Saber Marionette Saber Marionette R

Discussion in 'Manga and Anime' started by BakaMattSu, May 24, 2001.

  1. BakaMattSu

    BakaMattSu ^__^
    Staff Member

    Feb 16, 2001
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    Managed to get ahold of SMR and must say the OVA has a completely different feel to it...almost as if it could be a different titled anime. It was dark, violent, and there was an early scene I wasn't expecting that all contributes to make things targeted at a more mature audience.

    I'm actually glad I've seen J first. That's not a big stab at R or anything, it's just I rather enjoy the lighter mood. It's like comparing a PG-13 movie to a Restricted one...and well, I probably wouldn't have cared to look for any continuation after the OVA...

    What I must comment on, is how confusing it would've been had I not seen J first. They completely nix any history introduction or real explanation of the state of things surrounding Terra II. It focuses on the present story of Face trying to dominate the throne, and while it becomes known that he is a clone, little much delves into the Saber legacy...the Otome Kairyu is not really clear just in R...while you don't see many women, unless you knew the story, you most likely wouldn't notice...

    Probably the most annoying thing for me was the same cast for voicing different characters (yeah, so most of the names were the same, so what?) which I guess, really isn't a valid point, considering R came first in production.

    Yeesh, looking that over, it looks nastier than I intended. Saber Marionette R is still worth the watch. It's storyline kept me interested enough, and I kept waiting for the eventual climax to arrive on the scene, which didn't disappoint me...the death of one of the main characters was slightly shocking, but at least more believable than J's ending...and, despite the crude environment around Romana, it made for a good spent hour of anime viewing...

    Next up, following the R storyline, is Z...hopefully it will clean up R's shortcomings and become a Saber fan classic...

    BakaMattSu, reporting live from New York, but not really, 'cause it's not Saturday Night...
  2. MamiyaOtaru

    MamiyaOtaru President Bushman

    Feb 14, 2001
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    Well, the little bits of Z I have read left me pretty much confused. It may just require a better translator, dunno.

    R was pretty dark. I still am not sure what happened to certain characters, or just dont want to believe it. bah
    there did seem to be some real women
  3. Ciel

    Ciel Unoa Freak
    Staff Member

    Apr 16, 2001
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    Was R set on Terra II?
    and yah..the only reason I ever watched R, which was recently, was because of J.
    A lot of references to Marionettes used for sex..even the lil girl ones.. those scenes with Face and his Marionettes brought memories of the manga is funny..and sick...and...

    At the beginning since the kids are named Lime, Cherry, Bloodberry, I thought the other sabers would be too..not Edge, Brid and whats her face, they all get trashed and sniff..cant go and plant flowers. In R there wasnt the joy of second chances found in J.

    When was R made anyways?
  4. MamiyaOtaru

    MamiyaOtaru President Bushman

    Feb 14, 2001
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    It was made before J.
    It was set on Terra II
    and though the enemy sabers had new names, they all had the same voices..

    by the manga, do you mean the SMJ manga? if so, where to grab a copy?
    fountain of something
  5. Ciel

    Ciel Unoa Freak
    Staff Member

    Apr 16, 2001
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    A friend lent it to me a long time ago...I havent seen him for a while, though.
    I know they had them in Toronto Ontario, thats Ontario's locale to get anime to touch.. I'll look around on-line to see if any stores have it. I know theres 5 and Korea censored theres a story..

    Well I knew it was before J, you can tell by the quality..
    the girls and Junior look Ranma-ish..I wonder...
  6. MamiyaOtaru

    MamiyaOtaru President Bushman

    Feb 14, 2001
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    hehe, well to be a little more specific I think it was around '94.
    the manga looks different
  7. Ciel

    Ciel Unoa Freak
    Staff Member

    Apr 16, 2001
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    Have you seen the manga, if so, what did you think?
  8. MamiyaOtaru

    MamiyaOtaru President Bushman

    Feb 14, 2001
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    No, not really. I've just seen a few scans of it, mostly the covers. It just looks different, I thought looked like it wasn't as well drawn. I like the look of the anime characters better.

    Of course, SMZ looks really weird
    needs another manga to apply the manga viewer to
  9. BakaMattSu

    BakaMattSu ^__^
    Staff Member

    Feb 16, 2001
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    -Romana of Terra II, 500 years after the Mesopotamia arrived at Terra II (J happens 300 years after...)

    -R was released in the period of May-Sept 1995.

    And just for those curious:

    -Z happens 300 years after R, and the original Manga was released In the period Apr-Dec 1995.

    BakaMattSu, further noting that in regards to SMJ, the serialization was first, the TV series second, and Manga last...
  10. BakaMattSu

    BakaMattSu ^__^
    Staff Member

    Feb 16, 2001
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    "Super-Deformed" is more like it...for instance, Bloodberry has way to much stacked on top...Physics models would be crying out for the Manga to show her waist snap in half!

    BakaMattSu, still would read the Manga, even if it is deformed, preverted, and such and such...
  11. Ciel

    Ciel Unoa Freak
    Staff Member

    Apr 16, 2001
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    They made it sooo obvious too, with her suspender tops...

    the funniest thing I remember is the attack Hangata's doll had..
  12. BakaMattSu

    BakaMattSu ^__^
    Staff Member

    Feb 16, 2001
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    *scratching up the oldies...*

    So, speaking of this again... has anyone managed to get ahold of any Z yet? I know Hanami's had some links up, but they're all dead as of now...

    Anyone manage to keep any intact scans, or should I head straight for the summaries?

    BakaMattSu, can't beleive he used to sign his name so starngely...
  13. Lady Aoi

    Lady Aoi Princess of Shirataki

    Oct 17, 2001
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    Nothing yet, but I may go looking for the manga this weekend.

    ~ Lady Aoi: hell, why not, I need to get out more.
  14. Sachiko

    Sachiko happy SMJ shoujo ^_^

    Feb 3, 2002
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    I've never seen R before. But is it THAT violence??? Jeesh... and I thought it was rated lower.. I mean, the marionettes look so much younger! That's one thing I wonder about OAVs: do OAVS tend to be more rated up??
  15. BakaMattSu

    BakaMattSu ^__^
    Staff Member

    Feb 16, 2001
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    OVAs can tend to explore darker recesses than tv release... since they aren't publicly broadcast, being only on video...

    But, no, R isn't so much more's more of the sexual situations and innuendos that make it so different...

    BakaMattSu, the cuter they are, the more it seems somebody wants a piece of them...
  16. Lady Aoi

    Lady Aoi Princess of Shirataki

    Oct 17, 2001
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    R is only a tad more violent, really. The design elements are a little more gothic in style (it takes place in Romana so we have a lot of cathedrals and stained glass, think a cross between France and um... Romania and you have a good idea), and the violence has no comic dimension (no flying Hanagatas). In fact, there are very few truly comic moments to speak of ("train otaku" aside ^_~). And yes, the sexadolls are just that; mature in body like the saberdolls but created to both protect and pleasure their creator, Star Face. With that said, obviously there's slightly more nudity, too.

    ~ Lady Aoi: I should be working.
  17. InuYasha

    InuYasha New Member

    Nov 16, 2001
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    And need I mention the bath scene which on my RM files looked like Face was in a pool of his own <CENSORED>?

    *Is promptly malleted several thousand times by Skuld of Ah! Megami-sama fame*

    Skuld: HENTAI!

  18. Lady Aoi

    Lady Aoi Princess of Shirataki

    Oct 17, 2001
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    Well, he has three beautiful women crawling all over him so I wouldn't be surprised. ^______~

    ~ Aoi: Also a hentai
  19. Reisti Skalchaste

    Reisti Skalchaste New Member

    Jun 14, 2004
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    Well, I'll revive this thread by saying that Saber Marionette R arrived in the mail tonight, and I plan on watching it right away. I had quite a bit of difficulty avoiding spoilers for it here and elsewhere, but now I need do so no longer.

    Watch this post/thread (depending on if someone replies or not) for my opinion of it!

    I figured reviving this thread would be better than starting another one.
  20. Reisti Skalchaste

    Reisti Skalchaste New Member

    Jun 14, 2004
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    I figured this was important (and long) enough to deserve a post of it's own. Here is my in-depth opinion of Saber Marionette R. I will have to watch it again right away, though. Be warned this post will contain spoilers, so read it at your own discretion.

    SECOND WARNING, This post contains spoilers! Read at your own discretion!

    First off, let me say, I loved it. Saber Marionette R truly is a great anime, worthy of the name Saber Marionette. It measured up to J quite well, although it is a story very different in its view. I rank it just above J Again, and only slightly below J and J to X.


    Lime was quite interesting. She was quite childish, like her J counterpart. I did quite enjoy seeing Lime in R. She never was depressed, never down. In many ways, she was just like the blue-haired Lime we all know.

    Cherry... well, she wasn't the Cherry I fell in love with. But she was still a great character. I worried about her just as I would for my Cherry, were she in the same situations. Cherry is quite the marionette, and I found that she was my favorite in R, just as she was in J. Still, Cherry from J remains my beloved, as she always will.

    Bloodberry seemed the most different to me. She didn't seem quite as aggressive or forward as the Bloodberry we all know. I liked her. I was sad when she died, although I realize the importance of her death.

    Junior is very different from Otaru. I didn't see him get angry at all, for one, and we know Otaru has a quick temper. To be honest, Junior seemed a lot like myself. I really could identify with him.

    Face. To me, he most resembled Zio, of Phantasy Star 4. All in all, I thought he was a very cool villain, and has ranked among my favorites. For cool villains, he actually ranks second, with Rezo taking the lead.

    The Sexadolls. Forgive me for putting them together, but I have other things to type. Brid, her J counterpart being Panther, wasn't bad, although she wasn't my favorite. For the same reasons as Panther, minus the pants, she was last on my list. Edge, the R version of Tiger, was just as awesome as Tiger herself. She was my favorite of the Sexadolls, even though she hurt Junior, and indeed, almost killed Lime. Kyanny, AKA Luchs, was pretty cool. I didn't like her as much as I liked Luchs, but she was still a good character. I think the main reason I didn't like her is for her attempts to kill Cherry.

    Next, Mechanics

    The Otome Kairo has changed greatly in it's appearance. While before, it looked like some sort of lens or something (you all know), now it resembles an actual heart. It doesn't seem to have changed in functionality, although it seems more common now.

    The Marionettes seem to have much more pronounced "machinality," that is, they seem to be more like machines. While the girls from J looked human except for the vents on their arms, these marionettes have all sorts of crazy things. Cherry has a blowdryer in her elbow for some reason, and she can apparently heat her hands and feet to red-hot in an instant. Not to mention what seems to be a toolkit in her arm! Bloodberry has a line attaching her hand to her arm, which saves Junior more than once. And there are other things, too.

    There still don't seem to be many women. In fact, except for mention of Junior's mother, I don't think that there were any at all! Were our Lime, Cherry, and Bloodberry's efforts in vain? Didn't Lorelei's cells create enough females?

    Finally, the Story.

    I thought this was very well done. I enjoyed it a lot. Although, as has been said, it does have a much darker story than J. I found it to be quite interesting. All of the characters were very well done, and I even felt bad for Face when he threw himself of the platform at the end. The story was on a par with J, and certainly one of Akahori Satoru-sama's greatest works.

    Anyway, that's about all I can think of to say, so I'll quit with a question.

    What were your favorite scenes of Saber Marionette R?

    I thought Cherry's reaction to Lime, involving the ice-cream cone, was the funniest.

    I thought Star Face's suicide at the end was the most poignant.

    The fact that Cherry survived her final fight against Kyanny brought intense relief, even though she's not my Cherry.

    Everything involving Lime's trophy is worth mentioning here. *Wakes up after having her energy restored* "Hey! Where's my trophy?"

    All in all, Saber Marionette R was an excellent anime, worthy of the Saber Marionette series, and definately one of my favorites. I apologize to anyone who read the spoilers after I warned them twice about them.

    I look forward to hearing other's opinions on it.

    Shinryu-sama, I thought it was an excellent series! I'm glad we got the chance to see it, and I too, hope to hear what others have to say about it.

    [EDIT]One last thing. I must say, it's a good thing I saw it after J, and that it didn't go any longer (oops, typoed that as lobfer:confused: ), or J might have had some serious competition. And no, I'm actually not kidding. :scared:

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