Humour Embarrassing ordeals you have gone through

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Nightmare, Mar 7, 2005.

  1. Nightmare

    Nightmare Chaos Rules

    Feb 21, 2005
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    Hey im just going to post this up for everyone out their that had a embarrassing ideal and has went through with it when i mean ideal it seams good at first then turns out bad well here a real life expierence from my ideals
    and feel free to post some of yours or a friends :D

    You know those um wheelchairs in the Hospital.

    Ever had the Thought gee what would it be like to ride in one (If you never had the experience).

    well never had one right. Well me and a couple of friends I was the one who thought of it we decided to go around in the hospital riden in them having races in stuff. Fun Yes

    Bad part comin up

    Well evedently Hospitial staff are the FBI as in they dont say a word they just call the sherif. We were just to turn the corner and as soon as we did we seen Two sheriffs standin right there, Yeah ever heard of OVERKILL well they just ask the question haven fun their boys well being the great Smarta** that i am i just whip around and say"Yep wanna join" Parents get called dad brings it up to this day. :eek:
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  2. Nephilim_X

    Nephilim_X New Member

    Sep 19, 2002
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    One time I had hope in humanity and believed that mankind was naturally good. Then I got on the internet.
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  3. Chance

    Chance Admitted Pokemon Fan.

    Jul 28, 2004
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    I once trusted some kids when I was younger...They were potheads, and I was, well, not. They ended up getting me suspended because I was with them in the hall when they lit up a joint. Tell me that wasn't the stupidest thing to do ever.....^^;;
  4. Kaiyon

    Kaiyon Grim Reaper

    Jun 19, 2004
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    When i was little, i really thought cats litterally had 9 lives. Like they died and just came to life out of nowhere. I think you can guess what I tried to do, except It kept landing on its damn feet. Grr...Oh! Heh!

  5. Reisti Skalchaste

    Reisti Skalchaste New Member

    Jun 14, 2004
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    Well, I wouldn't say it's embarrasing, but I hate it when people take advantage of my kindness.

    Like this one guy came up to me, late at night, and said, "Can you help me? My car was siphoned, I have no gas. My wife's crying in the car, and I don't have my wallet." Stupidly, it seems, I went to a bank, and took out $20 for him. Then, he said, "Well, what about the deposit? Can you lend me another $20? I'll come by your workplace and give the money to your manager tomorrow." I did tell him where I worked, and, I was gullible enough to give him another $20. I never saw him again, and my manager hadn't heard a word about the whole thing until I told her.
  6. Hitokiri_Gensai

    Hitokiri_Gensai Gunslinger Girl

    Feb 27, 2003
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    im not sure if mines really humourous or tragic.

    it was a monday night in august last year and there was this guy named Peter Mulvey who was putting on a show up in Boston. so my friends and I figured aw, what the hell lets go. (we live in CT btw) so we got in my friends car and started our little completely spur of the moment trip. so, from the begining i had a bad feeling about the evening...kind of a unsettling in my stomach, but i just ignored it. so, on the way there my younger brother got sick, like horrible allergy attack. so we stopped for some medicine (sign number one). He cleared up fine so we decided to keep going. When we got there, this was about, oh say 8:30, we found out that it was a bar and being under 21 me and my little brother (we were both 17 at the time) werent allowed inside (sign number 2) so my friend gave me his credit card and told me not to spend too much but to go out and find something to do while he got a drink (sign number 3). so we wandered around Cambridge for a while seeing the sights and what not and it got a bit late, so we walked back to the bar. There was a cop standing next to our car and pointed out that we had parked in a no parking zone, so we got a 14 dollar parking ticket (sign number 4) and the cop told us to move the car (now, seeing as neither of us had our licenses at that time, it seemed like a f***ed up move by the cop, that he didnt ask about to see them) anyway, i jumped in the drivers seat and moved the car to a parking lot across the street, where my little brother and i decided to hang out for a while. now, about an hour later, my friend stumbles out of the car completely drunk (sign number 5). now we figured that although we didnt have our licenses (permits) that wed better drive home or we might get in an accident. so, we started the journey home...or we tried to. we spent about 2 hours lost in Cambridge (sign number 6). Finally we got back on the Mass pike and headed home. the ride all the way back to CT was fine. Now we were crossing this other highway to get back on the road home and out of nowhere this guy with his lights off broadsides us at 60 miles an hour. My little brother was driving and i quickly found what it was like to have a car slam head on without stopping into your door. so...somewhere in this mangled wreck of a car we find ourself with our doors bent shut (i had to kick mine out to even be able to move). Now, this As*hole had his lights off, was driving an unregisterd car and was on his cell phone. so, at two in the morning i was sitting out on the shoulder of a the road with a broken shoulder, looking at what we left of our car and our evening. somewhere in there we got about 6 signs that we were not being smart, all the way there and back and then to the hospital. I would definitly classify that as embarrasing...just the fact that we did that without planning anything at all whatsoever.

    so in all we caused ourselved about 11250 dollars in damage...not bad for one outing id say.
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  7. Hitohiro

    Hitohiro Angel of Wind

    Nov 5, 2004
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    ok, i got one for you. it was about 2 years ago and i was lieing on the couch(bed) in my grandparents camper, very small. anyways the bathroom is right next to me, so when my grandpa gets out he opens the door(this is where it all goes wrong). now his a$$ is reflecting out of the mirror on the door(not a pretty site). so being the smarta$$ i am i shout, "Its a full moon tonight grandma". well he doesnt do anything so i close my eyes, it wasnt 2 seconds later when he comes right over to me, still naked mind you, and sits his a$$, his bare butt, right on my face for like a min. ugh was it messed up.
  8. KaYasha

    KaYasha I'm Boelak Yrubron

    Jul 29, 2004
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    Thanks for the mental picture.. :bleed:

    Well, here is one that more or less ruined my summer of last year. My friend Bailee, asked me for some dieting pills. My mom owns a shop in town and she sells them there. Being the friend I am, I go out and give her the pills. Well, the problem was I was at school. Also taking a few my self. ( Yes stupid) Well, Bailee's friends also my friends found out abotu what I had did, but it some how changed to me forcing her to take the pills. Then a big deal started and they go to the conserlier. She couldn't pull me in there for that, because there was no proof, but wait that didn't stop her from thinking I had gone on a eating benge. So, I get called in and she is talking to me about not eating or getting a tray at school, I say to her I don't get food sometimes because the food here is gross. Then she asked have you been taking any dieting pills? Well, lets see I cross this in my mind. I tell her it is Hello Mr and Mrs. Norbury, I say I am not then okay it is fine..

    Well, that didn't stop the friends from going back and telling her I had a bottle of pills on my bag and was trying to make people take them. Well this time I get called down to the princiable. Not to talk, but to rade me! Oh, what a joy that was. :anger2: They have already gotten into my locker and are going through my bag, then they make me go with them in the middle of math, and let them search me. ( it was the Vice P and the P, who the Vice P was best friends with Bailee's brother in school, that is not going to help much. After they search and find nothing, it ghoes back to normal. Well, ecept for all my friends being mad at me and banishing me from the lunch table. Then about one week later ( Last week of school..I think) I get searched again, for the same reason. Then I tell them they have no right going through my stuff, when there was nothing there in the first place.
    I get back, and the friends of mine who were not mad at me, went down and talked with the P, about it. It didn't happen again.

    It got more fun during year book training. Bailee, got selected for yearbook as me, my computer crashed so I had to share my computer with her. :p I was so mad, yet I look back on it and laugh. Then as this year went on, things seemed to be getting better. Sabrina and me are Best Friends and closer than ever, we became friends again during an Art Club talking about demons. ( Odd way to get a friend back) Then I guess me and Bailee having the same hr and 1st hour got us close, not saying now were good friends though, but that is a whole other story.

    So, I learnt my lession don't help friends with there wieght. Well, don't give a friend a pill. I also learnt don't bring pills to school.
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  9. Nightmare

    Nightmare Chaos Rules

    Feb 21, 2005
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    Okay here's another one on me alright

    I was once a Big trash talken loud mouth and i mean big well i ran my mouth at the wrong times in school well this is a fact i was young about five or four and well ive seen the middle finger a couple a times heard the mofo word a couple times and well i didn't know any better taking in the age well my school evendentally didnt think that way my teacher ticked me off i gave her the bird and told her to F her self well ended up getting thrown out for a month Yeah a month i know i Missed finger painting haha i look back at that now and just laugh
  10. nakuru

    nakuru New Member

    Oct 28, 2004
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    kenshin himura: man you have bad luck.

    I dont have nothing to say. I dont have life. lol. well there was a time when I went to the mall with some friends. We saw a store with very hentai stuff and my 2 male friends wanted to "apreciate the stuff of the store" like they said and went in. The thing is that the girl who was custoding the store though that we were croiminal cause shes didnt get his eyes off of us. I was ashamed.
  11. Nephilim_X

    Nephilim_X New Member

    Sep 19, 2002
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    So today I went down to Windsor to visit my Grandmother, who is currently in the hospital. Dad decided to let me have a few minutes alone with her. I walked up to the receptionist. "Mildred Clifford?"

    "Room 722. That's a nice flower" she said smiling, pointing at the amyrillis I was carrying.

    "Thanks" I said, and continued on my way.

    I entered the room, and saw a woman who looked absolutely horrible. Gray hair spread over the pillow like limp rags; a few scabs adorned her face. I checked the wrist bracelet, from which I read in block-type CLIFFORD.

    I set the flower down and nudged her. "Hey..." I said. Her eyes fluttered open.

    "Hey you. Gimme a hug."

    I complied, and she kissed my cheek. I kissed her forehead back, after finishing a tight hug. I asked how she had been, and she told me how hard it was, and how she had had three falls. I commented on how horrible that was and told her how my education was going; she was delighted and told me "Good work good work good work!"

    Finally I decided it was time to go get dad. I left and walked to the elevators. I guided him to the room, and he stood there with a confused look on his face. "That's not mom..." he whispered.

    "Yes it is... look at her wrist bracelet." She had fallen asleep again in the short time I was gone; I looked at her bracelet and realised a horrible, horrible truth.

    It said CLIFFORD, HELEN.

    We grabbed the flower and ran out, but not before she realised someone was taking her flower. With that, we went to the receptionist and asked for the PROPER Clifford, Mildred.

    For those curious, Grandma seems to be doing ok.
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  12. sylverdragonfly

    sylverdragonfly New Member

    Mar 25, 2005
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    I don’t know, I don’t really have any shame so lol. I tend to come up with the pretty embarrassing stuff…let’s see…there was the “Great Panties” war. A few friends of mine went into the mall once and we came up with the idea to battle each other with the panties. You can imagine how that went. A friend convinced me to get FAKE *shrugs* that might be and embarrassing idea to put someone up to for some I guess XD I can really think of anything worse off of the top of my head.
  13. Kagome_Akari

    Kagome_Akari New Member

    Feb 7, 2005
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    when i and a few friends were assigned to help this one teacher in the computer lab cause we're like so smart. and afterwards we were told to be going back to classroom but none of us were listning to that part so when we got done we're like lets go to the art room, so we went to the art room door and and we all squished our heads into the window and then we ran away really fast and then were running from the art teacher and our class so we wouldn't get in trouble. then we were trapped. the art teacher was coming from one hallway and our class another. so all us girls ran into the boys bathroom and there were boys with there pants down so we rushed out and got in trouble. we were so embarassed. :eek:
  14. Nightmare

    Nightmare Chaos Rules

    Feb 21, 2005
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    hahaha thats emarrasing for both you and the boys hahahaha :D
  15. Prosper

    Prosper New Member

    Mar 22, 2005
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    Haha!! I have mine too.

    I was brought up to believe there is always a prince charming in real life.
    And there is always this phrase, 'the knight in shining armour'.

    Since we live in modern ages and no longer in those fantasy tales, but i held my belief that at least he doesnt have a shining armour, he has something shiny with him as a proof, he is the one for me.

    Now, this was getting hard for me to know one from another. Because when i think of mirrors, my mind conjure images of others using it (in my school). I think of boots, those guys in scouts... other uniform groups come to me.

    So there is a day, when i saw someone, wearing those shiny white suits, and black shiny boots, he was walking around in the mall. He doesnt look too old nor too young. I was with my friend, shopping around then, around 14. And i asked my friend, 'hey, such a person wearing like that in the mall, you know,'..
    And she replied, 'yah maybe some performances holding in the courtyard of the mall, we go look around for it, shall we?' As I was curious, i went along with her.

    But we can find no one and no people around. So we conclude must be hooligan or somebody near to that. Then he crosses my path, at that moment.. my friend says, 'oh your prince charming'.. And he turned his head and showed me his most hideous looks, i was shocked and embarrassed. That must be a loud remark. :D
  16. coldhearted

    coldhearted Queen of Randomness

    Jul 31, 2004
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    Well all I can think of right now is that,

    when I was little I got mad at something and so I threw a football at my uncle's tree. It came right back at me. I was in so much pain that I started laughing at myself for what I did. And lucky me my mom, dad, brother, uncle, and aunt were right there watching the whole thing not thinking about stopping me. So they all started laughing at me. But dumb, huh? (starts to laugh)
  17. Peachy

    Peachy ☆liberal HMod☮

    Mar 29, 2005
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    I don't know if any of you people remember Hurricane Ivan, but it hit all of us down in the south part of the U.S.A. Well, I'm really crazy so me and my
    crazy bunch of guy friends had to stay together because they lived in trailors Then things got really hectic sitting in house with perverted guys all night with no t.v. So I was bored and the storm wasn't THAT BAD YET.So we went outside to do something. The wind was really blowing so a lot of stuff was floating away, so I got the idea to get some sheets and see if we could fly off the roof without getting hurt. Need I say more. That was so stupid!!!!!

    [ I'm not dumb, just bored.]
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  18. Nightmare

    Nightmare Chaos Rules

    Feb 21, 2005
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    and i thought wheelchairs wore the only enemy i had to worry about now i have to worry about bedsheets :p
  19. luvweaver

    luvweaver Ad Jesum per Mariam

    May 13, 2002
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    Well, once I...

    was discussing about p*rN with a friend - (that was like 10 years ago - i.e. 18yo) on the subway - I was telling him what excited me about the soft kind... (note: I was *VERY* descriptive) and then a woman who was above us (we were climbing some stairs) slipped and fell... and we had to help her get up. (I don't think she just slipped, I think she overheard us :sweat2: )

    Oh boy was that embarrassing! :blush2:
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