Music Is anyone here supprised that the majority hates Rap/Hip Hop music?

Discussion in 'Music' started by Odango_rose, Oct 17, 2003.


Are you supprised?

  1. No... not really

    13 vote(s)
  2. Yes.

    3 vote(s)
  3. No because it sucks.

    17 vote(s)
  4. WTF kind of poll is this?

    4 vote(s)
  1. Odango_rose

    Odango_rose New Member

    Apr 4, 2002
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    I was just wondering.
  2. Fushigi Rockna

    Mar 4, 2003
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    Nope, because practically every music gendre nowadays is sucky. Rap, Hip-hop and pop and let's not forget this newly formed Punk rock. What makes Rap and Hip hop worse tho is that all the lyrics are really stupid, sickening/disgusting or perverted. Also none of them really know how to sing as well. They're got terrible voices. There's really NO talent in that area. Like there isn't in pop. Rap is a bit different, tho even that is going to the dogs.
  3. Yonaki

    Yonaki New Member

    May 9, 2003
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    Couldn't have said it better myself. Almost everyone in my school hate it...except for some morons.

    This kid that like rap asked my teacher "Do you like rap?" my teacher said, "That's not music. It's just some punk that are sick saying a bunch of crap."

    I don't know why some ppl like rap/hiphop anyway. Just plain stupid if you ask me.
  4. FireDragon_16

    FireDragon_16 A Sionbosys Unit

    Aug 9, 2001
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    Damn.... what an open mind :bleed:
    yeah...some rockstars dont have talents or something like that,
    But, for instance Linkin Park...they rule..and i mean...THEY RULE!!!
    And punk? Daft Punk!! for instance Rocks!! also!!.... hmmm
    and Punk Rock....hmmm i hate that one tbh.
    Rap/hip hop? Like 50 Cent ..damn you must be kiddin me?!!
    they are great.... :dizzy2: :rolleyes:
    Not all Rap/Hip Hop or R&B lyrics are perverted :cool: can be disgusting sometimes... than i ask myself..who produces these things.......
    yeah...its true...BUT NOT ALL are sickening/disgusting or perverted

    Hmmm 1 qeustion Fushigi Rockna ...
    What kind of music do ya listen to?
  5. Baphijmm

    Baphijmm Kunlun Knight

    Mar 8, 2003
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    I personally agree with FR in that many rap songs are incredibly bad; however, there are a few (a select FEW) whose lyrics actually have some sort of meaning. Linkin Park and Eminem are two examples of rap that I will actually give a chance. Their lyrics aren't trash, and they actually have some sort of inner meaning (keep searching, it's there). As far as hip-hop goes, I've never actually given it much of a chance. The early hip-hop, such as early TLC, was good in my opinion; however, in recent years, I have noticed a downfall.

    And to find an extensive tome on what everyone listens to here, look throughout this forum. Again, it's there, just look for it. As I have said countless times, I listen to the 80's-era-type music, as well a classical, techno, rave, bluegrass, country, and some heavy metal (very little, the lyrics are usually too "pointlessly angry" for my taste).
  6. Dredz

    Dredz Clown With A Frown

    Jul 4, 2002
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    Daft Punk are French dance, not punk.

    And personally when I hear "Rap/Hip-hop" I think more of stuff like Rage, Public Enemy, NWA, Jurassic 5, as opposed to crap like 50 Cent etc.
  7. darkmagiciangrl

    darkmagiciangrl New Member

    May 17, 2003
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    not realy, that's only because i think rap suxs a**-it's sooo pointless.
  8. seraphinx

    seraphinx Oy, Artista!

    Mar 5, 2003
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    Well, that's really just stereotyping. Everyone could say that rap sucks cuz their lyrics are stupid, they swear too much, they can't sing, etc. But not ALL hip-hop artists are like that.

    Same thing goes with rock, techno, reggae, pop, Jpop, punk. If we stereotype them as well (and not just rap music), you'd hear people say "techno sounds all the same to me," or that punk has no talent either, it's just a bunch of grungy guys yelling and swearing. People would also say "Jpop singers can't sing, they're just pretty faces with high voices." What about boyband and girlgroup music? If we stereotype them, we'd say they're just generic mass-marketted music to keep groupies happy.

    So I dunno why you all have to go picking on rap music, out of all the other kinds of music out there. ALL music can be good or bad... I believe there's no bad music style, but just bad individual songs.

    On another note, what are people gonna listen to at drunken parties where half the people are drunk and horny, the other half wanna get there groove on? Rock music isn't gonna cut it, but hip-hop music will. Fushigi Rockna, that's what all those "perverted" lyrics are for... it's party music for crying out loud! There has to be music that breaks loose, puts your mind off of work and school. It's feel-good, going-out-cruising, having-fun-with-girls type of music.
  9. Angel from hell

    Angel from hell New Member

    Feb 15, 2003
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    There singing punk in my pub?
  10. UFOtaku

    UFOtaku Wachu loorkin at?!

    May 6, 2003
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    You can't sterotype music like that. The majority of punk, rock, rap, and R&B is crap. But people don't see DJing as an art, but thats what it is. **** like Slipknot is a bunch of idiots screaming. It's considered rock. If you've heard the song "Can you take me Higher", which I'm sure you all have, it's also rock. And they're completley different. It's just like discriminating people by their skin color. As far as rap, yeah, a lot of it is junk, but only because the majority of us only listen to the stuff on the radio. But have you ever heard "Where is The Love?" By Black Eyed Peas? Have you ever bothered to think about what those lyrics mean? They mean a lot more than the crap pop stars talk about "You left me, I love you, blah blah blah". And have you heard some of Tupac's stuff? Changes, Wonder if Heaven Got a Ghetto, Life Goes on... the good rap really gives you something to think about. Personally, I prefer music that actually has meaning to Britney Spears ****, music that she dosen't even write herself.

    Sorry if I've offended you. ^_~ Lemme know.
  11. Izzy

    Izzy moo. moo. moo!
    Staff Member

    Apr 17, 2002
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    Just give *ME* music as a whole. You'd have to include rap, r&b, rock, punk, pop, country, whatever. If I can enjoy it, let me have it. Music is music folks, you don't have to listen to it if you don't like it...but leave others who do to listen to it. You can stereotype music, go ahead, but as said before, you can also stereotype rock much the same way as rap.

    It doesn't suck ***, just a lot of the stuff people let themselves listen to does. I just see it as a bad example set for a certain genre. 2pac!!! 2pac!!![/p]

    He's still alive i tell ya...still alive...
  12. Ryu-Ki

    Ryu-Ki New Member

    Oct 13, 2003
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    I really don't like rap myself. When I moved to whare I'm live now the school is a all white school (it's not raceist) and a lot of the kids like rap i don't understand.
    Resantily I'v been lisening to music in Japaness(Song from different animes).
  13. Fushigi Rockna

    Mar 4, 2003
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    Rock, the good stuff. i mean like Guns and Roses, Aerosmith, Judas priest, Bon Jovi and some japanese stuff (ESPCAILLY B'Z!! B'Z!!!) I listen to Shakira as well, and stuff in other languages. Listening to japanese tho is helpful, cause I'm learning it and thanks to some japanese music, i ahve the vowels down.
    I listen to whatever is easy on the ears, and when it comes to English, what has good menaing to it, good lyrics and it's a bonus if the artist wrote them, themselves.
    Linkin Park is awesome btw, but their songs get tiring. They're all very suicidal.
    50 Cent is horrible. I hate his voice.

    Also, did you know rap was the first type of music to bring in the f word? They were also the first to start dis-respecting women, calling us hoes and *****es and other bad words.

    And I have an opener mind than you dear. i listen to country at times, I out up with my dad's blues, I listen to a whole lot of different stuff. You just compare only 3 music genres, when there's many more thna that. So I hate 3, out of several? yeah, I'm so narrow minded.
  14. FireDragon_16

    FireDragon_16 A Sionbosys Unit

    Aug 9, 2001
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    Ehmm ... hey ...i just wanted to know what kind of music you listen to....hope i didnt upset you are sorry if i did...

    And yeah... rap was the first type of music to bring in the F word...and so on....

    And i have to agree on You have an opener mind than me...
    yeah.....your da BOMB :p

    Oh and about 50 cent... come on...he aint all that bad , give the guy some credit :p

    AND..1 more qeustion...You ever heard of Sean Paul ? ;)
  15. Ryu-Ki

    Ryu-Ki New Member

    Oct 13, 2003
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    I'm doing some what the same thing you are Fushigi Rockna.
    I'm trying to learn Japaness myself.
    Since I plan on moveing there.
  16. seraphinx

    seraphinx Oy, Artista!

    Mar 5, 2003
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    Sean Paul falls under DanceHall rather than HipHop, even though his style has turned more mainstream by making it more pop/hip-hop.
  17. Billy277

    Billy277 New Member

    Jun 28, 2003
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    Well, even if people in THIS place dislike rap, it's certainly not that way in the vast majority of America. I point to this:

    Now, I'm not a huge fan of hip-hop, but I do think that it's unfairly stereotyped and demonized. And please don't bring in arguments saying that rap is bringing about the destruction of our culture; people have been whining about that since Elvis was around.
  18. Fushigi Rockna

    Mar 4, 2003
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    Sean Paul's beats are addictive, they're soemthing you kinda just can't help but dance to. I don't like his voice very much either tho, but it ain't as bad as 50 Cent's.

    For a minute there I thought you had said Sean Desman (I DON'T CARE HOW HIS NAME IS ACTUALLY SPELT). He's the reincarantion of pure evil. -- Ok, that's extreme but still, he's evil and most likely gay.

    Ryu-ki: i'm just learning Japanese for some personal reasons. if you wnat to be EXTREMLY successful in life you should learn the 5 important languages. One is English, since it is considered the universla language and believe it or not the hardest one in the world. Second is French. If you go to Canada you will hear French alot, so it's wise to learn it. Third is Japanese. Japan is one of the leaders in technology and business. The fourth is German. for the same reasons as Japanese. The last one is Spanish, because it is used in several countries already, Mexico, Spain, I believe italy, etc. And if you can, learn latin as well, for many words in science are deprived from latin words. Those languages could help you get very very far in life. (the pulp mill my dad works at [ALPAC BABY!!! BIGGEST MILL IN THE WORLD!!!] is owned by japanese people. An example of why it's good to learn it.) Also, they pay translationers pretty well according to my father. :D hehe...
  19. Ryu-Ki

    Ryu-Ki New Member

    Oct 13, 2003
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    Yah I know (with head down).
    German & Latin are the to other languages I want to learn.
    I myself don't care to learn French, as for Spanish I took it in school and failed.
    I all ready know English. (dah)
  20. Dark_Dreams

    Dark_Dreams New Member

    Jul 16, 2003
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    Personally i can't stand any kind of old country or blue grass music. i just can't stand it. other than that i listen to just about anything. unless radio stations play it over and over again(e.i. Complicated, the song about the love sick puppy) and also i just don't like music that's just plain out sick. My personal favorites are Hans Zimmer, Frank Sinatra, Limp Biskut, Linkin park, and Bare naked Ladies.

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