Creative Writing Poetry Contest

Discussion in 'Written Arts' started by Basher, Sep 23, 2003.

  1. fluffyofthewind

    fluffyofthewind New Member

    Dec 22, 2003
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    My soul longs for it.
    My body demands it.
    Each days goes by, and my mind and heart start to rot.
    Throw me into the oven God.
    I need the fire.
    My feelings are never the same as the vampire princess i see.
    How i wish...i wish to own...
    My love

    - Fate
  2. Meaikoh

    Meaikoh See you later, Moderator

    Aug 23, 2001
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    Fluffy, please stop double-posting, we prefer quality over quantity. I call to your attention the edit button at the bottom of your posts.


    All is drifting away from me,
    Cool blue summers skies
    Rule the temple of my mind.
    And all is drifting away.

    30 seconds- the time it takes to type.
  3. fluffyofthewind

    fluffyofthewind New Member

    Dec 22, 2003
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    thanks. i didn't know people hated that stuff. Just got boredso i posted 2 instead of one( they were dying to get out of my head). Once again, if i got you angry im sorry ok^^ :anime:
  4. Meaikoh

    Meaikoh See you later, Moderator

    Aug 23, 2001
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    I noticed how you haven't edited your posts yet- it's really pretty simple. I guess the title of my poem was misleading...There are rules- guidelines, if you will, all around the site, I believe, in every forum, actually. If you read these guidelines and follow them, I'm sure there won't be any problem.


    I turned to go and I feel pain,
    The betraying blade has not struck,
    It is my heart telling me of what might befall.
    These feelings, I ignore for the sake of all.

    They would make me paranoid,
    Yes, that's what they would try.
    They would make an art of madness,
    And experiment with my heated mind.

    About 3 minutes.
  5. The Jackal

    The Jackal New Member

    Sep 16, 2002
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    Perfectly framed in ribbon and lace
    Was how I last saw your face
    For those few hours I wondered how you fared
    Now I wonder if you knew I cared

    for (about) my Grandma.
    I kinda just woke up with this in my head, hope it still counts
  6. kenshnzgrl

    kenshnzgrl New Member

    Jan 2, 2004
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    Sure,you've always been there for me,
    But what about now,
    You're not here for me,
    Why should I care,
    Why should I wait around,
    You left,you're not coming back,
    You're a stranger now,
    You're no longer welcome,
    Why do I care,
    I don't need you anymore,
    Leave me alone,
    Stay away from me,
    Sure,you loved me,
    But that was a long time ago,
    You knew me,
    But do you know me now,
    Why should I care,
    Why should I wait for your answer,
    We knew each other since we were kids,
    Did you care for me then,
    Ansem killed my parents,
    Did you care,
    I have to know,
    You have to tell me,
    Forget it,
    Why should I care,
    Why should I wait,
    You got killed by the Vegnagun,
    Do I care,
    You can't answer me now,
    But why should I care,
    I don't,
    I don't care about life,
    I don't care about anything anymore,
    Only those I love,
    Hate him,always have,always will,
    Do you know my real name,
    Do you know who I am,
    Do you care,
    I don't,
    Most people say I'm a heartless demon,
    I am,in a way,
    I can't tell you that yet,
    Why should I care,
    Why should I wait,
    You can't answer me,
    Do you remember when you shot Ansem,
    I remember,
    I helped you and I took the blame,
    Do you think I care about you,
    I have too many secrets to hide,
    Too many secrets to hold,
    I can't tell you them all,
    I will in time,
    Do I care for you,
    You could say I do,
    Or you could say I don't,
    You can say whatever you'd like,
    But why should I care,
    I can't tell you yet,
    Do you think I love you,
    But why should you care,
    It was my fault you died,
    I made you work with the Vegnagun,
    I didn't know it would kill you,
    I'm sorry,
    I didn't mean to,
    I wish you were here,
    I wish you were alive,
    Do I care for you,
    Do I love you,
    I always have,
    I bet you cared about me,
    Thats why,
    I love you.

    sorry it's so long. i was in one of my writing moods it took me like 2 1/2 days.
    *poem based on kingdom hearts/final fantasy*
  7. Bookworm_42901

    Bookworm_42901 New Member

    Jan 15, 2004
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    I was gone.
    But I was remembered.
    People greated me with warm hearts
    every phone call, visit and whisper.

    Now that I'm back...
    I want to die.
    Did I change?
    Is it me?
    I feel like there is something constantly on my face,
    that is making people uncomfortable???
    Why do they all of a sudden HATE ME?

    It sickens me.
    I feel like my stomach turn.
    As if my brain in vomitting for me.
    I'm constantly dizzy,
    teary eyed,
    how I miss them.

    I SAY NOW!!
    Then fall into the grace of the wind
    down to the bottom of the ocean.
  8. Bookworm_42901

    Bookworm_42901 New Member

    Jan 15, 2004
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    Awesome poem. I printed it up and read it several times. I did make a few additions but i won't post that uless you want me to
  9. Carrah Malani

    Carrah Malani New Member

    Dec 22, 2003
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    Mugetsu's Loss

    Of all the things I've lost,
    I mostly miss my mind.
    The ability to think for myself,
    rather than following commands,
    attaining my own thoughts, and dreams,
    not those of my master.
    The one thing I desire the most
    is beyond my reach,
    lost to me forever.
    The one thing I long so much for,
    is my worst enemy.
    The blade sears that pale layer I call skin
    and I watch my own life flow down my arm.
    I don't feel it, nor do I fear it,
    I only watch.
    I cannot feel love, happiness or sadness.
    Only anger and my own insanity.
    I am not human.
    I am not considered alive nor dead.
    I only exist. ​
  10. Vicious

    Vicious Revolution...Revolucion!

    Apr 23, 2003
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    Lying or not

    I...see your face, in pictures unframed
    Memories of the past,
    I cant stand it. Get Away!

    What if you lied,
    Each second a part of me dies,
    I dont know how long I can last...being haunted
    by you and memories of the past

    I...regret all the things i said,
    Where all these actions led
    Now the truth slowly drips in
    Swallow it hard like a poisoned drink

    Now memories turn into flatlines
    My heart cant rid the truth, I wish it was a lie
    Pleasureable moments wont let my depression slide
    But i still cant get over the fact
    "what if you lied?"

    Im sort of lovesick so this is what i could come up
  11. Ravenwing

    Ravenwing New Member

    Dec 9, 2003
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    searing darkness
    blinding light
    lost in the day
    but i remain in the night
    depression awakens
    i don't want to live
    then anger arises
    now i know the reason i live
    i live to give you
    what you deserve
    you caused my pain
    heartache and more​

    It sucks :rolleyes:
  12. Basher

    Basher Mad Writing Skillz

    Mar 21, 2003
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    Believe it or not but I had a strange moment. This isn't a very typical poerm you will see from me. Please tell me what you think.

    Dreams Never Achieved
    I look into the stars and see
    My dreams riding in heaven
    Upon the tablet I wish to write
    The Lord rested his hand
    Indicating a dream never to happen

    The writing utensil I wish to use
    Filling the minds of others
    Lay in the other hand of the Lord
    One dream that will never be achieved

    A briefcase baring my initials
    Holding the law I yearn to learn
    Lays in the lap of the Lord
    Another dream stolen from me

    Tears spring from my eyes
    I look at the Lord and pray to him
    “Lord, why do you mock me?
    You take away my dreams from me.”

    The Lord then placed my dreams near me
    “My beautiful child I mean not to hurt you.
    I held your dream until you were ready.
    All you had to do was believe.”
  13. Raven

    Raven Fuhrer

    Jun 10, 2003
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    I not really sure if this is a poem or an angry song, meh. Here goes, please don't laugh *hides face in shame* I am really embarrassed about this.

    Why does it hurt so much
    When will the pain stop
    Why don't I have any friends
    I hate everything
    Why can't they ever be nice
    When will they accept who I am
    What is the point of everything
    I hate everything
    Why won't they leave me alone
    How can I make them like me
    Why am I even trying
    I hate everything

    Ya, so I don't know if that is a poem or not. Sorry if it isn't. :sweat:
  14. kitty-ko

    kitty-ko New Member

    Jan 14, 2004
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    Deep blue eyes that scream for their guilt
    Eyes that were given to me
    Mine do not cry tears that they should
    For the truth I want to deceive

    Brother, cries for the words you just spoke
    Sister, who cries in childish awe
    Mother, eyes tarnished by shame and regret
    How I long to return to before

    I hate you so much for being so weak
    For letting us all fall apart
    Yet I love you more than you'll ever know
    For enduring the suffering of your heart

    That I knew was there, but failed to see
    Perhaps, if ignored, it would go away
    I thank you for pretending, however wrong it seems
    Allowing the pain to delay

    I wake to find your belongings are gone
    I know you left because of me
    Forget about us, selfishness incarnates
    Who helped you to such misery

    Yet I know you still love us without condition
    And yes, that you love even her
    Though it seems that you don't, a tender touch of the cheek
    Makes my hopeful and longing heart sure

    I know I don't care, yet my soul betrays my mind
    I worry for my beacon of light
    And tears that were ignored now fall in anguished sobs
    Are you cold and alone tonight?

    I treasure the phone, and your key in the door
    I pray that this won't last very long
    Because Daddy, you know I'd give anything
    If you'd come home where you belong

    This was written a few months ago during a rough time. Please be kind to my poem, it just all came out when I wrote it, I think it took me 15 mins or something.

  15. Raven

    Raven Fuhrer

    Jun 10, 2003
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    Beware the XX Chromosome

    You mention the word :suppress"
    He turns, exchanges a laugh
    A smirk
    Don't laugh
    I'm serious
    What is so entertaining about a feminist?
    Applaud rape
    It should be punished
    Should he die?
    No, suffer
    Feel the suffering based upon years of ridicule
    Live in fear of independence
    Heaven forbid you'll be called self-rightious
    She must be off her rocker
    Indie rocker
    I don't need a reason to be proud
    I don't have one reason to be proud
    I AM
    Yes you can tease the girls
    But you can't vale their opinion
    To hell with all that
    Make a difference
    Don't you want one?
    I'll be a f-word until the day I die.

    I guess you could call that a funny poem, I thought it was when I wrote it. :sweat2:
  16. Vicious

    Vicious Revolution...Revolucion!

    Apr 23, 2003
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    The Truth

    You treat me like as if i knew it all,
    But the truth is i cant even break through my own walls.
    You look at me like as if i was somebody special,
    but in the mirror i cant even find my own facial expressions.

    You think that my power could split up the ocean,
    But im to drown in a puddle.
    You think im a god,
    But i know that im a ghost.

    Im not who i seem to be,
    Im not that special someone.

    Soon my true self will show,
    The truth shall be revealed,
    I wish i still had my own little corner
    To keep everything sealed.

    The end is near,
    I could almost smell it,
    Everybody will soon find out
    I hope i dont regret it.
  17. Meaikoh

    Meaikoh See you later, Moderator

    Aug 23, 2001
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    Written right now;

    I took pictures so that I wouldn't forget
    Those pictures developped into something more,
    And now they lie on the cutting room floor.

    Does anyone really look at pictures long ago taken?
    If it weren't for albums, they wouldn't lie forsaken
    In a dark, dark room, so far from where they were born.

    Pictures become mute, and lose their thousand word worth,
    When they are locked in a room with no eyes to see them.
    It is a sad fate for those happy days of mirth, those picture days.


  18. Aiko

    Aiko New Member

    Dec 29, 2003
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    A gothic Sonnet

    I did this for English (our Romeo and Juliet unit)


    Hear Heaven's Angels bloody cries and screams
    Now,upon the dawn that Death does us part
    Heard only within all our children's dreams
    We'll summon the twilight of Chaos, Start!
    The sweet scent of blood, of your burning flesh
    Upon a God's sword, from beings of strength
    Nightmare's young Demon Lords shall do thier best
    For an Endless Waltz of such epic length
    Utter to her small words of Crimson Mist
    Embark uponthe Eternal Dance of Two
    take the risk, I do insist
    For purity, speak them clearly: I LOVE YOU
    Down pour, a flood of blood, you're the fake
    I shall see you on the dawn of your WAKE.

  19. Leon Striker

    Leon Striker New Member

    Mar 4, 2004
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    no my poems suk that was good ill post my poems but noone will like them
  20. Bloodberry

    Bloodberry Bloody Berry
    Staff Member

    Feb 23, 2001
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    what are you, goth? post away and peeps will tell you what they think ^^ dont' just assume. not everyone is here to be a total ***. *^-^*

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