Psychology Real Nightmare Come True?!

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Wolfie, Jan 13, 2006.

  1. Wolfie

    Wolfie New Member

    Jun 10, 2005
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    I heard for example that if you dream you are falling off of a cliff and you see the.......ending that your mind thinks it autually happened and you would die. Since usaually people when that happens they see their about to hit the ground then they wake so i think it's possable. Basically i'm saying that if you dreamt that you were going to be killed or die in any matter that if you see the ending that you would die because your mind thinks it happened so your brain shuts down. I wont to know someone elses appioun on this.
    I'm unsure if this sorta thread is allowed but from obversation it soon isn't.
  2. cure of saytan

    cure of saytan New Member

    Nov 24, 2005
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    I Always Die In My Dreams But Luckly Im Still Alive
  3. Hitohiro

    Hitohiro Angel of Wind

    Nov 5, 2004
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    Here's new topic. This could actually be asking two questions. You're original and what dreams really mean. For the one I believe you meant, I've had some really scary nightmares. Some even I think would give Texas Chainsaw massacre or Nightmare a run for thier money. However, somehow my subconscious makes my mind and body stick through it till the very end. To this day, I have not died in one of those dreams. I somehow am able to survive.

    Now for the other possible question. That's all a matter of opinion really. The nightmares could indeed symbolize a death to you or someone close to you. A good dream could mean something good will happen close to what you experinced in your dream. It's all questionable.
  4. Orion

    Orion Gears

    Jun 27, 2005
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    I've drempt that before, a lot actually. It feels like you're actually falling off of the cliff, but then, at the obvious last second, wake up. I guess you die more of shock than your brain shutting down really. I dunno, maybe they're both the same. I don't think that dreams can really "kill" you, per say, I think they can just, scare you to the point of almost dying.

    Now, I've had some really freaky dreams, from TCM kinda dreams to zombie horde dreams. Heck, even a simple day at the beach ends up with me falling off of a cliff I didn't see in the sand. Mabye dreams are an omen. Good dream means good day, bad dream means bad day.
  5. wertitis

    wertitis Proud Mary keep on burnin'

    Oct 18, 2004
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    Not true. As angsty, emo as this is going to sound I remember one dream where I was actually shot, a bullet right to the noggin. I distinctly remember the crunch as the projectile punctured my cranium, shattering bone, as well as a jarring snap as my head was thrown back from the force. Panic set in and I remember everything falling black, while a blinding hot, white sensation of pain burned on my head.

    By all rights of reason I should have been dead, but I was not and I was still asleep. Granted, a few seconds later I jarred myself awake, thoroughly weirded out, I was still "dead" for a few, long seconds in my dream, throwing that theory right out the window.

    I think what happens is you panic in your dreams, and when you do you're body kicks into gear, your brain re-engages, and you find yourself coming awake, sweating. That's why you usually don't actually experience the moment of death in your dreams; Your blind panic jolts you awake before hand. Besides, as far as you're concerned, what is there after death? Let's say you're falling and you actually hit. What then? There's nothing left to experience- you're dead. What do you want your body to do? Happily swap into another dream?

    Anyone ever have one of those dreams where something painful happens to you and when you wake up you can still feel that exact same pain in the exact same location on your body, slowly fading away? Isn't that the weirdest thing ever?

  6. Orion

    Orion Gears

    Jun 27, 2005
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    Yes, I have experienced that many a time. Actually, I had a dream where I was captured and this princess and or queen ordered her guards to stab me, and while it happened she was laughing and said, "Get him out, this is MY dream!" I woke up, no, jolted awake, and felt a pain right below the rib I had been stabbed in in my dream. I think there is a connection between actual feeling and dreams.

    For instance, your brain can send messages all throughout your body, right? It's your bodies control center. So maybe your dream actually, how can I put this, "took control" of your brain and forced it to send a message to the part of your body where you experienced pain in the dream. It can be a good thing to ponder over...
  7. Ангел вчера

    Jan 6, 2006
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    Hmm, I think anything can happen in a dream. I haven't died in one yet, but have come close many... many times, no falling off a cliff. More like, driving off a cliff. I have known people who have died in their dreams, but they deserved it. I had a dream once that I ate something purple and it had a uniquely nasty taste, and when I woke up I still had that taste in my mouth for a couple of days. It was weird. I usually shift dreams multiple times during my sleep, so thankfully I can deal with one crazy dream after another.
  8. Teddz

    Teddz Sexy Swedish Love ♥

    Dec 8, 2002
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    Sometimes, things in your dream may happen, but it's not neccessary that it will.

    I dreamt once that I passed my first exam in college, despite the fact that the exam went totally ****.

    And hey, I passed :D

    - Teddz
    1 person likes this.
  9. Orion

    Orion Gears

    Jun 27, 2005
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    Dreams, I think, can tell of your past, future, and even hurt or help you. Dreams seem like a powerful force that we can't control. We humans better watch out. :p
  10. KaMeKaZi

    KaMeKaZi Insanity$%#

    Feb 21, 2001
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    I have had a few dreams where i will end up into some sort of verbal fight with say my brother or someone i don't know.. Now when the fight gets to the point where i start swinging punchs I have woken up throwing a fist.. Even fell off the bed doing that once. kinda wierd.. Also had one dream where my friends dog was being attacked and i woke up yelling that dogs name..
  11. Ashika

    Ashika This thing is so short...

    Feb 5, 2005
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    You always wake up because of the fear of hitting the ground. Dreams usually are just there because you brain is processing everything youve seen and heard/learned ..ect. The images appear and start connecting. But its proven that if you really believe something in your body will happen sometimes it does.

    Its not unheard of for someone to believe constantly they will die when they are 20, and on there birthday they die, there brain just shuts down... creepy, eh? Look up gastrophysics, now thats amzing!
  12. Wolfie

    Wolfie New Member

    Jun 10, 2005
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    has anyone had one those dreams where you know that your dreaming but you can't wake up and had before and you know what's goin to happen. i can say have it's a really weird dream. if anyone wonts your welcome too.

    Wertitis i had one those dreams i dreamt once that i had my leg cut off i honestly felt the pain when i woke up i couldn't autually move it for a while.

    i also had one those dream when i dreamt the whole day ahead (but i guess no one will believe me on that one) or was it i went through the day and dreamt it when i went to sleep i don't which way round it was
    that was quite a bad day if was the first way round why didn't anything to change it really weird
  13. Ashika

    Ashika This thing is so short...

    Feb 5, 2005
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    Yah.\, when you dream the day ahead its wierd. But they believe thats because the human brain is so amazing that inconsiously you take the cause and effect for everything and consequences that you can plan out everything that will happen in you day.......
  14. Hitohiro

    Hitohiro Angel of Wind

    Nov 5, 2004
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    I have that all the time. It's called Deja Vu. I find it funny that I'm not scared of dying and yet I never die in my dreams, even if I was falling. Maybe it's the fact that I'm not afraid that makes me not die at the end.
  15. Soitsu

    Soitsu Flame Alchemist!

    Dec 30, 2005
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    This has happened to me a lot...when I am doing something, like skateboarding, and when I fall or something, right when I hit the ground, I jump so fast, I feel like I had a heart attack...:sweat:
  16. Seishin

    Seishin Guest

    I see aliens probing people all the time...j/k!

    No, but there's a few occasions where I die in my dreams. I think it's probably because we all want to know how. And what happens after that.

    However, other dreams are always very well syncronized to leave me hanging when the alarm rings :(

    There WAS also this one time that I felt a bit of pain, literally.

    Most of the times though, it's kinda hard to control what happens in your dreams, or if you even can get up from it.

    For instance, I was dreaming once, and out of nowhere I gained self concience within the dream. Sounds silly, but it's true. First thing I said is "damn", second thing was "okay....I'm gonna wake!" and then I woke up...

    Can you control the fact of your fate? Subconsiously, yes.

  17. Soitsu

    Soitsu Flame Alchemist!

    Dec 30, 2005
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    Really lots of my dreams are about things that might happen the next during christmas eve I drempt that I got no presents what so ever(I know oh my god)!!!, or if I had a baseball game I pitch the ball and the ball is hit to my face(of coarse I wake up I jump so hard if I am on my side I fall of my bed):sweat:
  18. Rai Konoko

    Rai Konoko New Member

    Nov 1, 2005
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    meh ... this sort of subject is a tough one, the mind business is sorta matrix dontcha think? As' for the dieing; if u see your death in a dream? I'm not too sure, as far as im concerned its just an urban legend.
  19. Wolfie

    Wolfie New Member

    Jun 10, 2005
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    it's weird though when you dream the day a head i don't know about anyone else but you just go through with it like it's the script and your the actor. i wish i didn't though that was quite a shitty day. but you kinda know but still you don't change a thing.

    i kinda think that dream autually repersent something tells you somethings in riddles maybe that's why people rarely have dreams or nightmares. Well something along those lines.

    i wonder what people see when their unconious because that's basicacally just a dream this a weird theory but some say that if someone just die when their unconious is that they binded their self to that dream gone into a new life
    well something like that
  20. Rai Konoko

    Rai Konoko New Member

    Nov 1, 2005
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    yeah i know what u mean... its hard to explain but dreams are so screwed up.:dizzy2:

    dunno why but i thought id mention a fact about dreams :p they only last like 3 seconds ... for real. :D

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