Movies Hellsing?

Discussion in 'Movies and Television' started by Novus, Feb 3, 2004.

  1. Zanza

    Zanza .Net-ing & PHP-ing~*
    Staff Member

    Jul 16, 2001
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    Heh, for the first time I saw the preview, I was like, omg, there is a movie based on the anime, but it looked like it sucks to me, too many cinema tricks.

    But then I thought I should ask about it, when I thought that I completely forgot about especially since I saw that preview once. But to know it has nothing to do with the anime, which rocked big time, its a reliefe, because the anime hellsing diurves a better movie, but that judgement will be confirmed after I see that movie :p

    Note: keep the arguments aside please :)
  2. TheSonOfBattles

    TheSonOfBattles New Member

    Aug 25, 2003
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    Spoilsport :sad:
  3. Yasuko

    Yasuko I beg your pudding?

    Apr 27, 2003
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    You know, Van Helsing does look a lot like Alucard. He had the hair (sorta) and a big coat, and the floppy hat. Although this is vague, you must admit he does resemble him a bit, no?
    I still don't think the movie has anything to do with the anime, though.
  4. Nephilim_X

    Nephilim_X New Member

    Sep 19, 2002
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    :rolleyes: Van Helsing looks closer to Vampire Hunter D than he does Alucard. And take a look at some other drawings/movie versions of Helsing. The concept is hardly an original one.
  5. Ciel

    Ciel Unoa Freak
    Staff Member

    Apr 16, 2001
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    I saw the movie on Victoria day.. the action was pretty good but that actor who plays Dracula, (he also was the duke in Moulin Rouge and M in LXG = Richard Roxburgh?) he wasn't very easy to believe. it seemed like a comedy with him in it.. plus the whole mystery of who Van Hellsing is.. that was a bit farfetched.. interesting though. They really could make a good prequel or other story with him in it.. they should have tried harder with the storyline..
  6. Desolated Neko

    Desolated Neko New Member

    May 28, 2004
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    I saw the movie about two weekends ago and it was awesome! >< The graphics were amazing. Spoiler:: Van Helsing is the Archangel Michael. ^^
  7. Superfly

    Superfly Active Member

    Feb 23, 2003
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    The next who who'll still write "Van Hellsing" is gonna get my foot up his ***, because it's not Van HelLsing, it's just Van Helsing. The Hel has nothing to do with Hell so quit freaking writing "Van Hellsing" because it JUST ISN'T RIGHT!
    I'm suprised people aren't only relating it with the anime "Hellsing", but I've also readen about a case who thought it could be based of "Vampire Hunter D".... maybe because of the hat, he said... ¬_¬

    They just altered the name a bit in "Hellsing" but it still has the basic idea from "Van Helsing" in Bram Stoker's novel, as in they're vampire hunters (and Freaks, yeah. So much original in Hellsing, the freak's brains are rotten, but not rotten enough to keep them from handling a gun^^)

    Van Helsing was an idea to bring together those old 60's moviemonsters in one big film.
    I'm just glad it didn't end in the usual way (as in ooooh hero and heroine will live happily ever after)

    Alucard looks alot like Van Helsing, though Vampire Hunter D has more resemblances. Mainly because Alucard has such great attitude, while Van Helsing is more like the straight to the point person.
    The clothes, well yeah, obvious; but Alucard still got zhe shades and zhe fangs!

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