase, battle, zap, flyaway!
    End of show... Byebye damsel in distress... Onwards!

    So far my crits on PKMN while half asleep...

    Digimon? Well it has a deeper storyline, but why do the characters have such mental distortions? They're almost shitzofrenic... I mean, come on, those kids are supposed to be pretty young and all... they should deal puberty first before planning to jump into your local computer.
    It's funny how Pokémon actually criticized Digimon in one of their episodes (remember the computer dude with his Scizzor? After a fight, Ash said "Pokémon isn't all about digital data, y'know" or something along the lines...)

    Monster Rancher? Well I've seen a few of the episodes, and I think that eyeball thing is pretty amusing. Hare is pretty cool too, but sorta annoying. And yeah, the boat scene with Golem was hilarious.
    But still another rip-off of Pokémon, and obviously Star-Wars influence. But having the leading characters fight along is a-okay! Out with the passive by-stander who calls himself a master because his monster fight well... In with the active participant!
  7. Hacker M

    Hacker M New Member

    Mar 5, 2004
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    Pokemon & Digimon are alike in many ways

    1 way Creatures call thier masters friends even though used like slaves

    I like Pokemon though
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  8. Kain

    Kain Plaything of Doom

    Dec 16, 2003
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    I liked Digimon a lot better then Pokemon.

    With Pokemon everyone is all happy all the time. It's just to unreal. I like Digimon better but the way all the characters come up with these realy bad jokes is really annoying.
    I only seen somrthing like 4 episodes of Monster Rancher but i liked what i saw. I just wasn't able to get up on time every morning to see it.
  9. Nephilim_X

    Nephilim_X New Member

    Sep 19, 2002
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    Holy thread necromancy, Batman!

    Anyway, I prefer pokemon. Why?

  10. Dante

    Dante New Member

    Feb 27, 2004
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    I was never one for Digimon. Couldn't get into it and I just got tired of every single one ending with "mon". :p At least the Pokemon names are slightly more original. ;P In all honesty, I'm really into Pokemon. I love the games, and I constantly go back to play them (own Red, Blue and Ruby. Had Silver but lost it). Just love picking up Ghost and Dark-type Pokemon and pwnzing people. :p

    Anyways, yeah...

    "As far as plots go, neither really has anything worth my attention. Pokemon: I want to be the best in the world . How cheap can you get?"

    I'd prefer that over Dragon Ball Z. :p

    First Episode: "OMG!!! tehre iz a bad guy n he wantz teh dragn ballz! goku will win hmi!"
    Second Episode: "lets train so taht we r uber strong"
    Third Episode: "lets train so taht we r uber strong"
    Fourth Episode: "lets fite!"
    Fifth throught Thirty-Second Episode: "*powers up*"
    Thirty-Third Episode: "omg he iz so strong!"
    Thirty-Fourth Episode: "i r pwnzers u! *blast; kill*"
    Thirty-Fifth through Thirty-Seventh Episode: "let us rejoice n celibrate!"

    Lather, rinse, repeat.
  11. Tsuno2k7

    Tsuno2k7 New Member

    Feb 21, 2004
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    I hate both Pokemon and Digimon, such childish anime piss me off.
    True I watched it back then, but growing up I realize that the same retarded villians are always interupting the show.
    Also there is no real storyline to Pokemon, Some kids running about helping people all the time and the friendliness of the show is just sickening.
    I don't even remember when I stopped watching Digimon, It was so long ago. I was lost in the storyline eigther because it sucked so bad or the American were to stupid to find real translators to allow the show to make sense.

    I don't like Poke OR Digi.
  12. Suzu

    Suzu 7th Seat Shinigami

    Jul 19, 2001
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    Neither! Too many characters to begin with and some are under-developed! I like animes that has a deep plot and good chararcter development, somehow I'm not interested in these type of animes. They are more of a franchise...
  13. Nephilim_X

    Nephilim_X New Member

    Sep 19, 2002
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    Man, I wonder how this attitude would sound if you applied it to the rest of your life? "That damn Polkaroo! He pisses me off almost as much as that big yellow **** Big Bird!"

    To become a Pokemon Master... not that hard a concept...
  14. Izzy

    Izzy moo. moo. moo!
    Staff Member

    Apr 17, 2002
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    Heh. I won't really dignify this thread with an answer.

    It SHOULD be obvious to the older members here.

    Pokemon, of course!

    /end sarcasm.
  15. Dilandau

    Dilandau Highly Disturbed

    Feb 11, 2004
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    Well, maybe they're childish because they were intended for younger viewers, which does not inherently make them bad. By your logic, children's programming in general, kids books (Dr. Seuss, all the Spot books, classics like Beatrix Potter's works), and everything else that you might have enjoyed when you were at the developmental age where it was appropriate entertainment is worthless.

    It's a very immature person who can't see the value in something just because they've outgrown it.

    Oh, as if recurring villains aren't a theme in more mature anime. You'd prefer DBZ's Villain of the Week theme? I actually think it's better when the same baddies appear over and over, it gives them a chance to be developed as characters.
  16. Raven

    Raven Fuhrer

    Jun 10, 2003
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    I never liked Pokemon just found it annoying. However I did like season 1 of Digimon and season 2 was okay. Took one look at season 3 and then swore it off my list of anime.

    I just find the charcaters in Digimon more real. I liked Tai and Izzy, and T.K. in the second season.
  17. *Fabee*

    *Fabee* Retired

    Jul 15, 2001
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    My two year old thread is still alivvveeee ^o^;;
    (points and GNZ and ZubSero)<-- I wonder what happened to them?

    lol Izzy~! When are you not being sarcastic? =p
  18. Sango-chan13

    Sango-chan13 New Member

    Feb 21, 2004
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    uhmm..I do not watch it's a littel hard qustion for me...!-_-' But probaly ...digimon..????
  19. toeskater91

    toeskater91 New Member

    Feb 21, 2004
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    i like digimon. pokemon was ok but it is just to continuos. the first seris, orange islands, jhoto, master, and advanced1 also they are coming out with another seris:eek:
    enough is enough. i mean its the same story each time with a group of freinds go to gyms, win in gyms, and lose in competition.
    he also always says he'll come back. u know that they will probably make a seris were he goes back to everyone. pokemon is like the energizer bunny. it keeps going and going and going.
    i think digimon kicks pokemons @$$!
    my oppinion.
  20. yakamashi

    yakamashi New Member

    May 18, 2003
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    once again, what an old thread...

    that's a VERY difficult question.... hn....

    *thinks for about .23 seconds*

    digimon is better. waaaaaaaay better.

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