RPG Archives Ranma RPG (Out of Game)

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by BakaMattSu, Jun 19, 2001.

  1. BakaMattSu

    BakaMattSu ^__^
    Staff Member

    Feb 16, 2001
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    This is the sister thread for the Ranma 1/2 RPG, Episode 1:

    Okay, so I'm giving it a shot, methinks. No stats here, just storytelling. Looking for a few players, is all, either as an existing Ranma character or you're own creation...

    On the later note, if your character is new, I need a quick description of how they look, what they fight like (if they do), their personality, background, curses, or anything like that, you think would fit in...

    Episode 1 is ready to go when the players are!

    BakaMattSu, rarin' to go, go Jusenkyo!
  2. JavaLamp

    JavaLamp New Member

    May 24, 2001
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    oh, oh!
    /me feels dozens of hard glares on him
    umm... well maybe not then.
  3. TamaKameKami

    TamaKameKami Lord Tama

    Jun 19, 2001
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    im think it would be cool

    Im ready when you are!!!!!

    -Tama, Kame no Kami
    "Tama, the Turtle God"
  4. BakaMattSu

    BakaMattSu ^__^
    Staff Member

    Feb 16, 2001
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    Well, gimme some characters!

    BakaMattSu, holds a gun to JavaLamp's head... [​IMG]
  5. TamaKameKami

    TamaKameKami Lord Tama

    Jun 19, 2001
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    you can give me what ever character you want i don't care

    -Tama, Kame no Kami
    "Tama, the Turtle God"
  6. GentatsuNoZanshi cc61

    Jun 1, 2001
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    Count me in. The name's Ken Purazuma. I'm originally from the Mexico. I wear red and orange clothes and have black hair. I'm about 20 years old, and I act like a superhero, but I'm just another idiot in a funny outfit. I have an odd curse: whenever I see a full moon, I transform into a pair of pants for the rest of the night. My fighting style resembles that of the great Mexican wrestlers. I often wear bright red tights and an orange mask, and call my self Senor Purazuma, translated to English, Mr. Purazuma, and try to act more superheroic. I left Mexico to prove myself to my few fans, and to gain the respect of others for the art of Mexican wrestling.

    Any questions?
  7. UrashimaKeitaro

    UrashimaKeitaro Sesquipedalian Mod

    Feb 16, 2001
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    Ok, I'm in for this, I'll play the suave Souichi Buru, My character uses Brazilian Capoera, but he's more of a dancer/lover than a fighter, always hitting on girls (usually with them responding positively) but he always politely turns them down. He hasn't found who he's looking for yet. So as yet he amuses himself by playing 'Much ado about nothing' games, convincing two people that the other is madly in love with them, but refuses to show it. When he does fight, it's mainly just avoiding whatever they do, not really hitting, just sparring taps. Curse? Whenever he's in school (half an hour before School 'till 2 hours after) he looks like a freckled nerd girl, (he's actually still a guy, he just looks like a girl in every way except one) Nobody knows about it, he, as she, doesn't attract attention. Attends school as 'Reiko'. (yah... I know... it's unoriginal)
  8. That guy!

    That guy! Expecting Father

    Apr 4, 2001
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    methinks I shall be Tatewaki Kuno. For anyone who doesn't know who this is Kuno has black hair, dresses like a samurai and carries a wooden sword. He is also debating on who his true love is, The pig-tailed girl or Akane Tendou. He has no curses except that sometimes he gets possesed by ancient warriors when he finds an old sword or other weapon lying around. I speak in rhetoric and old english.
  9. BakaMattSu

    BakaMattSu ^__^
    Staff Member

    Feb 16, 2001
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    Don't be scared. There's not as much text as it seems...and frequent examples. Anything goes is pretty simple once you've given it a try.

    Not Your Ordinary RPG
    If you've ever participated in a Roleplaying game, you're probably familiar with the concepts of characteristics, skills, actions and the die rolling that goes with them. Anything goes sacrifices quite a few of these elements in order to better focus on the roleplaying aspect of the game. Thus, Anything goes acts more like a co-operative story, with each player adding their own character's perspective to the mix.

    How do I Join?
    Simply request to be added. All that's required is a desire to participate, and the Game Master (GM)'s okay. If you'd like to be an existing Ranma 1/2 character, such as Ukyo Kuonji or Genma Saotome, and that character currently has no player you can assume control of them. Also, if you'd rather bring in your own original character, that is encouraged as well. Either choice comes with a little responsibility:

    As an existing character you have very little initial work to do. No background or description is needed - all that work has been taken care of by the magnificant Rumiko Takahashi. The only catch here, is you have to make that character believable. Ranma would not normally openly admit to liking Akane just as Ryoga would not always find his way directly to where he is going. These characters are expected to act in certain ways, so your actions can sometimes be limited to make them seem more real.

    As an original character you are required to create a physical description and background. How tall are you? Do you have scars? Did you have a mishap at Jusenkyo? If so, what do you turn into? Do you practice a specific style of martial arts. The more detail you provide at this point, the better players can come to understand how you act. One last important point is that original characters have 2 restrictions:

    1) They must be believable. What this means is, you can't be an invincible fighter, or sorceror with limitless power. If your character is dominate, it can ruin the fun for other players. So, keep yourself mortal!

    2) They have to fit into the Ranma 1/2 World. Sorry, no Gundam pilots, Marionettes or Saiyans here... You're most likely a teenage student, wanderer from China, martial artist or somewhere else in that realm of possibility. If you couldn't picture it fitting into a Ranma storyline, it probably wouldn't in the RPG, either.

    So, Why are There Two Things With Almost The Same Title?
    There are two threads devoted to Anything Goes. This thread (that is, the one you're reading from right this moment) is titled "Out of Game". Any comments or concerns regarding gameplay, requests to join, or other posts that don't directly involve the game story itself, belong here. This is just implemented so that the actual game story doesn't suffer whenever there's a new request to join, or a question about a game situation. "Out of Game" is open to anyone, so don't hesitate to express any concerns regarding anything, even if you're not a player.

    The second thread is where the action is, entitled "In Play". Here, it is meant only for the currently authorized players, and you are expected to adhere to a few implied rules meant to maintain a sense of fairness, respect, and consideration towards all players.

    Two Modes of Play
    Play style changes depending on what the situation of the players is. The reason for this is to speed through less important events (where the results of actions are obvious or uneventful) and to focus on the high points or more in-depth actions. In this way, everyone can get some level of participation, even if they're not directly in the action. Despite whether you narrate or interact, you must wait for another player (or the GM) to post before you can post again.

    Narration is a recommended mode for all players who aren't involved in important events, or are separated from the main group. When playing in Narration, you write in a story fashion, dictating the course of actions that involve you. The difference between Narration and Interaction is that things are one-sided, you advance the plot yourself, deciding (within reason) in past tense what has happened. Narration should not involve too many different ideas and should be left open-ended, allowing the GM to react to your added scenario. Make sure things check out with the current state of things in the RPG as well...If Mousse is currently training at Jusenkyo, he definately can't be at Dr. Tofu's when Akane walks in, can he?

    An example, is this hypothetical Narration by AnimeBill, currently playing as Shampoo:

    Shampoo looked up and down the street, unable to find Ranma. He wasn't here at Ukyo's nor at the Tendo residence. Something didn't feel right. It was if a sudden cold wind had decided to take up permanent residence in her spine. Where could he be? She gave up her search, turning her bicycle back towards the Cat Cafe.

    In the above scenario, no one has taken Ranma as their character, and the GM had noted that he'd recently gone missing in an earlier narration. BillAnime has succesfully added on to the story without compromising the situation the GM created. He also really didn't introduce too much, except that Ranma really doesn't seem to be about, and that Shampoo is looking for him. The ending is left open, Shampoo is on her way to the Cat Cafe, and feeling uneasy - a situation that could be expanded on, by the GM or another player in an Interaction...

    Narration should never be used to unwillingly force another player into a concrete situation (that's the GM's job!). AnimeBill can't type that "along the way, Shampoo meets up with Furinkan High's principal (played by AnimeJoe) and locks him up in a steel cage"...unless, of course, AnimeJoe told him he could!

    Interaction comes into play when things need to be more specific - a climactic confrontation between Ryoga and Ranma or a player conversing with another. In this play mode, you are very limited in what you can write - it has to be short, something you could physically do in a few seconds time - since it's a cooperative effort. In Narration, it was solely you who decided what happend for everyone. In interaction, you merely write what your character alone does. Interactive play is written in movie script fashion...your character's name is presented first, then any lines, with stage direction (notable actions) in brackets:

    For Example, let's pretend AnimeJoe's character, the Principal, ended up running into AnimeBill (Shampoo on her bike ride to the cat Cafe). The next three posts could be as follows (with AnimeJoe posting the 1st and Last, and AnimeBill the other, of course...):

    PRINCIPAL: (Sees Shampoo riding up) Hey, slow down dere, Wahini! Dere's no need to rush about!
    SHAMPOO: (Keeps riding) Hmmph! Ugly man no slow me down!
    PRINCIPAL: (Begins chasing after her on foot) Wait up! DOn'cha wan' me to give you nice bowl cut?!

    Thank Your Lucky Stars!
    There are no stats in Anything Goes, so everything depends on what the GM decides on, right? Wrong. This is where the only real game ruling comes in. When you first join, you'll be awarded a certain amount of lucky stars...These represent quirks of fate, or moments in life where things go your way. Lucky stars are also a way to keep score on how well you're doing in the game. Certain actions (excellent roleplaying, interesting narration, achievements or goals) can grant you lucky stars by the GM. The other purpose of Lucky Stars is to spend them to add a little extra fun for you, the player. You can find your current "Lucky Star" rating in the first post of the "in Play" thread. Lucky star requests are made in the "Out of Game" thread as follows:

    Bad GM Call-Don't like the fact the GM had it begin to rain, turning you into a pig? Time for a "Bad GM Call"! If the GM made a decision you feel strongly against, let him know what you'd like in place: "I think the rain should hold off for another half hour, at least..." If acceptable, the GM'll take off a Lucky Star, revise his post and you're on your way!

    Near-Impossible Feat-Want Akane to get Lucky and Best Ranma in a fight? That's not really believable, meaning you couldn't simply say it happens in Narration...unless, you state it's a "Feat". A Lucky Star'll have Ranma slip up, and get a pounding from one "uncute girl".

    GM For A Day-Wanna change up the story a bit? Go right ahead! State your post as a "GM for a Day" and you can post once as if you were the GM...meaning you've got full control of every body in the world that isn't a player...and (within character) some leeway with other player's characters...for only one Lucky Star!

    The only restrictions for Lucky Star use, is that they can never be used against another player, such as to cause harm to them, or put them in a compromising situation. And you can't use it as a game-ender, either (meaning, the GM's the only real person to say when this episode's complete and over)

    How do I Die?
    You can't. In Anything Goes, if your character gets real beaten up, or suffers an immense attack, you aren't killed, merely what will be referred to as "Bonked". When you are bonked, you are temporarily out of commision (unconscious or whatnot) until EVERY player and the GM have each made a post following your bonked condition. After this period, you are fully recovered, as if no harm came to you in the first place, and can play as normal.

    Never Set In Stone
    These are just my meager attempt at rules. If you find something's not working out, or that you have a rule you'd like to bring in, don't think I'm unmovable. Bring it up in the "Out of Game" section...revisions are most likely to come. Until then, enjoy! Anything Goes!
  10. TamaKameKami

    TamaKameKami Lord Tama

    Jun 19, 2001
    Likes Received:
    ahhhhhh lots of text ahhhhhhhhh

    -Tama, Kame no Kami
    "Tama, the Turtle God"
  11. That guy!

    That guy! Expecting Father

    Apr 4, 2001
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    @_@x OroOoOoo
    whoam methinks that's more rules than what I posted...

    Seems fair enough though...
  12. GentatsuNoZanshi cc61

    Jun 1, 2001
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    Been gone a while, but I'm back and ready to roll!
  13. BakaMattSu

    BakaMattSu ^__^
    Staff Member

    Feb 16, 2001
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    Well, this is where I *should* be saying that Ranma RPG is back in session...

    Umm...didja miss me?

    Either way, I'm gonna prolly be gone 'til about September...

    So, beware...this Spetember 2001, BakaMattSu returns...with an urge to POST!

    BakaMattSu, in theatres everywhere this fall...
  14. GentatsuNoZanshi cc61

    Jun 1, 2001
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    I'll be gone too.
    Holy Shite! Who's even left these days?!

    Until then, I remain your obedient servant, GNZ
  15. Meaikoh

    Meaikoh See you later, Moderator

    Aug 23, 2001
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    I wanna be Akane! [​IMG]

    Meaikoh T.
  16. BakaMattSu

    BakaMattSu ^__^
    Staff Member

    Feb 16, 2001
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    Welcome aboard as Akane Tendo...just one thing to bring to the front first!

    I refer you to That guy!'s RPG Rulings Section 3, Article i :"3. One post = one action, so don't double post! if you can duplicate yourself you are still
    one character. In other words just say what each part of you is doing in the same post."

    This may have been buried 'cause it's an older post than most, but you hafta wait before someone else posts before you add any more yourself!

    (and make sure you understand my "Anything Goes" Rulings above as well!)

    Welcome aboard and happy RPGing!

    BakaMattSu, "Ranma no baka!"
  17. GentatsuNoZanshi cc61

    Jun 1, 2001
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    Just a note on the Ken Purazuma character to any Spanish-speaking person(s) in the Ranma RPG audience:
    Please forgive my lack of proper accents on any Spanish words or expressions used by my character. I am not aware of the procedure for placing such accents, if it is even possible. Forgive me, mis amigos!

    Ganbare, Zanshi, Ganbare ...
  18. BakaMattSu

    BakaMattSu ^__^
    Staff Member

    Feb 16, 2001
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    Zanshi, you can create cool guys like "Ã", "Õ", "ú" using ALT:

    Bring up the Character Map from your start menu (it should be installed by windows default). When you select your special character with the mouse, the bottom right corner displays the keystroke needed to produce it (eg ALT + 0250 for "ú"). Simply hold down ALT, then type the numbers on the NumPad (ensure numlock is on)...You can also doubleclick to form characters to copy and paste...

    Lèssôn òvër!!

    BåkáMâttSû, try and pronounce THAT!
  19. BakaMattSu

    BakaMattSu ^__^
    Staff Member

    Feb 16, 2001
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    "KUNO: A Curse on both your noodle stands!" ?

    *note to That guy!*

    There only was one noodle stand...did I mislead you (once again)? Read back a bit *carefully*...the directions Ranma followed (and, in turn, Kuno) lead him in a circle back to the same exact stand...

    BakaMatt, BakaMatt, BakaMatt Explosion Once Again!!
  20. That guy!

    That guy! Expecting Father

    Apr 4, 2001
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    LOL!!!..I was quoting Mercutio in Romeo and Juliet when he said "A curse on both your houses". It kind of seems like something Kuno would say anyways...

    Oh yeah, did the door only open for Ken to go through?

    [This message has been edited by That guy! (edited 09-17-2001).]

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