Harry Potter Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince: Discussion

Discussion in 'Movies and Television' started by Basher, Jul 15, 2004.

  1. Bloodberry

    Bloodberry Bloody Berry
    Staff Member

    Feb 23, 2001
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    heheh after that, i felt the need to edit the title. just in case. i know i get pissed when someone ruins soemthing i really like *^-^*
  2. Basher

    Basher Mad Writing Skillz

    Mar 21, 2003
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    Both are possible. After the thing that happened in the ministery it could be possible. Now remember nothing was said on how it went way back when. It would probably be the same. My guess is that the Order would still be around. The picture said it was. They probably work together. It would be hard to work for the ministery do to double agents. The more there is the bigger the risks.
  3. Kagome's Arrow

    Kagome's Arrow Princess of Unicorns

    Feb 20, 2004
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    So who do you guys think is going to wind up with the DADA position? I speculate that it's an entirely new character, possibly the HBP (as I stated before), but after a few persuasions I'm beginning to wonder whether it's possible that Snape ends up with the job, though I always thought it'd be offerred to him during Harry's 7th year instead.
  4. Kain

    Kain Plaything of Doom

    Dec 16, 2003
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    I don't think that it would be Snape, just to continue his reason to hate every DADA teacher. I'd say it will be another new character, i think thats the sole purpose of the position in the series, unless they let Lupin be the teacher again, which would be cool cause lupin was a cool teacher.
  5. Stardust Phox

    Stardust Phox Such a Taurean I am!

    Mar 11, 2002
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    To anyone who isn't up to date with the books: THIS IS A SPOILER-ESQUE POST.

    I haven't read any of the other posts (except, of course, the first post), but... I don't think Draco would be the prince. He's a pureblood. Harry, however, is a half-blood (his mother was Muggle-born, whereas his father was a pureblood). Voldemort, too, is a half-blood (he mentioned a "filthy Muggle" parent; I forget which one right now). Hmm.

    Somebody probably already said it before I came and posted this, but this is my opinion. ^^;;

    Edit: Never mind, I read that someone read that Rowling-san said it wasn't Voldemort. So never mind! ^^;; But... I still don't think it's Neville. Somewhere, it's stated he's a pureblood. (When someone's talking about how dumb Malfoy is about being a pureblood. Something along the lines of, "Just because you're a pureblood doesn't automatically make you a good wizard. Look at Neville." ...*hugs Neville~!!*)
  6. Basher

    Basher Mad Writing Skillz

    Mar 21, 2003
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    I am leaning towards the DADA teacher being the half blood prince.
  7. jakotsu chan

    jakotsu chan Nevermore!

    Jul 21, 2004
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    grrr im trying to think who could it be, but my brain is currently malfunctioning :D
  8. Necara

    Necara New Member

    Aug 3, 2004
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    Professor R.J. Lupin

    I agree that we will be seeing much more of Lupin in books 6 and 7.
    It is possible that he will resume his post as DADA professor.
    Possibly he has much to do with the Half Blood Prince, if it isn’t him to begin with.
    I don’t have the book in front of me, but I believe that in OotP the painting of our dear Sirius shouted out half-blood as well as blood traitors, but Harry heard this from the top room, and it was only Sirius and Lupin in the hall (I think this was when they were talking to Dung . . . but like I said, I don’t have the book with me, if I'm wrong, please correct me)

    Also, JKR has said many times that Lupin was what made book 3 so important to write.

    (Sadly, I don’t see how that connects to book 2, but she did say that ALL traces of that plot line were removed from the book)

    Also, in an interview in May, she referred to both Sirius AND Lupin as substitute parents, so we can expect him to take a more active roll in Harry’s life after . .. ::grumble:: you know what I mean, I don` wanna talk about it. After . . .that.

    Last, but not least, there were several encounters between Harry and Lupin in the movie that did not follow the book exactly. From what I can tell, these conversations are the only thing Different (notice I didn’t say left out, they cut ALOT of stuff), but yes, the only Addition in the movie, and JKR has said that there are alot of hints to the important facts in books 6 and 7, she said we would look back and think they were put there on purpose.
    I must remember to go back and watch that scene when Lupin talks about Lily . . . and her eyes . . . (also supposed to play a big part in book 6)

    Of course, Lupin has been my Favorite character since I picked up book 3 . .. so maybe I'm just biased, what do you think?

  9. KazigluBey

    KazigluBey New Member

    Feb 18, 2004
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    Hmmmmm. . . I'll just throw in this thought: What if Snape is the Half Blood Prince? Do the books ever mention Snapes parents? I don't remember, but I don't think so, or at least they aren't mentioned very much.
  10. Basher

    Basher Mad Writing Skillz

    Mar 21, 2003
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    Good point Necara. Considering Harry lost Sirius who would be the next person his parents would want as guardians? I doubt it would be Wormtail. The books never said anything about other friends. I doubt his parents would choose his aunt. After all they know what she and her family are like. Plus they never had contact with them.

    I do hope Sirius is brought back to life. But that is so doubtful.

    One thing though Lupin may not be the teacher. Parents were not to happy about the werewolf thing. It would be nice though.

    One thing I do not doubt is that Harry will be made a prefect and Captain. Maybe not Captain till 7 year.

    Hopefully DADA teacher isn't picked by the ministery like it was in book 5. But we all know unless someone is found it could be. In that case Harry will once again be a teacher in secret.
  11. mangamonkey

    mangamonkey New Member

    Oct 31, 2003
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    Half blood prince,

    it's already been said.


    His father was human, his mother was a giant

    Also his mother was the leader of her tribe (or whatever) effectivly making her a queen. Recently hagrid was sent to make a deal with the giants so it is possible that they may have more to do with the story now.

    It is also possible that this is not the same half-blood prince from the title, but hagrid is a half-blood prince nethertheless
  12. Fushigi Rockna

    Mar 4, 2003
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    It is my personal belief that Wormtail and Lupin will both die int eh upcoming books. With Harry's father and Sirius already dead, it's only a matter of time before Wormtail and mooney go down with Padfoot and Prongs (was that Harry's dad's nickname? It was soemthing liek that I'm sure...)
    But that's just me and the writer part of me speaking...

    Eh...did anyone think that maybe the half blood prince is a new character? or that 'Half-blood prince' might actually be female...hence off throwing us all off guard by thinking it may just be a guy because of the title 'prince'....

    The new DADA teacher will probably be a new one. They've all been new thus far...
  13. Basher

    Basher Mad Writing Skillz

    Mar 21, 2003
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    Hagrid could be. I kind of doubt it. I am rereading book 5 and so far all I read was that she died a while ago. Until written or on JKR's webpage I wouldn't believe any rumors. But I still have yet to finish the book again. I think something was said more about Hagrid's mum.

    It would be neat to have the prince a girl. Something to throw us off.

    DADA could be new or no one at all. The job isn't the best but with the new law someone has to take it. If they are bad Harry could always get the DA going again.

    So who will Harry, Hermoine (sp?), and Ron date?

    I think this could happen.
    Herm + Ron
    Herm + Viktor Krum
    Harry + Luna
    Harry + Cho
    Harry + Ginny
    Harry + Herm if Ron doesn't get hurt.
    Ron + Luna far fetched but anything can happen

    Hopefully the Fred and Geogre won't be left out. I hope their shop is opened up. What could the name be? Maybe something secret that says Harry gave them the money.

    I think Percy will talk to the family now.

    Bill and that vela (what was her name again?) maybe dating.

    Charlie still with the Dragons.
  14. Necara

    Necara New Member

    Aug 3, 2004
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    Hmm, I wouldn't told much stock in the HBP being Hagrid. He was too involved in the CoS, and I know she told EVERYTHING about the HBP out of that one, I think its doubtful that she reformed everything having to do with him in that book, that was the book where we got to know him best I think.

    I really doubt that the HBP would be a girl . . . doesn’t seem quite her style to literally lie (Prince and all) hint, cover-up, bend the truth . . . yeah. But not lie . . . I noticed from fanfiction that fans for some reason have an unhealthy habit of trying to 'change the sexes' of certain characters, I even saw one where Harry was really a girl in disguise. ::shakes her head:: umm . . .no.

    So for pairings, I don’t really think we will be too much of them. Hints will be there, and maybe even a glimpse at the end of the futures of those still living.
    But they kids (I use that term loosely) are going to be awful busy in the next few books, I don’t picture there being a lot of time to proceed with relationships.
    The only exception being Ron and Hermione, because JK has made it quite clear where she is going with that. Plus, its another form of torcher for Harry . . . third wheel and all. I mean, we got through the whole 5th book without a major heartache between the trio, and JK sure does love the angst.

    I stand, fully by what I said before. J.K. Rowling was actually channeling Voldemort at the end of the OoTP.

    ::sighs:: I agree about Remus and the bloody traitor though. Something not good is going to come of that silver hand.
    Fellow fans, friends, all of us must come together, from across great oceans, and through the fields and mountains. Let us join together, in one force, to help protect our dear J.K. from our dear, dear friend Voldy. He must not invade her mind again. We MUST NOT lose Remus too . . . just too much, give us all a little breather. Please?
  15. Yossarian

    Yossarian Yossarian Lives!

    Apr 19, 2003
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    as long as Voldemort's around the Order isn't going anywhere. the point of there existence was not Harry, but to keep an eye out for Voldemort himself. the half blood prince may not even be half wizard. could be something totally different. There’s only one mystery character and that’s the DADA teacher. (who im sure everyone is dying to find out who it is ^_^ I know I am)
    So J.k. could be leading us one way just so she can twist it the other.
    and what’s going to happen to Snape? in the last book Hermione spent more time verbally defending him, instead of attacking him like they normally do.
    I doubt they'll make him DADA teacher because I think that Dumbledore doesn’t want him to be dragged back into the darkness where he once was.

    -- me confuszzuled lol

  16. Basher

    Basher Mad Writing Skillz

    Mar 21, 2003
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    Way we like it or not I think HP and Voldemort will die. The whole connection thing. Hopefully HP lives though. I am okay with it as long as Voldemort stays dead this time. Maybe HP could save himself. Let's say Vold had a daughter/son who protects HP. That person could be the HBP
  17. Yossarian

    Yossarian Yossarian Lives!

    Apr 19, 2003
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    lets hope this guy dosen't have any offsprings... None Notta Zip
  18. Basher

    Basher Mad Writing Skillz

    Mar 21, 2003
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    We all know about relaease dates but here it is anyway. July 16, 2005. I heard June along with the movie. Which that won't be out until November 18th, 2005.

    *pokes BB* Can you move this thread to it's new proper home?

    [berry] no, that's effort :p heh [/berry]
  19. Black_Princess*

    Black_Princess* New Member

    Nov 20, 2004
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    It could be anyone who dies! Maybe HP but i hope not. My guess is a member of the Order like Lupin or Snape or Mr. Weasley. Maybe even one of HP's friends
  20. Basher

    Basher Mad Writing Skillz

    Mar 21, 2003
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    I hope it isn't Lupin. HP doesn't need to lose anymore father figures. Especially friends also.

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