Video Games Playstation 2 is officaly screwd!

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by DragonSlaveVivi, Jan 25, 2004.

  1. DragonSlaveVivi

    DragonSlaveVivi New Member

    Dec 10, 2003
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    Im sick and tired of this and its finally happened, every single great "PS2 exclusive" franchise has been copied to another system, there is no longer any pride in owning one system or the other since PS2 has lost all its great games like.....

    Metal Gear Solid franchise (Twin Snakes on GameCube)

    Final Fantasy Franchise (Crystal Cronicles on GameCube)

    Dead or Alive series (DOA3 and Beach vollyball on Xbox)

    Grand Theft Auto series (Double Pack on Xbox)

    I know all u Xbox and GameCube fans are rejoicing, but I as a PS2 follower can no longer stand this, where is our version of Halo, Elder Scrolls and so on?
    how do all of you feel on this subject?
  2. Izzy

    Izzy moo. moo. moo!
    Staff Member

    Apr 17, 2002
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    Final Fantasy started off in Nintendo in the first place. The only reason Square dropped Nintendo is that the cartridge system in the N64 was too small to hold the entirety of any Final Fantasy game in the works. Besides, I don't think that Nintendo as a company couldn't deal with the more mature situations shown in the newer FFs. That, and the fact that the PS1 sales skyrocketed...

    Metal Gear as a series went the same way as Final Fantasy. It originated in Nintendo. However, Metal Gear Solid needed something more powerful than the N64 to be able to be played.

    Dead or Alive was also originally on Dreamcast.

    Grand Theft Auto was originally a PC game.

    Non-exclusive games don't really bother me. I mean, it's called marketing and milking a product for as much as it's worth. Exclusive games don't bother me much's a good way to sell a person on a system. It's called business sense, and I would have done something similar if I owned a company like Sony, Nintendo, or Microsoft.

    Just get all three systems. ORRRRRRRRRRR, wait until it's able to be safely and legally downloaded from the net. ^_^
  3. Sen

    Sen Ero-ninja

    Jun 2, 2003
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    i dont care for othere consoles games.

    im a hardcore nintendo fan, i dont need anything from other consoles, nintendo always have the coolest games...

    so yeah, i think is a little unfair for ps2, i mean, what little good they have is also on other systems lol :anime:
  4. psyeudkev

    psyeudkev New Member

    Jan 19, 2004
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    If it's the same game released on different systems, I don't give a mind to it. 'Cos I can get it one way or or the other.

    But for some franchises, where certain parts in the series are moved to another system (e.g. Resident Evil, and those parts actually contribute to the whole franchise 'story', it's annoying.

    But what can I do, other than wait till I work and earn my living - then I'll be able to swipe all systems, soon, soon...
  5. Lime

    Lime Claude ish MY honey ^.^

    Feb 4, 2002
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    I actually don't really care about what games are going where nowadays -- Just as long as I am able to play them. I know where you are coming from, and if someone couldn't get ahold of all three systems. But. That is just how the world is. Gotta get better things, to get what you want. Tis how it just is. I only own PS2, GameCube, and GBA -- And I sit around and admire more than enough games on XBox all the time.
  6. DragonSlaveVivi

    DragonSlaveVivi New Member

    Dec 10, 2003
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    I dont remember GTA1 coming out originally for the PC, but if it did i think it came after or at the same time as the PS1 version (could be wrong), as for DOA, the second DOA (not hardcore) came out for dreamcast yes, but the original started on PS1 as well,

    Final fantasy did start out on th NES yes, but it did not get signifigant recognization until FF7 on the PS1 as well

    so, in conclusion what I meant to say was all the good, genre breaking games that were recognized, and contracted with Sony for so long, have been gimmicly thrown out to every company that begs for them

    He He "gimmicly"
  7. psyeudkev

    psyeudkev New Member

    Jan 19, 2004
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    That isn't too accurate. The first FF was what saved the company, and subsequent titles (even though not brought outside Japan) were rather popular, especially FF6.
  8. Teddz

    Teddz Sexy Swedish Love ♥

    Dec 8, 2002
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    It came out on PC first. It "rejoiced" the PS1 owners 3-5 months after it realise to the PC.

    It's normal that games who are popular choose to go to other types of consoles. It's basically the "men" behind the games that decide where they should focus. They look at it in this way:

    Which consoles are selling like a warm knife cutting through butter?
    Popular titles should be expanded so the company could earn more cash and they could improve their sale rates.

    Although I doubt Halo is going to be realised to GameCube or Playstation 2. Microsoft has the ownership of the game, so they decide where the game should come on next.

    Look at Blizzard for example, many console users are angry that World of WarCraft will only be avalible on the PC. So Blizzard made StarCraft Ghost so we PC users won't get a copy of it. In this way, PC users enjoy WOW while PS2/GC/XBOX users enjoy their high quality times with the SC: Ghost. That's just my two swedish cents.

    I really don't know why you are complaining. MGS, FF (7-10)and GTA3 all came to the PS2 first, and almost all of the games who were transformed onto other consoles often get grades that are lower than the versions on the PS2, except GTA.

    - Teddz
  9. Izzy

    Izzy moo. moo. moo!
    Staff Member

    Apr 17, 2002
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    No Final Fantasies were also given a big advertisement budget like FFVII did. They had billboards and everything in the LA County Area. Final Fantasy VI (J)/ III (US) got advertisement in the western hemisphere...but only delegated to TV commercials featuring Mog talkin' like a New Yawker and interviewing Monsters. VII had billboards, TV commercials, Magazine spots in high-traffic magazines...and a big kick in the face for Nintendo owners.


    "This game would have taken 40,000 cartriges to make". Or something to that effect.
  10. Kamui

    Kamui X//1999... best anime eva

    Mar 30, 2003
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    Personally, the only one that disturbs me if Final Fantasy.

    But, i would LOVE for Elder Scrolls 3: Game of the Year Edition (with Morrowind, Tribunal, and Bloodmoon) to come out on PS2. My comp isnt fast enough to run it, but i am in the process of makin a new one, so i am ok one that, i just wish it was out for ps2.
  11. DragonSlaveVivi

    DragonSlaveVivi New Member

    Dec 10, 2003
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    I dont mind when diffrent but similar games come out, thats fine with me as long as there diffrent versions, in fact I would rather stuff like the "Starcraft: Ghost" situation to happen more frequently

    by the way, i was not complaining, I was simply posting a topic I found interesting so people on the boards could talk and express their feelings about it, if you are bothered by it then you dont have to read or reply to this post.
  12. Novus

    Novus Gone

    Jul 19, 2003
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    In my business class last semester, we studied the concept of demographics. In a nutshell, the study of demographics allows companies to determine better ways to market products, and which products to be produced when, and to whom they would be most effectively targetted.
    Video game companies consider demographics as well, obviously, as well as market share. A good developer recognizes that there will probably never be a single console that absolutely dominates the home gaming market (also PSX almost did back in the day), and as such will release games on multiple consoles to cover the highest possible percentage of their demographics.
    Consider this: most gamers do not own multiple (current) game systems. At best, they may own a console, a PC and maybe a portable, but rarely will a gamer own all three major consoles. But of course, there are those games (like the aforementioned GTA series) which sell like hotcakes all across the board. A multiplatform release is therefore a logical move.
    Let's look at the Grand Theft Auto series as an example. GTA: Vice City premiered on PS2, and became an instant success, much as the past titles in the series had in their time as well. A PC release followed. This was, of course, a logical step for the franchise: it had started out on PC and continued to have a strong fanbase for its PC titles. And, of course, Vice City was no exception to this trend, and its PC version has also been a great success. Then along came the X-Box release. Developer/publisher Rockstar Games (Rockstar North, a subdivision, actually developed the game) realized what is pretty much common knowledge in the game industry: the X-Box has the highest amount per capita of "mature" gamers: those around and above age of majority. This fact in mind, why would they not have released a mature-themed game like GTA on the X-Box?
    If I threw you off with all that business mumbo-jumbo, I'll sum it all up:
    Game developers and publishers are like every other company in the world: they exist to make a profit. Many companies see multiplatform releases as an excellent way to make a profit, and will therefore be likely to continue this process until some major paradigm shift occurs.
  13. Teddz

    Teddz Sexy Swedish Love ♥

    Dec 8, 2002
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    Well said.

    It's basically because Nintendo, Microsoft and Sony wants to improve their sales rate. Another theory that I have in mind is that some compaines may have bought the rights to the specific game in an earily stage. For exampel: Ninja Gaiden. It was orignally a Nintendo game, and now it's been realised on the Xbox. But as said before, it's not all "economic". There's also the technological look in this. Some consoles cannot match the games need, i.e: Metal Gear Solid and N64.

    But look on the bright side. Some games will only be featured for the PS2 in the upcoming future. I am sickly jealous of PS2 users who will have the new Gran Tourismo :p

    - Teddz

    Ps. I will lock this thread up if it goes a little outta hand :)
  14. BakaMattSu

    BakaMattSu ^__^
    Staff Member

    Feb 16, 2001
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    You're comparing Crystal Chronicles to the main Final Fantasy lineup? I think that's a complete mismatch. Gamecube users can have that version, I like my big numbered titles more... :p

    Personally, I like the "across-the-board" approach, as I'm not going to buy a new console for a single game or series. I only recently purchased my own PS2 because of the great selection of the game types that apeal to me. Playstation is still the console-of-choice for RPGamers. Xbox is great for the action oriented stuff, and Gamecube for the younger audiences.
  15. Teddz

    Teddz Sexy Swedish Love ♥

    Dec 8, 2002
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    Not to mention great multiplayer games :)

    - Teddz
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  16. chaotic_beauty

    chaotic_beauty New Member

    Jan 26, 2004
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    i agree in some parts. its kinda sad knowing that some of the games i used to play in the original playstation can't be played in the ps2. i'm not saying that the ps2 is totally screwed...maybe some parts of it only :sweat2:
  17. Charlie

    Charlie Guest

    I don't have a PS2, so I cannae play the Soul Reaver sequels...apparently there's a new-improved PS comin' out, that's supposed to be as powerful as a PC. Hmmm....
  18. Novus

    Novus Gone

    Jul 19, 2003
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    Okay, after careful consideration, yes, PS2 is fairly "screwed". The laser on mine has died twice, and the first time cost me $250 to get it fixed. I'm presently in negotiations over the second repair job, but suffice it to say that I'm never buying from Sony again.
  19. Sen

    Sen Ero-ninja

    Jun 2, 2003
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    oh yeah, this seems to be very common, a friend works in an electronics shop and he says theres at least one broken ps2 per week.

    apparently, those things are configured to fail by default :p

    my cube? ive dropped it from heights up to 1.5 meters, and guess what? it works perfectly :)

    ps. it wasnt me who dropped it, my brother was :anger2:
  20. Bada Bing

    Bada Bing New Member

    Feb 9, 2004
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    This is besides the fact that PS2 has sold more units than GC and XB combined, right? With as much influence and sheer name recognition as it has behind it, it doesn't need much exclusive stuff to stay on top.

    Besides having the most accessible online setup and the largest library of games and franchises, it has the solid history of the PS1 to fall back on in times of hardship. Sure, it's manufactured like a piece of ****, and the controller is a springless, irresponsive piece of ****, and the laser/lens reader is a piece of ****, alongside just about any other moving part involved, but it sells, and that's what matters in the long run.

    For example, look at SC II. The XB version ran the smoothest, loaded the fastest, displayed the best graphics, and had the most precise reaction time. As far as quality, it was closely followed by the GC version, which kept up with the charisma of an excellent controller setup and Link as a playable character. The PS2 version, on the other hand, had comparatively laughable graphics, couldn't handle 60FPS when things got fast, was choppy and slowed down frequently, had atrociously bad command timings compared with the other two (though still very good overall), and featured Heihachi, who, though an excellent character for those who can master him, was the least popular of the console exculsives. And of course, the PS2 outsold the other two versions like hell.

    PS2's at the top and it's not going anywhere for a while. Sorry.

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