Naruto Least Favourite Character

Discussion in 'Manga and Anime' started by That guy!, Dec 14, 2003.

  1. That guy!

    That guy! Expecting Father

    Apr 4, 2001
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    What character bothers the crap out of you in Naruto? For me it would have to be Sasuke.. I know he had a rough past but he should really just look at what he has now, and live the type of life his family would have wanted him to live. Sheesh.. if I revolved my life around avenging what some people did to me and my family in the past then what would I do once my vengeance is fulfilled? Sakura ticks me off too because whenever Naruto saves her she runs to Sasuke and worships him some more because she always thinks it was him who saved her.

    And then there's Orochimaru (gives an evil glare to a certain member :p).. what a twisted guy Oro is..
    I just hope that Sasuke doesn't end up like him.. Kakashi did say to Jiraiya that the relationship between Sasuke and Naruto is like how it was with Jiraiya and Orochimaru
  2. *Fabee*

    *Fabee* Retired

    Jul 15, 2001
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    Oh cool a Naruto forum! I just noticed it~!!!
    heh anyway, back to the topic. It’s hard to choose, because all the characters are likeable, so Ill take the easy way and choose a villain. Orochimaru is my least favorite character, because of his personality, irritating physical appearance (I was convinced that he was a masculine female) and umm everything about him tbh ;p
    The lowest person in my “likeable list” is Sasuke too. I don’t see why all the fuss is about it. Lol I ‘might’ be biased, because I never liked the love triangle of two women fighting over a man. It should be the opposite :p
  3. UrashimaKeitaro

    UrashimaKeitaro Sesquipedalian Mod

    Feb 16, 2001
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    Completely honest folks, my least favorite character is Konohamaru. Whenever he's in the episode, chances are it's close to all filler. Filler annoys me (regardless of how it's necessary.)

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  4. UFOtaku

    UFOtaku Wachu loorkin at?!

    May 6, 2003
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    Can't say I really HATE any of them... Sakura ticks me off every once in a while, mainly because she represents the girls. And me in particular. The supposed "smartass valedictorian whiny girl". She puts up a bad image, and she can really be shallow and bratty sometimes, compared to the other intricately designed characters. I'm hoping a little more will be added to her character.
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  5. Ciel

    Ciel Unoa Freak
    Staff Member

    Apr 16, 2001
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    true, very true. At least the villains have a purpose.
    ok, here's my list:

    Orochimaru - man, I'm sure this guy was given love, and so many second chances. he's such an evil bastage.
    Uchiha Itachi - what a jerk? kills his entire clan cuz he wanted to test himself? sheesh.
    Konohamaru - he doesn't really help Naruto, just wastes his time. At least he isn't a 18 year old midget or a lady with size G breasts that's after Sakura though. (just hypothesizing)
    Sasuke - What a jerk. tbh. Everyone thinks he's the best, and the strongest. He's a jealous brat who needs to acknowledge Naruto.
    Sakura - Say thank you to Naruto for goodness sake girl! And don't just sit and think you should make yourself a better fighter. DO IT!
    Kankuro - just because I think his jutsus are stupid and he is ugly. He's scared of his bro, but so what, where's the love?
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  6. hasukawa13

    hasukawa13 New Member

    Jan 18, 2004
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    My least favorite characters are Sasuke and Sakura. Sasuke because he can be such a jerk. Sure, it looked like he was going to change and grow to show care and concern for his teammates, but after the whole Naruto/Gaara fight, he just started in with the attitude again. Lame. And Sakura? She just comes off as such a weak character, power-wise and personality-wise. All she does is throw herself at a jerk who brushes her off. Naruto is better off with someone like Hinata --a kind person that is actually trying to better herself.

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  7. Uchiha Kumiko

    Uchiha Kumiko New Member

    Jan 20, 2004
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    I can't believe all you! Sasuke is one of my favorite characters! I think he deserves to be an avenger and cold and everything--he was only a kid when his entire family was killed by his older brother! I walked in on the remains of his parents with Itachi cackling over them!! I'm sure YOU would make your life's ambition to kill him if it happened to you...

    As for Sakura...well, I kinda have to agree with you there. But I like the inner-Sakura. Other than that, she IS pretty useless and never does anything awesome...

    Konohomaru is a really nice touch to the series in my opinion. I especially like Konohomaru Corps. And I really enjoyed his enterance into the series, trying to attack the Hokage.

    And now, my least favorite character...umm...Mizuki. That nasty guy preying on Naruto's problems so he can get the scroll of Forbidden Seals....I'm glad Naruto beat him up.
  8. alkhoon

    alkhoon .: G.Heyer is my life :.

    May 5, 2002
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    Orochimaru - cause he's just annoying. I hate him -_-x You know, at first I thought he was a girl (during the 2nd exam) lol. He's attitude disturbs me.
    Sakura - useless, nerd, and never really contributes to the plot. Just an annoying person who is madly inlove with Sasuke..
    Sasuke - to some degree annoys me <.<; He thinks he's the best in everything. Esp when he got jealous of naruto cause naruto got stronger (lol very amusing~ ;) )

    awww I like Konohamaru~ only because of the seiyuu (she's awesome :sweat: ) ehehe
  9. immortalrin

    immortalrin New Member

    Apr 20, 2004
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    Orochimaru, because he freaken creeps the hell outta me! Everything about this guy is freaky*squims while thinking about him* I think it's the way he laughs, talks, looks . . . EVERYTHING!!! FREEEAAKKYYY!!!
  10. Yugi_Boy

    Yugi_Boy New Member

    Mar 23, 2004
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    I'm just new into this anime (I'm only into the "Chuunin" exam) and so far there is only one person I don't like: Sasuke.

    Sorry to offend any Sasuke fans out there (I think there are plenty of them *looks around*), but I think Sasuke is too much of a cliche. He is your typical silent ally who always taunts the main man, usually with one word. One who never smiles. Who is out for revenge and doesn't care for anything else. Most of the time has this sound he makes when annoyed (something like "pft"). The one who's popular with all the girls. His personality really resembles Rukawa of Slam Dunk, for those who know it.

    It's not that I hate the guy. He has this cool moves plus the sharingan is always a favorite. It's just his personality is just like everyone of his kind in the anime world.

    PS Sorry I almost forgot. I also don't like Rock Lee. I hate the way he's drawn. His eyes are two plain circles. I mean, my nephew can draw a better eye. :bleed:
  11. Ciel

    Ciel Unoa Freak
    Staff Member

    Apr 16, 2001
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    lol at first he bothered me, but you aren't very far, Rock Lee astounds us all now! and the way he looks... that's a bit shallow don't you think? :p
  12. immortalrin

    immortalrin New Member

    Apr 20, 2004
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    *NODS* Yeah, Rock Lee has to be one of the best character out there . . . I kinda thought he was annoying at first but after his battle, I have come to respect him! He's so awsome!
  13. Yugi_Boy

    Yugi_Boy New Member

    Mar 23, 2004
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    Yeah... a bit shallow... :shy:

    It's not that I hate the character himself. I really dig his moves. Plus that lotus move of his kicks ***.

    What I strictly hate is the way he's drawn. He looks like he's staring at you or somethin'. Starin...starin...starin... :bleed2:
  14. Wildchild

    Wildchild New Member

    May 9, 2004
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    it must be Lee.. I just hate the way he looks.. yäk!Those fuzzy eyebrouns. But i think he`s good kid =D
  15. Shenlong

    Shenlong New Member

    Apr 28, 2004
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    Personally, I hated Zaku, the Sound ninja with the wind tunnels in his arms. Firstly, his personality annoys me. His entire role in the anime is somewhat of a filler character. I hate filler characters. First, he gets destroyed by Curse Seal Sasuke. Then, he gets destroyed AGAIN by Shino. And, finally, he gets sacrificed by Orochimaru. How productive. :anger2:
  16. Himura_Mitsuki

    Himura_Mitsuki New Member

    Mar 16, 2004
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    abit of spoilers here n there

    based on episodes 1-50.... I could understand y certain people don't favour Sasuke but I felt Hyugaa Neji was the bigger advanced-bloodline brat. He's so darn selfish. Initially I was under the impression he was dead impressive being the former number rookie and all but when he intended to kill Hinata (at that pathetic state she's in no less), he don't deserve any respect really.

    When Naruto promised he was going to bring him down, it was the same time I finally felt that Naruto truly deserved to be the main character of this series. Yeah believe it or not, I found him really annoying at first. If it wasn't for Haku and Kakashi, I wouldn't have made it to the Chuunin Selection Examination :anime:
  17. Red Jackal

    Red Jackal New Member

    May 7, 2004
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    I hate Sakura. I'm an avid Sasuke fan, but it isn't your typical fangirl "omfg i h8 her! sasuke iz min!" sort of hate. I hate her because she's a spoiled brat. She's done next to nothing in comparison to her two teammates, or even most of her classmates. The only two times she's done any thing remotely remarkable was when she showed that she had better Chakra control than both Naruto and Sasuke. And perhaps when she made a stand against the Sound Nin, nevermind that she got beaten into the ground for it.

    Sakura shows absolutely no potential whatsoever in my eyes, and the only thing that seems to concern her is throwing herself at Sasuke at any given chance. Sheesh, no wonder she annoys him. Sakura should not be a Shinobi. She's too sidetracked by being obssessed with someone who doesn't care for her and constantly needs rescuing by either Sasuke or Naruto. And she won't even give Naruto the thanks he deserves. *spoiler*She only bribed Naruto on a date to beg him for help for *Sasuke*.*end spoiler*

    But my favorite characters are....
    Sasuke, Orochimaru, Temari, Anko, Shiranui Genma (mmm), Kakashi, Naruto, Shikamaru and Gaara (after he's changed, mind you). Not necessarily in that order.

    *spoiler*Although I love Sasuke, I do hope Naruto beats him into the ground for turning his back on Konoha like that. It was petty, and shallow and I hope he thoroughly gets what he deserves.*end spoiler*
  18. Dante

    Dante New Member

    Feb 27, 2004
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    *coughs* Hypocrite *coughs and looks at one of Seraph's reasons for disliking Kankuro :p*

    Aaaanyways, I just started getting into this series, been reading the manga and up to around chapter 60, 61 or so (right after the battle with the Sound Nin in the second part of the Chuunin exam).

    Thus far, I haven't found a character I really disliked. Most of the characters I thought I'd hate I've grown to really like (Zabuza, Rock Lee, etc.) I didn't think I'd like Orochimaru either but he's pretty cool.

    If I really had to choose... I'd start by saying Naruto himself, at least thus far. As of yet he seems to have been very little use fight-wise, especially compared to his comrades.. really, his charisma at this point at where I am is his best weapon. Sakura, she's kind of useless. Ditzy girl filler, really. Though I do admit I liked when she owned Zaku of the Sound Nin. Though maybe my opinion will change as I go... just hope I won't lose respect for my current favorite characters ;P (Temari, Kabuto, Kakashi and Anko).
  19. Izzy

    Izzy moo. moo. moo!
    Staff Member

    Apr 17, 2002
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    Don't you mean, "Anko"?

    Anyway, Orochimaru's cool in the manga, but I can't stand his seiyuu in the anime.

    That's just me though.

    As for my favorite characters:
    Rock Lee
    Naruto (especially after he matures a little with the Rasengan training)
    Tsunade's assistant
    Kurenai (the Jounin that's taking care of Hinata's team, though only because she's pretty in the manga.)
  20. Suzu

    Suzu 7th Seat Shinigami

    Jul 19, 2001
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    Orochimaru is my least favorite; his attitude just ticks me off.

    I do not hate sasuke or Sakura, but I'm not a big fan of them either. I feel that Naruto is going to show Sasuke one day how strong he is. Once naruto grown to be a handsome man, sasuke might not be the hottest looking guy.

    Naruto under the supervision of a sanin would make the apprentice much stronger. While Sasuke and his senseii kakashi sleep, Naruto is busy training ^_^! Who is getting stronger now?!

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