RPG Archives Maelstrom of Fate - The Dance of Commencement

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by Valant Rapitor, Jul 11, 2004.

  1. Valant Rapitor

    Valant Rapitor A Hungry Weeble

    Jun 11, 2004
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    Darkness. That is all you see with your eyes. But, your eyes aren't the only things that see - if you did not realize it before, you did now. Even as your eyes picked up only pitch black, a darkness that was somehow blacker than any darkness you could imagine, other senses perked. Your ears transferred to your mind many dialects, the speakings of languages. Your nose picked up impossible amounts of aroma. Your skin prickled as it encountered countless types of texture that eroded into nothing. If you opened your mouth, the tastes of everything you could imagine flooded in. However, the only thing you saw was pitch black - such that you don't even know if your eyes were open.


    You wake, from the ball you curled yourself into, flipped over many times, not even knowing your place. The pain that you had known from the last moments of what could possibly be your life had faded, and you wonder if you are even alive. Pitch black is all you see aside from your form, which is obscured by fog, but you can feel many other wonderful scents, sounds, and such.


    You find yourself in a sitting position as you wake from what seems like an eternity in vacuum. You remember your ship being stripped away from you by some un-earthly force, and then you remembered your past, and this... nothingness. All you can see is yourself, it seems, but even that seems to be a foggy uncertainty. Your other senses, however, pick up strange and alien things.
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  2. Meaikoh

    Meaikoh See you later, Moderator

    Aug 23, 2001
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    Alexis stirred...He felt no pain from his wounds...And he did not feel as if he had been crushed by a charging horse. Darkness. He couldn't see anything in the darkness. Ahh! But the smells and tastes of the air!

    Was he dead? It would happen to be a horse that killed him, wouldn't it? Was this place heaven or hell? The tastes and scents threatened to overwhelm him, but he slowly grew used to them. They made him feel alive.

    Alive? Was he alive then? Just where was this place?

    He was disoriented. A dropoff could lay just a few feet away from him, and he'd never know until he walked into it. Maybe it was best to stay where he knew he was on solid ground for now. He curled back up into his little ball, waiting.
  3. XXIXreformed

    XXIXreformed New Member

    May 30, 2004
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    *Hills awoke, quite suddenly, and saw nothing, nothing but the empty darkness*

    Where the...

    *He then noticed an impossible number of things around him. His senses, seemingly heightened, felt alive, with their own souls, or...well, that was the best way to describe it. He felt like the universe was at his finger tips.
    Then, for some reason, he felt like he was being watched. He looked around, but all he saw was the blackened hell*

    Sh...Show yourself!

    *he cried into the endless dark, with no reply.
    Where was he? Why was he here? Why do I remember things I shouldn't, like when the reactor exploded? Too many questions, no answers. He felt tears flow down his face, and willingly fell into unconciousness.*
  4. Valant Rapitor

    Valant Rapitor A Hungry Weeble

    Jun 11, 2004
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    You wait for that seems like an enternity, but in that duration you notice that even though you aren't moving, something is moving you. You see a man, prone, laying on the ground, in tight-fitting clothing. He seems to be unconscious. However, whoever he is, he is a welcome sight opposed to the blackness around you, a darkness that seemingly consumes.

    Overwhelmed by the questions of your past flooding into your present, you fall into the darkness, from the darkness. However, there is no escape even from sleep, as the past assaults you again, posing upon you multiple questions that you cannot hope to answer. Memories taunt, and mock you. Faces from your past look down upon you with pity, and past all that, you sense the darkness that has always been there.
  5. Meaikoh

    Meaikoh See you later, Moderator

    Aug 23, 2001
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    A man! Who was it? Was it the man from earlier? Was it one of those thugs? At least there was something in the darkness. He decided to test his voice out against the void.

    Hello was a weak beginning, but it was the polite one. "Hello?"

    He waited patiently, as he had been.
  6. Valant Rapitor

    Valant Rapitor A Hungry Weeble

    Jun 11, 2004
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    (OOC - It's cue Hills, if you are wondering why I don't reply, heh.)
  7. XXIXreformed

    XXIXreformed New Member

    May 30, 2004
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    ((Sorry, internet went haywire. back on now.))

    *Hills slowly started to wake from the horrid nightmare in his head. He couldn't get a grasp on what exactly had happened, but he was able two deduct to things: 1) He was in some kind of parallel universe, and 2) He was alone.
    He heard a voice not far away, a simple "hello". He snapped his eyes open and sat up, but saw nothing but black*

    Wh...Where are you? Show yourself!

    *He reached at his belt and was startled by his hand hitting metal. His magnum had made it here, so that was a small bit reassurence that he was okay. Despite that though, he still couldn't see the figure that had made the sound. He drew his sidearm and waited for another sound
  8. Meaikoh

    Meaikoh See you later, Moderator

    Aug 23, 2001
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    Alexis tried to get to his feet, but the darkness was disorienting...

    "I am Alexis of the Knife, and I am not hiding."

    He stared straight at the man, his catlike eyes piercing the darkness. He offered no comfort, no hand or kind word. But, he was grateful to know that he was alive. This man proved it, for he could never imagine so outlandish a figure all by himself.
  9. XXIXreformed

    XXIXreformed New Member

    May 30, 2004
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    Alexis the...Knife?

    *Hills couldn't see this "Alexis", but he knew he wasn't alone in this place. he slowly lowered his sidearm*

    I am Hills Kendaru, Lost Pride of New Earth...At least that's what the holocasts call me...Where are you? I cannot see anything, only myself.

    *he slid the side arm back into it's casing*

    And any idea on where this is?
  10. Meaikoh

    Meaikoh See you later, Moderator

    Aug 23, 2001
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    "Your name sounds so foreign! Lost pride? Holocasts?"

    He shrugged, then realized how useless a gesture that was in the dark.

    "Could be the underside of a horse's hooves," he said cryptically. "I don't know. I've never seen such a place. There's no comparison."
  11. XXIXreformed

    XXIXreformed New Member

    May 30, 2004
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    ...Ever since I woke up to this place, I've had this feeling, like someone's been watching us... It's kinda creepy...

    *he turned his headtowards the general direction of Alexis' voice. He could of swore he saw something move out in the corner of his eye and snapped the magnum up faster than the blink of an eye at the area of the movement*

    I'm hoping that was you Alexis, otherwise...

    *Hills let his words fade. Hopefully, Alexis would know what he meant.*
  12. Meaikoh

    Meaikoh See you later, Moderator

    Aug 23, 2001
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    "It isn't someone who's watching us, I think, but someone. And what do you mean, you hope that was me?"

    Alexis edged closer, holding his hand out in front of him. He didn't know what a gun was, let alone one as advanced as this one. "What do you use that for?"

    His almost catlike eyes seemed to adjust well to the void.
  13. Valant Rapitor

    Valant Rapitor A Hungry Weeble

    Jun 11, 2004
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    Suddenly, light replaced the darkness, in such a fashion, and in such intensity, that it blinded you for quite a while. Now replacing the smells and tastes, one could now see a kaleidoscope of light. However, what you smelled, and what you now tasted.. was very akin to what you saw not long ago. They detected... nothing. However, you could now see your companion in this strange place.
  14. XXIXreformed

    XXIXreformed New Member

    May 30, 2004
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    *He brought his hand up to his eyes to cover them*

    WHAT THE HELL?!?!?!

    *He brought his magnum to it's holster and tried to stand up, but the blinding light had dazed him a little. He slowly brought his hand down to uncover his eyes. They still hurt, but had adjusted a little. He turned his head and saw a shaded figure he could only hope was Alexis. He couldn't be for sure because: 1) He never saw Alexis, and 2) His eyes still hadn't adjusted perfectly*

    A...Alexis? That you?
  15. Meaikoh

    Meaikoh See you later, Moderator

    Aug 23, 2001
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    Alexis' eyes were much more sensitive to light, and he threw himself backwards, shielding his eyes.

    "I...yes, it's me."

    He examined his companion, with his outlandish clothes and large weapon. If it even was a weapon.

    He looked around. "I still can't make head nor tail of this place."
  16. XXIXreformed

    XXIXreformed New Member

    May 30, 2004
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    ...Nor can I...

    *he drew his magnum. He could see clearly now, and saw alexis pretty well. He stood up, And saw he was standing on nothing*

    Come on. I think we can stand up. I'm getting the creeps from this place.
  17. Meaikoh

    Meaikoh See you later, Moderator

    Aug 23, 2001
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    Alexis nodded, doing so. "I do not trust ye or this place."

    He stated so calmly, knowing that honesty was a virtue, no matter how ugly the truth might be.
  18. Valant Rapitor

    Valant Rapitor A Hungry Weeble

    Jun 11, 2004
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    Suddenly, the plethora of colors turned into the absolute darkness again. Except, this time, you could now see yourself and the other people as well. Interesting. As you get used again to the darkness, accompanied by its fascinating tastes and smells, and as Alexis ponders upon his words, a loud voice booms from seemingly nowhere. "Ya don't trust him, eh? Well, I'm sorry 'bout that, boy, but you'll be stickin' with him for quite a while."
  19. Meaikoh

    Meaikoh See you later, Moderator

    Aug 23, 2001
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    Alexis drew yet another knife from his person, holding it point downwards, ready for trouble. "Who the hell? What do you mean?"

    He turned around in a circle, looking for a person. "Where the hell are you?"
  20. Athena

    Athena Wisdom comes with Sadness

    Feb 1, 2003
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    ooc: i hope this is where u meant for us to go.

    *Selenity Takadea*
    Selenity opened her eyes, the last thing that she remembered was talking with some of the council men when she felt faint and now she had no idea where she was except that all was black and she couldn't see a thing for the moment.

    "Hello! Is anyone here?" She called out.

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