Psychology help with slipt personality'(s)

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by headstrong, Sep 19, 2006.

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  1. Chance

    Chance Admitted Pokemon Fan.

    Jul 28, 2004
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    Lol, now as a group, let's say it. She's dumb. Leave her be. ;3
  2. That guy!

    That guy! Expecting Father

    Apr 4, 2001
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    I've re-opened this thread to say this and will close it afterwards. If you have any comments feel free to PM me.

    First of all I'd like to apologize for missing this post, 4th year University has been brutal to me.

    Secondly, I've noticed a lot of assumptions going on. How does anyone here know that Headstrong doesn't truly have this problem? There's something I've learned through providing therapy for clients and that is that you need to start where the person is. If a person is lying and trying to get attention then I'll still listen to them and do as much as I can. Always assume that when people tell you things like this that it is the truth. Not that it is a lie, because if they are speaking the truth and you confront them for lying then you are really causing more damage to what is already a difficult life situation for them.

    I must also mention that this is not a forum for seeking therapy, but for discussing the field of psychology. Headstrong, I wish you the best. My suggestion is that you talk to the case worker, or social worker at your school for a referral to a place that can help you.
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