Inu-Yasha Game: You know you're addicted to Inu-yasha when...

Discussion in 'Manga and Anime' started by Leon Striker, Mar 12, 2004.

  1. kikyoulvr4eva

    kikyoulvr4eva Want a cookie?

    Nov 16, 2004
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    - When you imagine the Inuyasha gang and every other character living in your house and wondering around. (My friends and I do that lot)
    - When you ask Sesshomaru out. (My friend ask him out and he said yes! I highly doubt that)
    - When your obsessed with Kikyou's foot. (Don't ask)
    - When you make up "heat miasma" (Don't ask again)
    - When you start your own religion worshiping Kikyou and striving to go to hell like her. (Freedon of Religon. Protected by the Bill of Rights)
    - When you write stuff in japanese on your binder or notebook about Inuyasha.
    - When you have a twisted and insane mind about Inuyasha.
    - Your always taking Inuyasha quizzes on
    - When you have a thing for evil men.......

    When you make hate sites for Kikyou!?!?!?! Grrrrr.......
  2. Kannas_Mirror

    Kannas_Mirror New Member

    Jan 30, 2005
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    -You try to make your ears grow out the top of your head.

    -You flirt with any girl you meet, or you spend you time punishing letchers.

    -You don't sleep a wink on the night of the new moon.

    - You try to make your lizard grow a second head and call it Ah and Un.

    Thats it for now! :D
  3. Kagome_Akari

    Kagome_Akari New Member

    Feb 7, 2005
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    -When someone tells you to sit and you fall to the ground screaming "What'd did do you that for!!"

    -When you accidentally call your boyfriend Inuyasha

    - your whole room is filled with Inuyasha stuff

    I have done all these things and more!!!!!!!
  4. Ria_Kitsune

    Ria_Kitsune New Member

    Mar 5, 2005
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    Signs of obsession

    Hehe...I made these up yesterday...

    - Upon hearing a bad singer, you scream as loud as possible, holding your ears, then move onto chasing the singer with a metal pole (Or something to that effect) bellowing 'DEMON!'

    - You splatter ink on your hands and say it's demon blood.
  5. KaYasha

    KaYasha I'm Boelak Yrubron

    Jul 29, 2004
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    When you start to have dreams about InuYasha. ( I have been having a few...odd ones my self. :bleed:)

    When you start taking little things in your everyday life and saying look what InuYasha had to do. ( I think of that while jogging)

    You turn your best friend into an InuYasha lover like your self. Sorry Sabrina! (Well not sorry you should thank me! hmph!)
  6. prince*duke*

    prince*duke* New Member

    Mar 16, 2005
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    when you start emailing your friends saying:
    bob your inuyasha
    cindy your kagome
    james your miroku
    and I will be naraku so you guys want to beat me up tomorrow at school.
  7. Hitohiro

    Hitohiro Angel of Wind

    Nov 5, 2004
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    if every time its a full moon and you stay inside, you might be addicted
    if your ears perk up when you get frustrated or sense something, you might be addicted
    if your nose can smell a demon from a hundred yards away, you might be addicted
  8. Kaiyon

    Kaiyon Grim Reaper

    Jun 19, 2004
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    If you think you're smelling Naraku's scent all day, when its just the bathroom.

    That is all I could think of.

    - Kaiyon
  9. vonniesmile

    vonniesmile New Member

    Jan 9, 2005
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    you're addicted to inuyasha when...

    you dress up as inuyasha

    you get your friend to dress up as sesshoumaru

    the two of you have a huge fight with swords (my friend and I were planning on doing this)

    you attack every guy wearing a monkey suit

    you name your'e cat kirara

    you get a fox and call it shippou

    you get a lizard and call it jaken and make it do stuff for you.

    you get a flea and call it myoga

    you get a wolf (or siberian husky) and call it koga

    you wear white, die your hair white carry a white mirror around and act completely emotionless

    enjoy :p :p :p
  10. Shiiko

    Shiiko New Member

    May 30, 2005
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    - you get ticked off at someone and yell "DEMON BEGONE!"
    - you sleep in trees on a regular basis
    - when you cant find a tree, you sleep sitting up against a wall
    - youre a jealous bleep
    - you start wearing only red clothes... about 20 sizes too big, and get your mom to enlarge the sleeves.
    - you're bored and really agitated so you go kill things
    - you get pleasure from killing small animals
    - you say "feh" on a regular basis
    - you dont know where to go, so you start sniffing the ground
    - you get an unusual attraction to fire hydrants...
    - you buy vampire fangs and super-glue them in your mouth
    - you normally have long, white hair, but on the new moon you dye it black and act all pouty and secrative
    - you write alot of "you know you watch too much inuyasha when..." thingies

    wow... i have an ulser...
  11. Kriszty

    Kriszty New Member

    Jun 29, 2005
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    You know you watch too much Inuyasha when...

    You get a call from InuYasha telling you to stop watching too much InuYasha before you start hallucinating.
  12. Phrozen

    Phrozen New Member

    Jul 27, 2005
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    You know you're addicted to InuYasha when...
    -You find a Martial Arts store, buy a huge halberd and call it your companion.
    -You insist on being called 'InuYasha', 'Kagome', or another InuYasha character and perdiodically forget your real name.
    -You tattoo a crecent moon to your forehead and swear you're realated to Sesshoumaru.
    -You declare war on all baboons, claiming they're plotting against the human race.
    -You staple an extra tail to yuor cat and attempt to ride it around the house while it's in a fit of rage.
    -You proudly tell everyone you know that you're addicted.
    -You understand these jokes. :catgirl:
  13. Orion

    Orion Gears

    Jun 27, 2005
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    1. Whenever someone says sit boy, you crash to the ground.

    2. When you go to school, you dress in all read, dye your hair white, wear cheap-o plastic vampire teeth, and your moms fake nails.
  14. Eternal-Blaze

    Eternal-Blaze New Member

    Aug 11, 2005
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    You know you're addicted to Inuyasha when.... watch the entire anime at one time, then when it's done you start watching it over but a bad thunderstorm comes and you get sucked into an alternate reality through your T.V. into the time of the first episode as the archenemy of your favorite character. start thinking about ways to use magic you're learning to create things to transform yourself into a godly fusion of all of the Inuyasha characters. (I've done that.)

    You know you're addicted to Inuyasha when you know you are addicted to Inuyasha.

    A lot of people have said that if you grow your nail out and sharpen them then you're addicted. Well, I did something close to that just recently. I was trying to find out if human fingernails have the potential to do do any damage as claws. Before school ended, I stopped cutting my nails. Nera the beginning of this month, I spent like one and a half hours sharpening the nail of my right index finger with a nail file. Then I spent another half hour finishing it the next morning. Then I spent about 3 seconds using a pair of siccors to cut the nail on my left index finger. The one I used the scissors on was sharper than the other. The fingernails were decently strong, they about strong enough to be used mainly to graze away at the skin of an opponent. If the target was wearing any type of clothes, the fingernails would probably bend before they could do anything. But the longer your fingernails are, the easier they are to bend or break.
  15. 13_Jesalae

    13_Jesalae New Member

    Aug 17, 2005
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    You know your an addict when...

    You try to carry on a conversation only using quotes from the show

    You have gone to enough conventions to dress as Every character from Inuyasha

    Your obsession for cosplay has led to everydady life...

    You get a white fluffy dog, name it Sesshomaru, give it red contacts, & attemt to make it grow huge.

    You get a small white cat, name it Kylala/Kirara, dye it's fur in places, somehow attach an extra tail onto it, & attempt to make it grow huge, & fly

    You start jumping into random wells, hoping to somehow land in ancient Japan

    Whenever a large crow flies by, you yell "It's got the Shikon Jewel! Shoot it!"

    You've read & own Every book in the manga, & even so, have seen & own Every DVD made....

    ...And you know the pictures & words by heart...

    You have two of Every Inuyasha t-shirt ever made, just in case you get one dirty that day.

    Your room/ locker/ school supplies/ etc is covered with Inuyasha pins/ posters/ drawings/ etc

    Rumiko Takahashi calls, & tells you that you are demented

    You realize that you have done many or all of the things listed in this thread.

    Well, that was mmy 1st try, hope you liked it! :sweat:
  16. KaYasha

    KaYasha I'm Boelak Yrubron

    Jul 29, 2004
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    When you sleep with you InuYasha plush and talk to it and hug it when it is indanger on the show! :sweat2: :D

    You make sure all your friends who don't watch the show have a basic knowlege of the show and they know what happens every night.. jus tin case they may want to some day.

    Use your locker in school as a Shine to InuYasha.
  17. LilyRose

    LilyRose Pocky Junkie

    Mar 25, 2005
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    When you and your friends dress up as the cast of inuyasha for a day.
    Me and my friends are actually doing this for charity :D
  18. Game_Girl

    Game_Girl New Member

    Oct 14, 2005
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    Here's a good one!

    You know your addicted to inuyasha when you get into a fight and you try to use "Iron Reaver Soul Stealer" against your opponent.
  19. sakura05

    sakura05 New Member

    Oct 20, 2005
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    You know you're addicted to inuyasha when....

    you start to have dreams of him and everybody in the group
    you get a sword and use the wind scar or backlash wave
    you start to collect swords so you can use it to do the back lash wave
    you tell you male friend to sit
    you go to the dentist and ask him to file your teeth into fangs
    you go to the nail salon the get fake nails on then file them into claws
    you say iron reaver soul stealer
    you buy cosmetic contact lenses to match inuyasha's eye color

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