Movies LOTR: Return of the King

Discussion in 'Movies and Television' started by UFOtaku, Dec 15, 2003.

  1. Phalanx

    Phalanx Long Live M2A!

    Dec 15, 2002
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    Legolas is a Wood Elf. They stay behind in Erebor.

    As much as I would like to see the Scourage of the Shire, I would like to have the extra footage include the confrontation with the Mouth of Sauron and the problem Sam has crossing the gate into Minas Morgol.
  2. shippou

    shippou New Member

    Dec 20, 2003
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    i went to see it last night.........i tought it was funny when legolas killed the elephant-thingy
    gimli"WELL that still only counts as one!!!!)
    classic and har har to gollum serves him right .....
  3. Zelgadis

    Zelgadis New Member

    Aug 1, 2003
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    I went to see it yesterday, I have to say I'm quite impressed by it. I thought it was a good conclusion to a good trilogy.
  4. shippou

    shippou New Member

    Dec 20, 2003
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    everyone i know was dissapoimnted with the ending i the only one that enjoyed sam being happy......p.s sams kids are soooo cute
  5. Old_Coyote

    Old_Coyote New Member

    Sep 23, 2003
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    I already saw it twice. I read the books, way before the movies came out and even though it strayed form the book I thought it was great. Compared to other adaptations from books Peter Jackson did a great job. I guess they couldn't include everything in the books because it was just too much and less people would go see it if it were like 5 hours long.

    I can't wait for the DVD. I expect the DVD would have a lot of extra footage but unfortunately I don't think it would have the real ending. BUt it's still going to be great.

    P.S. Andy Serkis should win best supporting actor because he did such a great jorb.
  6. Richter

    Richter New Member

    Apr 18, 2001
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    excellent movie. I anticipate the uncut edition. We'll probably have to wait til November again. I guess they make great Christmas presents.
  7. Dredz

    Dredz Clown With A Frown

    Jul 4, 2002
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    The point was that he didn't have a choice.... he started off pretty much like Frodo or Sam.

    hence teh flashbackage.
  8. Shadowhawk

    Shadowhawk New Member

    Sep 10, 2002
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    I luvved it muchly!

    Um, yes, well *A---hem* the ending was slow......

    Legolas still kicked orc @$$! (YES!)
  9. Lime

    Lime Claude ish MY honey ^.^

    Feb 4, 2002
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    The ending waas okay. . . I found it dumb how the elves, Frodo and Gandalf just kind of up and left the Middle Ages. Where the heck do they think they are going? ;P I also thought about the part of Sam getting married was totally unneeded. . . =/

    But. It was a good ending. I was a wittle teary eyed. ^^; But. What can I say? Twas cute.
  10. selenia

    selenia New Member

    May 28, 2003
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    I saw it last week, definetly the best of the three

    Too bad it's all over now :sad:
  11. BakaMattSu

    BakaMattSu ^__^
    Staff Member

    Feb 16, 2001
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    Excellent movie, and my favorite as well. The ending was long, indeed, but after 7+ previous hours, 20 minutes of wrapup isn't so bad in retrospect.

    Everyone's been talking about Sarumon and the Scouring of the Shire since Jackson stated it would be cut from the movie. It probably would have been good to include, seeing as it shows what happened to the Wizard. After seeing the movie, my sister promptly asked why he wasn't in the movie - she had been expecting him to show up during the Siege to cause problems for the good guys. :p

    Gandalf, if you remember (in Two Towers), was spent of his life after finally defeating the Balrog. He was sent back to Middle Earth until his task was done. His task was done, hence his time on Middle Earth was up.

    The wound Frodo received on Weathertop (in Fellowship) Witch King's blade never healed.
  12. Charlie

    Charlie Guest

    I love 'em all- I have the extended first two on DVD. The cut Saruman scene is supposed to appear on the extended version. It felt a bit rushed later on....although it's quite a long film. There were a few scenes they filmed I was suprized did'nt appear in it; the houses of healing, the mouth of Sauron....maybe a couple of other things; I 'm sure they'll make it into the longer version.Peter Jackson hinted the extended cut could be around 4 hours or so.

    Oh by the way, Gandalf is a Maier spirit(an assistant of the Valar, the gods who dwell in the west) like the Balrog!
  13. Sesshomisao

    Sesshomisao Poison Girl

    May 5, 2003
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    I thought that it was an extreamly good movie, and for those of you who have seen it, you would most likely agree...people who havent seen it....what the heck are you waiting for!? ITS REALLY GOOD!!! ^__^

  14. Sen

    Sen Ero-ninja

    Jun 2, 2003
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    i didnt like it, well, i did like it, but i think so much is missing, i was really looking forward to the battle for the shire T__T

    maybe they shouldve made six movies, just like the books, because so many nice and important details were dropped, oh well, whatever :(
  15. Charlie

    Charlie Guest

    The Scouring Of The Shire chapter....I don't think they ever intended to put it's a pity, but I guess film makers have to make tough decisions like this.
  16. Shadowhawk

    Shadowhawk New Member

    Sep 10, 2002
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    I think the Scouring of the Shire would have been out of place. What with everything wrapped up at mt. doom, to return home and find it in ruins after all the scraping and crying they went through to save it would be... well... weird.
  17. Charlie

    Charlie Guest

    Indeed...the extended editions will amount to about 11 hours when viewed as one movie!
  18. *Fabee*

    *Fabee* Retired

    Jul 15, 2001
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    *contains spoilers*
    Finally Ive seen the movie~!!!!
    I just saw the movie today and it’s the best movie I’ve seen this year. If you thought that the battle scene in LOTR2 was the best... Think again! It was so intense that it made the whole audience, epically the noisy kids sitting behind us, silent! The best part of the battle scene was Eowyen killing the strongest of the ringwraiths (can’t remember his name)

    The saddest part of the movie in my opinion who a lot of people disagree with me is when Faramir tells Denethor that if he wishes that Boromir was alive and he was dead and he answers "yes" *sobs*
    Another heartbreaking scene was the return of Faramir from battle.
    hmmm I guess I have a high level of sympathy for him ;p

    Ahh about the ending, I loved it because it was a happy one. Meaning no one died in the end. I admit it was sad to see Frodo leave, but its was better to see him "not being dead" .. My brother fooled me by saying that Frodo dies in the movie :anger2:
  19. Charlie

    Charlie Guest

    Yeah, some folks though Frodo would die in the end...he would of if he did'nt(SPOILER!)depart for the undying lands(the wound, remember). The extended version could be quite long, and there are a lotta scenes from the book that should make an appearance!

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