Movies Funniest movie / scene you've ever seen?

Discussion in 'Movies and Television' started by luvweaver, Sep 2, 2002.

  1. GenericHero5

    GenericHero5 All Ska Super Star

    Nov 5, 2001
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    The funniest movie I've seen was Jurassic Park III. I laughed my arse of at the sheer stupidity of it.

    But other than that,

    Deuce Biggalow (The fat man-lady part)
    Dogma (Holy golf club!)
    Slayers: The Movie (All of it...)
    *Sticks a large chunk of watermelon in his mouth*
  2. flamehed

    flamehed New Member

    Oct 23, 2002
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    uhhhh I think my favorite is in Monty Python and the quest for the Holy Grail....uhh..when the peasent is lookin for mud and filth and at the same time is talking about the political system of their autocrasistic commune......ha
  3. Juliet0720

    Juliet0720 New Member

    Oct 7, 2002
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    heehehehehe...that movie is jsut so hilarious!!! favorite is in Liar LIar when jim carrey is in the bathroom and the guy comes in and is like "waht are you doing?" and jim carrey is like..."im kicking my a$$ do you mind?!" yeah that movie is so graet...
  4. Stos

    Stos New Member

    Oct 19, 2002
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    yea almost all Jimmy Carrey movies were hilarious. Well I could not name one movie or a scense from a movie. But the LOL funniest night is when I seen South Park movie and American Pie (the first one) back to back in the theatre, esp American Pie.:D You can not deny seeing AP1 or 2 for the first time was not the most hialirious 2 hours you had. But I wonder if Jackass movie can top those movies. Well I guess I will know when I go and see it.:)
  5. That guy!

    That guy! Expecting Father

    Apr 4, 2001
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    The dark Knight part of Monty Python and the Holy Grail, or maybe it was the part where Lancelot(was it?) was running toward a castle and they showed him running in the same spot, like 200 meters away, for like 4 minutes then he suddenly appeared at the castle and started killing people senselessly when he really didn't have to. Also a part in A New Hope that always got me laughing was when the Stormtrooper was walking by and he banged his head into the top of a door, and when Han is chasing after a few stormtroopers and suddenly there's hundreds of them chasing him down.
  6. GenericHero5

    GenericHero5 All Ska Super Star

    Nov 5, 2001
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    Jackass vs. AP 1/2? JACKASS! (Has Spoilers)

    Oh man...Jackass can definitely top AP 2...


    Like the beginning. You remember the shopping cart skit? Well, they're on a foggy bridge, with this dramatic "death battle" music on. Then, in slow motion, emerging from the fog, comes this GIGANTIC shopping cart with Knoxville, Steve-O, Bam, WeeMan, and like 3 other guys in it being pushed be Preston Lacy (The fat guy) and two guys in helmets. As the cart rolls on, the bridge starts exploding, throwing dust and these huge rocks in their faces. Preston falls of and rolls down the bridge. Shortly after, the other two pushers fall off the cart, and the bridge keeps gettin exploded. Then, all of a sudden, the cart hits a curb and everyone goes flyyyyying into a fruit stand. Oh, dmna, its so great... and then they play with a muscle stimulator, only its like hotwired to shock the hell out of them...They're like "Okay put it on....ZZZZZZAAAAAH!!!! OW! GET IT OFF!" and one guy puts it on his...-ahem- yeah... THIS IS A GREAT MOVIE.

    [SIZE = 3]-------------------END SPOILERS------------------------[/size]

    Yeah. This was a sweet-***-sweet movie. Totally worth the four bucks i paid!!!! I'm prolly gonna go see it again next weekend!
  7. Ciel

    Ciel Unoa Freak
    Staff Member

    Apr 16, 2001
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    for me, Monty Python's Holy Grail is the funniest movie. I love the scene when the knight at the biridge is asked what his favourite colour is and he says "blue, no. I mean Yelllllllooooooooooooooooooow" and gets launched into the abyss. and when the French were throwing animals at King Arthur and his knights. "FETCHEZ LA VACHE!!"
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  8. BotticelliLover

    BotticelliLover New Member

    Jan 16, 2004
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    I love Dumb and Dumber. My brothers and I have spent countless hours laughing at it. I know lots of people can't stand it, but they usually laugh anyways.

    Well, my favorite scene(this isn't all verbatim) is when Llyod is driving Mary to the airport. He tells her about he and his buddy are saving money for a pet shop, and after a long pause he says, "I've got worms". Mary says,"Excuse me." "That's what were going to call it. We're going to specialize in selling worm farms." Oh my, that has made me laugh sooo many times.
  9. chiquitabanana

    chiquitabanana finally legal

    Jan 19, 2003
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    Oh god, its a really hard choice, but out of recent movies I have seen it would have to be Zoolander <when mugatu does the whole day spa with the relax thing> Animal House <just in general that movie is pretty sexy awesome> and in Monty python &THG with the nights of ni, and the killer cute bunny! and life of brian <his gord! his gord!>
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  10. Phalanx

    Phalanx Long Live M2A!

    Dec 15, 2002
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    Without a doubt, Caddyshack. I have yet to see something come along that I can laugh at year after year. Rodney Dangerfield really out did himself on this one.

    "Look at this hat! This is the kind of hat you'd get a bowl of soup with!" Looks right, a secondary character is wearing the same EXACT hat. "Oh, it looks good on you though *sarcastically and rolls eyes*".
  11. Kain

    Kain Plaything of Doom

    Dec 16, 2003
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    I'm still rather fond of the "What have the Romans ever done for us?" scene, from The Life Of Brian.

    Reg:Alright so apart from the sanitation, the medicine, education, wine, public order, irrigation, roads, a fresh water system and public health........ what have the Romans ever done for us???
    Rebel:Brought peace!!
    Reg: PEACE!!!! Oh SHUT UP!!!! :anger2:

    Classic :D
  12. Hyoga

    Hyoga New Member

    Apr 19, 2004
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    The funniest movie I have ever seen it has to be "Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back." That movie is funny.

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