Manga Manga VS Comics

Discussion in 'Manga and Anime' started by dunpeal_20, Aug 12, 2005.

  1. dunpeal_20

    dunpeal_20 New Member

    Aug 12, 2005
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    I am posting this to *hopefully* get a heated discussion going. :sweat: Not to offend anyone :p

    My friend and I are at odds at the moment about this subject.

    My opinion is :

    that Manga and Comics are pretty much the same. The only diffrence that I see that is really diffrent between the two is that One (manga) is read right to left. The other (comics) are read from left to right.

    Other than that both tell stories about worlds/people/places/realities of fiction (most of the time) and usually do a good job.

    My friends opinion is :

    That Managa and Comics are nothing like each other.

    And my thinking they have anything in common is complete insanatiy.

    What do you'all think??
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  2. Seishin

    Seishin Guest

    That Manga rules the sh** out of comics, 'nuff said for me...

  3. SoraStrife

    SoraStrife New Member

    May 19, 2005
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    What I think is that Mangas is different and way better than the comics..the reasons are that manga is from japanese and read left to right it also has great stories and it gives out a great plot and settings and the charaters are very unique....on the other hand..american comics are stupid and senceless to read and its mostly of superheros and junk like..I just simply cannot read it cause I think its a waste of my time...sure I have read only one comic that is at least decent but its way beyond different then superheros...meh, I agree with your friend....
  4. Nightmare

    Nightmare Chaos Rules

    Feb 21, 2005
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    umm..not all comics are about super heros in tights thats what most people think that is what a comic is.

    Here's one ever heard of a Comic called Sin City.
  5. SoraStrife

    SoraStrife New Member

    May 19, 2005
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    my friend that is kinda still the same

    Heh, I bet you haven't even read that comic but people have told you it was the "best" *thumbs up with a smartass smile*..way to go...well there you go...still most comics are base on super heros nightmare..and america just sucks with comics and you see now and days that American comic publishers are trying to do it the "manga" ways like in japanese...*scoffs* well there are way off...I still belive that mangs and comics are way different. :p
  6. Sieghardt

    Sieghardt Man With the Machine Gun

    Jun 4, 2003
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    Yeah, comics and manga are pretty much the same, IMO. If i had to pick between them, I'd definately choose comics in a heartbeat. I love the old spiderman, batman, x-men. Hell, I'm a sucker for superheroes.
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  7. ZakoSoldier

    ZakoSoldier Zeon Commander

    Aug 13, 2003
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    They are differnt but I won't say that one is better than others as I have not read many comics. I will say this though manga has a wider range of types of stories but this is from the fact that in Japan manga has a wider apeal while in America it is "geeky" to read comics (look at the Simpson's "Comic Book Guy") so in America the comic writers say in a comfort zone of stories.
  8. Eternal-Blaze

    Eternal-Blaze New Member

    Aug 11, 2005
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    To me, manga and comics are different, but they're somewhat similar. They're both a series of events put into frames. The order of the frames is different and Japanese often have a variety of how the frames are arranged. The way that they're drawn is also different. Most manga has their certain look while comics have a more realism look. I don't like the whole super hero concept so I prefer manga over comics.
  9. Yossarian

    Yossarian Yossarian Lives!

    Apr 19, 2003
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    i prefer Manga over comic's.
  10. me_dreaming_zzz

    me_dreaming_zzz ¯\(º_o)/¯

    Nov 6, 2003
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    Hmmmm....good question to ask on a website dedicated to anime and manga, and in a manga forum :rolleyes: . OK, i prefer manga over comics, because:
    1. I find the story lines are more interesting
    2. I like the art in manga way more, I find it mode detailed and beautiful.
    3. And yes, yes i like big eyes :D .
  11. dunpeal_20

    dunpeal_20 New Member

    Aug 12, 2005
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    Yes I agree with you on the fact that pretty much all comics envolve "super hero types" but the same thing could be said about anime/manga. All have *Heros* that have powers that somehow always find trouble that just so happens to want to destroy the World/Planet/Universe. Well at least it's always the world/planet/universe in manga. In comics its usually the caped/masked crusaders hometown/current living place/girl/family under attack.

    Yet manga storylines are a little more complicated than "me hero me smash Villian" :D LOL
    but then some really aren't.
    I fear I may be rambling :eek:
  12. Eternal-Blaze

    Eternal-Blaze New Member

    Aug 11, 2005
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    Actaully, I think that the most common manga out there is the type where there's the main character (a guy) and like six girls. I don't remember but I think those are called harem mangas. Some are good, but a lot are too plain and too similar to each other. We need a bigger variety taking place in different times. I have a very well though out idea for a manga that takes place over 2,000 years from now. It has a lot to deal with what Earth could be like in the future. I could say more but this isn't the place for that.
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  13. Orion

    Orion Gears

    Jun 27, 2005
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    Manga is just better than Comics in every aspect. The art is a lot more interesting in Manga, as is the storyline for nearly every Manga. Comics have pretty bland storyline's in my opinion, it always ends up that and average citizen, who happens to bea loser, comes in contact with some toxic waste and gets superpowers and is loved by all. He then fights other strange men in tights who happen to have superpowers and plan to take over the world. Too bland.

  14. Zanza

    Zanza .Net-ing & PHP-ing~*
    Staff Member

    Jul 16, 2001
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    I have to admit. I enjoy reading manga more than comics. I love them so much. They have this magic that makes you interact with them like it is really happening.

    Once I was reading Fushigi Yuugi manga and something really funny happend that made me laugh so hard. My brother was watching me thinking I went crazy all of a sudden :p
    That never happend to me while reading comics :)
  15. Basher

    Basher Mad Writing Skillz

    Mar 21, 2003
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    One big difference for me is when I read the manga I can kind of see the anime. I'll watch that episode for that chapter and I'll be like I just saw this even though that episode just got translated. With comics you really can't some of course go into cartoons are there version of "anime." It just isn't the same. I like mangas better for this reason. So my guess would be they have more description of what is happening.
  16. Zanza

    Zanza .Net-ing & PHP-ing~*
    Staff Member

    Jul 16, 2001
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    wow.. you got the words right out of my mouth.. I wanted to say the same, but I couldn't 'format' it :p
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  17. Badluck

    Badluck New Member

    Apr 13, 2004
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    Manga is very different from comics.
    Manga have more variety in stories.
    There are manga about nearly evey thing, from Shonen-ai, to sports.
    Most American comic are super heros or Sci-Fi.
    I like the manga art, humor, and stories better.
    I'm not a huge fun of American super heros.
    Plus reading in the Japanese way, Right to left, is fun.
    I have yet to find an American comic that I love.
    It's easier for me to fall in love with manga series.
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  18. Yasuko

    Yasuko I beg your pudding?

    Apr 27, 2003
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    I think that there is (obviously) the difference in style. I'm more into manga than comics, but I like the art of "comics" a lot- in some cases it's very retro, realistic, and pop-art-ish. However, I don't really read "comics" very often. I find that manga offers a MUCH wider selection of genres, for all audiences to enjoy. When you think of comics, it's mostly action-packed superhero stories that boys read. This is somewhat true- even if there are a few "comic" graphic novels out there that are different, the majority rules. Now think of all the different kinds of manga there are...
    However, I'm not dissing comics. Like I said, I enjoy the art. But I pretty much have a library of manga because it's just more interesting to me.
  19. Orion

    Orion Gears

    Jun 27, 2005
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    I too like comics, but Manga is way better. They dive into many different directions by taking art and making it so interesting, you can't help but read it. Comics don't do that for me.

  20. dunpeal_20

    dunpeal_20 New Member

    Aug 12, 2005
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    :) :)
    I never said one was better than the other but I will say that most of the art in Manga is better and more flashy than that of comics. But that is another thing comics and manga have diffrent. (my friend seems to be gaining a upper hand :( )Manga can have pages of pictures *showing* the reader what is happening in comics it sometimes leaves gaps for the reader to sort of come up with the picture in his or her head, but the gaps they don't leave the art is awsome. Both comics and Manga artist do their profession justice.

    THAT said I do like manga better than comics. But then again I don't read the traditional comics. (like x-men,ironman, hulk) I do read batman, and superman. other than that I read comics that practically are manga already same format (except the right to left reading) and they are in color.

    Speaking of that the following is what drew me to manga more than comics. the fact that you can get a WHOLE of a lot more story for your money in manga than in a lets just say 20 page comic. :anger2:

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