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Discussion in 'Gaming' started by Zero Enna, Jun 5, 2003.

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  1. UOKenny

    UOKenny Guest

    "We have been tracking you for quite some time," he said with his head down and one hand raised, "I simpley need to ask you a few quistions if that is all right?"

    He looked up with a rather cheerful smile as he put the raised hand behind his head.....
  2. Zero Enna

    Zero Enna New Member

    Mar 6, 2003
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    If you must" replied to Tsukasa, then turnig his head to Tsubaru, "You don't have to wory, I can see that look on your face that signals that you were woried".
  3. Amarhyllis

    Amarhyllis New Member

    Jan 25, 2003
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    "I was not worried." Subaru lied. Trying her hardest to change facial expressions. She then looked at Teapo. She smiled softly, it was nice to see at least some happy people in such a time of grief. A guardian gone mad...players lives, online and offline, at risk...it was nice to see a light in a dark room.
    But she then snapped out of her happy daze and brought herself to ask, "What is it?" she asked.
  4. Zero Enna

    Zero Enna New Member

    Mar 6, 2003
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    Tsukasa could tell that Tsubaru was lieing "You know you're terible at telling a lie"
    Then Tsukasa turned to Teapo " So what was so important that you wanted to ask me questions about?"
    Crim snaped out of the daze that he was in "Teapo, You've gotta ask quickly."
  5. Miko

    Miko New Member

    Jun 26, 2003
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    do you still need characters? if you do, contact me.
  6. UOKenny

    UOKenny Guest

    "Well," he replied, "I want to ask you about this mysterios monster, the one that follows you around"

    He walk closer to the group as he said, "It is obviosly a currupted file, but I wanted to ask you where it comes from"
  7. Sebastien

    Sebastien Guest

    OOC: Okay Zero Enna's banned, Who here wants to be the next GM of this RPG? Please PM me. Thank you.
  8. Amarhyllis

    Amarhyllis New Member

    Jan 25, 2003
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    OOC: okay...the GM is banned...a very unexpected turn of events...it must be the sign of the apocalypse...

    BIC: "A corrupted file...?" Subaru repeated to herself. "Just like that cat character...one that was illegaly edited? Could it be that corrupted and damaged files such as this guardian are actually able to move around in "The World"...?" she said out loud. Hoping that her questions would be answered. She sighed.
  9. Yumari

    Yumari New Member

    May 29, 2003
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    Yumari blinked. She didn't know what the heck Subaru was saying, "You mean is it possible for a non player or non-admin charter to move freely." She looked around, "I never knew that was possible."
  10. UOKenny

    UOKenny Guest

    "They do not require administration because they were programed to act out side of their original fuctions..."

    He got closer to the group as he said "In other words, they are no longer the original files put into the world. These files are given changed formats, so they are no longer NPCs, but instead a seperate running file, sort of like a game with in a game"

    He naw got right next to the group as he said "These are illigal programs running with in the program the world, and all I want to know is where you got them"
  11. Yumari

    Yumari New Member

    May 29, 2003
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    OOC: Uh...guys, Zero was crim and tsukasa. It looks like were gonna need a new one.
  12. Amarhyllis

    Amarhyllis New Member

    Jan 25, 2003
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    OOC: don't look at me. i hate controlling more than one character and plus i hate authority...i don't like being in control. what about that Miko person? we could contact 'em.

    BIC: Subaru nodded her head as Teapo talked. "Yes, "The World" is mysterious in many ways...but I'm sure that all of this was not planned by the CC Corporation." she thought to herself. "I have no idea where this guardian came from or where any of these corrupted files came from at that. Now if you will excuse me...I'm going to Carmina Gadilica and then to Mac Anu..." Subaru annoucned as she walked over to the Chaos Gate and teleported to another server.
  13. Miko

    Miko New Member

    Jun 26, 2003
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    i can be tsukasa if you want me to. *prays silently*
  14. Amarhyllis

    Amarhyllis New Member

    Jan 25, 2003
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    OOC: there's no GM so have at it.

    BIC: Subaru arrived at Carmina Gadelica and looked at the night sky. The sky was always dark...just the way the server was designed. But it's sort of unusual...how everything seemed so real, even the stars twinkled in the sky above. In the Delta Server (Mac Anu) the sky was always filled with the clouds...Subaru laid her golden axe on the edge of the wall and looked over at the water. She needed to think. She couldn't think clearly in the company of others...it just...wasn't thinking space.
    "The guardian...what about the guardian...? Tsukasa has lost control of the guardian and now it's gone berserk... It's not like that hasn't happened before...but usually it WILL stop...or will it? Shoot...I can't think...maybe I should just go to Mac Anu and check it out for myself."
    Subaru gathered her axe and headed back towards the Chaos Gate. She teleported to the Delta Server root town, Mac Anu. She walked around until-
    "Is that it?"
  15. Yumari

    Yumari New Member

    May 29, 2003
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    Yumari looked around, "Um...I know this proabably dosn't help, But I've need hearing more about the illegaly eddited charater lately. Would that help? I think It was a cat charater?"
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