RPG Sakeido High School 2 Elemental Manipulation Class

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by Zealot, Feb 9, 2006.

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  1. Zealot

    Zealot New Member

    Feb 2, 2005
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    Thorne had struck a deal with Katsuke after he was accepted by some of the other teachers. The school's entire faculty and student body didn't need to know that the school's new resident was in fact the Dark warrior that had destroyed the original Sakeido 10 years ago.
    This knowledge would surely cause an uproar in the faculty and students that held memories of the event or based off what their parents had told them about the Shadowists.

    Thorne would use his Sirname while he stayed in Sakeido and no one would use his first name accept in private meetings or conferances. These were only the first items agreed upon by both Thorne and Katsuke. Katsuke, intrigued by Thorne's new elemental alignments, wanted to know if he would be willing to share his new found knowledge and techniques with the students through an elective class. It couldn't be a required course by the students seeing as not all students, or people for that matter, were aligned to a particular element. Thorne or Mr. Kaiyo, as he would now be called, was reluctant to put himself close to inquisitive young minds but had given in and agreed to teach a class.

    So now Kaiyo, as he would be referred to by his fellow faculty members, and Mr. Kaiyo by the students, sat cross-legged on top of a 1 foot high plateau of rock that had "appeared" only moments before. It was just before dawn and Thorne/Kaiyo sat patiently waiting for any o the students in the school to arrive at the grassy clearing at the edge of the schools grounds.

    Thorne/Kaiyo had selected this spot on the school grounds because it was far away from all the school buildings. No collaterral damage risks.
    He had also chosen this spot because it gave him east access to each of the natural elements. The edge of the forrest for plant-life manipulation (his natural element), the open grassy field for earth and stone manipulation, a nearby stream to supply water manipulaion, and it was a mostly open area exposed to lots of sunlight, ideal for fire and air manipulation.

    Thorne/Kaiyo sat patiently, listening to the sound of the wind and life forms around him. Crickets, cicadas, and other insects and birds filled the twilight of the morning with music that he hadn't heard in years.
    Perhaps there are things of this world that I did miss.

    Thorne/Kaiyo grazed his hand across the top of three candles that he had brought as he gently breathed outwards through his nose. The candles that he had placed in front of him immediatly lit and their tiny flames began to dance from the soft breeze before dawn. Thorne watched the flames and controlled the currents of wind around his body, diverting most of the wind away from the candles so that they would dance but not be blown out.

    As Thorne breathed deeply but gently through his nose the flames grew with each exhale and shrank with each inhale. This simple exercise of rising and falling flames while simultaneously diverting the wind to shield the flames was both a form of meditation and a sort of warm up for Thorne. The three glowing candles created a sort of pulsing beacon for the students to find him quicker as well, preferably before sunrise.
  2. shinigami

    shinigami The Dark Prince

    Aug 8, 2005
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    Kyuzo suddenly awoke to a alarm h ehad set fro his new class h ehad to taek it was an elemental manitulation class. The theacher was he one he saw appear when Keitou Sensei tried to resurect KAiyon.

    " Well I best be on my way." Kyuzo said changeing in to his uniform and wrapping the cape around him. Giveing a second tought he quickly tossed the cape onto his bed and grabbed the large sheath for his swords and strapped it to his back.

    " Well I was told to meet withthe teacher before sunrise guess I will have to hurry." Kyuzo replied Rubbing his eyes since he was still tired.

    Kyuzo quickly made his way through the darkened looking at three littel lites bounceing up and down.

    " Guess that is he spot." Kyuzo replied contiueing his way. He slowly found teh spot and saw a large plateau and Mr. Kaiyo settting there.

    " Mr KAiyo Sir has anyone else showed up yet." Kyuzo asked leanning up against the plateau an dshakeing his head and gave a big yawn.
  3. Seishin

    Seishin Guest

    Kaiyo noticed a rather odd shadow in the sky, and when he looked to his side, Keitou Satomi was behind Kyuzo. He said to the young student "I'm sorry, would you excuse us for one minute?"

    Kyuzo bowed and said "Sure"

    He waited a while for Kyuzo to completly leave. Then he smirked and look at Kaiyo and said "Well, if it isn't my personal brought-back demon. Guess you DO have encores huh? How's the life of a teacher treatin' you 'Kaiyo-Sensei'?

    "It's not bad. I do however deserve this."
    "Come on, it's not bad. You'll learn to like it, you don't mind if I stick around to you? This is my free period after all..."
    "I thought Tobias' class was your free period...."
    "Well when you're me, every class is your free period." He gives a small wink and sits.

    "So let's hope you get the good ones.."
  4. shinigami

    shinigami The Dark Prince

    Aug 8, 2005
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    Kyuzo quickly did as Mr. Kaiyo asked and walked off and took a spot by the river and looked out acrossed the river.

    " It still early for me." Kyuzo repleid giveing another yawn. Kyuzo slwly took a seat by a tree and waited for Mr. Kaiyo and keitou sensei to finsih talking and he was waiting for the other studnets to arrive.

    " Elemental manitpulation hmm I nevre heard of class like that I guess it will be fun can't say what element I am though." Kyuzo repleid to him self as he looked towards the horizion he saw the sun starteing to rise.

    " Well it is almost morning." Kyuzo replied splashing cold water on his face treing to wake himself up for good this time.
  5. Basher

    Basher Mad Writing Skillz

    Mar 21, 2003
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    "That water may contain a lot of parsites," Onyx said. She was sitting up in a branch. She yawned. "I suppose this will class be starting soon." Onyx remembered last night. She actually talked and made friends with a few classmates. It wasn't like her to do that. She found out to never have emotions are care about something. It will all leave in the end.

    Her hand encircled her necklace. She felt the tiny zap it gave her. In a year or so her life would be used to protect someone. And when that was over she would die. She was a caged animal. She could never feel that moment like so many birds do when their cages are left open. Freedom may come for them. But for Onyx it never will. She saw the only person that she felt for die. The collar around her neck was her death sentence. But the magic see saw the other day intrigued her. Maybe if she were to die. She would be set free. Onyx shook her head. Kyuzo was saying something to her.
  6. shinigami

    shinigami The Dark Prince

    Aug 8, 2005
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    Kyuzo was shocked when he heard Onyx speaked to him it was unuasal fo rhim not to notice anothers presents. Turnning towards Onyx h equickly gave a shrug of his shoulders before standing up.

    " I guess it will start soon as soon as the othes get here ad of course whenb MR. Kaiyo is done talking to Keitou Sensie." Kyuzo quickly repleid

    As he looked back up at Onyx he noticed that she touched her neck and got a shocked.

    Maybe one of these teachers could remove that collar of yours so it won't be a burdon on you." Kyuzo slowly replied unsure if you should have said that.
  7. Seishin

    Seishin Guest

    After a while, Keitou was done talking with Kaiyo, and said out loud "I think it's about time for you all to start. I'll stand aside for a bit!"
  8. Hitohiro

    Hitohiro Angel of Wind

    Nov 5, 2004
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    Tobias arrived on the field with his Demon Dragon Blade at his side as usual. He strode up behind the two teachers, and using a particular hovering spell, rose up next to them.

    "Good morning "Kaiyo" and Keitou" Tobias said as he reached thier height.
    "Morning Tobias" Kaiyo said.
    "Morning" Keitou replied. Tobias turned to Keitou.

    "I see I wasn't the only one interested in seeing his new class huh?"
    "You know me Tobias" Keitou replied. Tobias turned back to Kaiyo.

    "So what you got planned for us this morning?" Tobias asked.
  9. Basher

    Basher Mad Writing Skillz

    Mar 21, 2003
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    "Maybe one of these teachers could remove that collar of yours so it won't be a burdon on you." Kyuzo slowly replied unsure if you should have said that.

    "If I wanted to die yes," Onyx said. She said nothing else on this matter. She jumped down from the tree and landed on her feet. She started to walk back. She heard some of the teachers conversation but she didn't care for it. "Class will start soon."
  10. Kryshana

    Kryshana Dont try to understand me

    Nov 20, 2004
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    Rini did hear Kyuzo's alram clock and accidently overslept. She happened to be sharing the same room he was and was extremely embarrased about sharing a drom with a boy. She ran towards her class for this morning. 'Elemental Class?' she thought. Not seeing where she was going, She ran into Onyx knocking them both to the ground. "S-sorry..."she said shakily as she stood up and walked away.

    (OCC: Sorry that I have not been here for a while...i've been grounded from the computer from school grades...hehe. >.<)
  11. shinigami

    shinigami The Dark Prince

    Aug 8, 2005
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    " I see sorry about me asking about that." Kyuzo repleid givieng a bow. Kyuzo was ready to get started . But he wasn't sure on how or what elemant he can control.

    " Say onyx what element can you control?" Kyuzo asked her " So what do you think about our new teacher." Kyuzo added.
  12. Basher

    Basher Mad Writing Skillz

    Mar 21, 2003
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    Onyx yawned. She covered her mouth with her hand. She strenched her arms out. A small bruise was on her left elbow. She lightly rubbed it. Another student knocked her down in the hall in a hurry to get to class. She hadn't realized that it bruised up. She did a one handed spell. Her fingers begain to glow. "Got this one from a medicine man," she said with a smile. She touched her glowing fingers to her bruise. The bruise slowly disappeared. Onyx and Kyuzo was almost back to the grounds were the class was going to take place.

    " Say onyx what element can you control?" Kyuzo asked her " So what do you think about our new teacher." Kyuzo added.

    "Any element. But it is better to master one so they say," Onyx said. "As you can see I am a quick learner." Onyx paused and covered another yawn. "The teacher? I am not to sure of. It seams thing may not be as they appear." They had reached the class grounds. Others were there. Class was getting ready to start.
  13. Zealot

    Zealot New Member

    Feb 2, 2005
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    Thorne (who all students should address as Mr. Kaiyo since they don't really know his true identity) was surprised that so many members of the faculty had turned out to see his first class.

    No pressure, he thought to himself.

    Knowing that it would be a bad idea to make his first appearance in his normal clothes (the torn green and brown garments and scarf that allowed him to camouflage with the surrounding plantlife), Thorne had opted for a skin tight black shirt, a green short-sleeved button up shirt that he left unbuttoned on purpose (so that the outfit would feel more like his regular ensemble), a matching pair of green slacks, and a black belt. He was barefoot in order to make any demonstrations more controlled.
    There had been a very large turnout for the first class of Elemental Manipulation which was saying a lot since it was announced as being available only a day before. Apparently there were a lot of "formers", as he had come to call those that were elementally aligned. There were about 40 students here, a good even number.

    There was a lot of talk going around and Thorne caught tiny pieces of the students' conversations...
    "I can move rocks"
    "I once set my house on fire, got grounded for months"
    "What element can you control?"... "Any element."
    Thorne only smirked at the remark as he continued his breathing warm up.
    "I can control any element, I cant wait to see the look on the teacher's face."
    Thorne opened one eye and made note of the student's face.

    The sun began to peek over the horizon and just as the first tiny ray of light touched Thorne's back he took one deep inhale and with one quick exhale all three candle flames shot into the air in the form of three burning pillars that were nearly 15ft high each. Just as quickly, Thorne inhaled through his mouth instead of his nose and the three pillars were sucked down into their respective candles and dissappeared leaving burning wics behind. Every student in the field had gone dead silent at the simple but disciplined display.

    He rose from his seated position and now standing on his stone "pedastal" proclaimed to the group of students...
    "Good morning, my name is Mr. Kaiyo, what you just witnessed was a very simple excercise using the discipline I call Fire Forming. You have all chosen to come to this class of your own free will with the full intention of learning.
    As such, I will not tolerate anyone who expresses to me any other intentions than that.
    This is an elective course, you dont have to take it and if I see just cause, I dont have to teach you. I expect disciplined and respectful behavior from everyone here, period!

    We will be studying the Forming techniques of every element that I have the knowledge to teach. This means that through the course of the year we will be studying Fire, Earth, Water, Air, Metal, and to a small degree Agri...also known as Plant Forming.
    I assume that everyone here believes that they are attuned to one element or another and wishes to sharpen that power.
    Something that is apparently not understood however, is a basic truth that exists in the world of Elemental Manipulation."
    Thorne's eyes glanced at a young woman with a strange collar, they then turned to a very arrogant looking boy standing close to the front
    "What element do you believe you are attuned with?"
    "Any element I want to be," the boy said with a sneer.
    "Really? Why dont we test that."

    Thorne ushered the boy out in front of the group and up a grassy hill nearby so that everyone could see both him and Thorne clearly. This was definitely the boy that had professed earlier that he couldn't wait to see the look on Thorne's face.

    Thorne couldn't wait to give these children the eye opener they needed.
    There are just too many misunderstandings about exactly what they will be learning here, he thought.
  14. Basher

    Basher Mad Writing Skillz

    Mar 21, 2003
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    Onyx could feel something strange about this experiment. It didn't sit well with her. The kid was a little to cocky. The teacher had to be a master in order to train them. She watched from the sidelines as most of the students did. She knew what was in store. She sat down by a tree. She rested her back against the willows bark. It felt a little cool the mildew was growing. It didn't bother her but the more female species gave her a strange look. She leaned her head back and crossed her arms to go behind her head. "Wake me up after this kid has made a complete idiot of himself okay?" She closed her eyes. She listened as the boy walked up closer to the teacher. She could her both of them breathing. She heard their hearts beat. The boys was racing. The teachers calm.
  15. shinigami

    shinigami The Dark Prince

    Aug 8, 2005
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    Kyuzo wathced as the kid walk up to Kaiyo giveing a small half smile Kyuzo took a spot by Onyx but leaning up aghainst the tree on the other sdie.

    " Arrogant ain't he." KYuzo replid stiking his hnads in his pockets and watched them proceed.

    Kyuzo then heard Onyx say to "Wake me up after this kid has made a complete idiot of himself okay?"

    " Don't worry I will." Kyuzo repleid giveing a small laugh. Kyuzo was still watching the two of them adn waiting to see what will happen. he was sure the teacher woulk dbe able to defeat him in matter of seconds then again most of the studnets here were skilled.

    " An element Can't say I realy have one favorite." Kuyzo whispered to him self.
  16. Seishin

    Seishin Guest

    Thorne had an almost dissapointing look in his eye, Keitou thought that it was mostly because of all the student's thinking about their abilities.

    "I say you not worry Kaiyo-Sensei...they will learn soon enough..."
    "What do you mean?"
    "I may not know you, but I'm sure there was once a time where both you and I were like this. Give them time, they will learn...."
  17. Hitohiro

    Hitohiro Angel of Wind

    Nov 5, 2004
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    Tobias watched as "Kaiyo" brought one student up to see if he really could control every element. Tobias turned to Keitou.

    "It is rare to be able to control even one element. I myself use Air with my attacks. But to be able to control all is unbelievably rare. I only know of 1, no, now 2 people who can do that. This I want to see. Oh, which element do you control, if any, Keitou?" Tobias finished.
  18. Seishin

    Seishin Guest

    "As cocky as I may sound, I can actually control preety much all of them. Although I've not mastered all techniques Tobias-Sensei. You should know that I'm more about skill than strength."
    "What does that mean?"
    "Ehh, nothing, nevermind. So I'm heading to the teacher's room for a while for a little R and R."

    Keitou sits down and meditates, as Tobias can barely see a kind of ghost moving.

    Resting in meditation form, and using the second body as a way to counter a dream, so he can rest, practice, and stay aware all at the same time...
  19. shinigami

    shinigami The Dark Prince

    Aug 8, 2005
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    Kyuzo watched teh two teachers talk to each other he head Tobias say he can control wind adn hea heard Keitou say that he could preaty much control all of them. Giveing a yawn Kyuzo lowered his head and closed his eyes. But he was still aware of everything around him. Even to the beetle that was crawling on the ground to the left of him.

    " Twenty to One onyx the kid will lose in about 1 minuet." Kyuzo replied openning his eyes. " BUt I shouldn't judge him like that but if he acts like he is all that he will find out how much he has to learn." Kyuzo added as he closed his eys.
  20. Basher

    Basher Mad Writing Skillz

    Mar 21, 2003
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    “Twenty to one Onyx the kid will lose in about 1 minute." Kyuzo replied opening his eyes. “But I shouldn't judge him like that but if he acts like he is all that he will find out how much he has to learn." Kyuzo added as he closed his eyes.

    "The cockier you are the more you have to compensate for," Onyx said. She paused for a moment before saying. "He will lose before 15 seconds are over unless the teacher toys with him." Onyx opened up one eye to look at Kyuzo with. “Elements aren’t easy to control. I have learned a little of how to control them. It deals with messing around with the natural order.” She yawned after saying her words. She closed her eye. “Teachers seam to be checking up on each other a lot around here. Unless they have a reason to be.”
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