Debate Same-sex marriage

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Novus, Jul 21, 2003.

  1. Mordeth

    Mordeth Mordeth Vult!

    Jan 12, 2002
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    my point is that i would be more likely to base my faith on a 6 page rubber book named "see spot run" than the bible
  2. Osaka

    Osaka New Member

    Jul 7, 2003
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    I don't understand your postion here. You for it or not?

    Anyway. Well I don't find anything wroung with um..... gay people... even though it's not my thing......

    My point is that being gay doesn't make them any stupider or more savage. So basically they are in the perfect state of mind to have mariage. I don't get why people bug them so much. I mean you see people walking around yelling " that's so gay!" and what if the gay people started yelling "that's so straight!" Your sexual oreintation should have nothing to do with nothing. I mean your not a better person gay or straight.
  3. femme_fatale

    femme_fatale New Member

    Jul 12, 2003
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    Nea-san, GREAT point. This year in Government class, some guys actually argued in a debate that it shouldn't be insulting to use the word "gay" for things they consider stupid because "you'd be insulted if a gay person called you straight". That's the most ignorant thing I have ever heard -- a gay person calling a straight person straight as an insult, hm, I don't think that's too likely. :rolleyes:

    I'm for same sex marriage if it's what will make two people happy. I have nothing wrong with same-sex relationships, and as a matter of fact, I have friends in same-sex relationships who are nicer than most straight people I know. If same-sex couples wish to marry, more power to them.
  4. Sahoko

    Sahoko New Member

    Apr 3, 2003
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    it's a rule book?
    I don't follow rules...

    I think that gay people should be able to get married. Telling them they can't get married would be like telling a straight couple they can't get married.
    Why would someone take their happiness away? Why do they think that it is so wrong?
    I have many friends who are interested in the same sex. They're just exploring their options...

    As for the other gay people, this is the person that they have fallen in love with, they should be able to spend the rest of their lives together, bonded be marriage if they so desire.

    The meaning of marriage should not mean a bondage between man and woman, yet two human beings, who believe in and love each other.

    In my opinion, gay and lesbian people share more of a bondage and will be more faithful because it took so hard to become married.
    It's too easy for straight people...heck, you could get married RIGHT NOW in Los Vegas.

    There's my views on this situation.
  5. That guy!

    That guy! Expecting Father

    Apr 4, 2001
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    Thanks for pointing that out, as I said before I'm still questioning this whole thing. Though, in my post I did say that there will most likely be an increase in these types of marriages in the future. And mostly due to it becoming more socially accepted, you won't hear people say "that's gay," nor will there be any other insults towards them... Already our generation is very accepting of different lifestyles, but since homosexual marriages are now allowed it will be entrenched into our society. And I'm rambling like crazy, sorry about that ^^;; Now to my point.. since it will now be more accepted then people will not be afraid of being frowned upon for being homosexual and this will cause an increase of same sex relationships. You may say "but these people are already genetically that way".. though, I think that if a child sees in their environment that it is "okay" to be gay then this could spark interest. If that is the type of interest that they choose to be then that's okay because they have the right to feel the way they want to in our society too. Though the increase caused by a change of social norms may lead to a decrease in heterosexual relationships and ultimately the birth rate.

    Errrrm people I could start bringing religion in too, though I'm afraid that I'll be bashed to the moons along with my beliefs. Hah, no one on here would do that... right? ahh, whatever.. the Bible may seem way out there but there is usually a deeper meaning behind it's rules. Such as not to eat unclean and non kosher foods because if they did they would have ended up dying off from disease. There has to also be a reasoning for those texts in Leviticus... such as what happened in Sodom and Gommorah, seriously if it got so out of hand in those cities that the men tried to rape strangers, especially an angel then they would write that in Leviticus. I'm not even sure if my interpretation of that is the correct one.. sigh. All I know is that I know nothing.

    edit: whoops ^^;;;
  6. Kamui

    Kamui X//1999... best anime eva

    Mar 30, 2003
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    Texas passed a law prohibiting gay/lesbian marriages...

    I think that it is unconstitoutional (or... however you spell it) to deny gays any of the right given to strait people simply because of their sexual preference.

    That just isnt right... I think that they should be able to have ever right that strait people have... But i will never have to worry about that... so... you know...
  7. Alla Bloom

    Alla Bloom New Member

    Jul 18, 2003
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    Ok, I think that they should be able to marry, but I don't really agree with the idea of it all. Who am I to stand in their way? If they really love each other, then so be it.

    By the way, That Guy!, your right that some of what is written in the Bible is deeper than most people think. Some don't understand the things God did in those days. Like someone asked me, "If God loves everyone so much, then why did he tell his people to attack and kill in different times in the Bible?" I believe that there are times you should stop thinking so literaly and start seeking a deeper answer to these questions.
  8. Ark

    Ark Praise Judas!

    Jan 11, 2003
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    Actually, some gays DO use the term 'straight' as a derogatory term. Never delude yourself into thinking that gays are all bright and happy people, they're just like anyone else, and there's some rotten apples amongst them, just like there are rotten straight people. Regardless, that doesn't mean they should be denied the right to do whatever they want to do because of their orientation.

    - Ark
  9. Kamui

    Kamui X//1999... best anime eva

    Mar 30, 2003
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    Very true. Like your example. At the bottom of an apple barrel... there will always be at least 1 rotton apple.

    And it just isnt right!
  10. Novus

    Novus Gone

    Jul 19, 2003
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    To clarify, that's "Sodom", hence the word "sodomy". Solomon was a king.

    As for politicians and religious people who show opposition, I can sum it up in one quote from the almighty Carlos Santana:
    "I do not believe in political people, and I don't believe in religious people, but I do believe in humanity."

    It's just a matter of a neo-civil rights movement. At one point it was women's rights, at one point it was about racial equality, and now it's about this. We're all people, right? I mean, you can say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one.
  11. DrunkLeprachaun

    DrunkLeprachaun Tetsu Oushi

    Dec 15, 2001
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    Well I'm all for same sex marriges. The more gay people there, the more women there are for me! But then again, there'd probably be more lesbians too, which means less women... Well anyway, it doesn't bother me at all.
    But I disagree about people saying stuff is gay, it's just something people say. Pretty much all insults are at somone's expense. I have a couple of gay friends, I slag them all the time about being gay. Obviously I don't mean it, and I don't do it cruely, it's just for a laugh. I don't really have a problem with people shouting out "THAT'S ****ING GAY," it's not the sort of thing one usualy thinks through. It's just like shouting out JESUS, even if you don't believe in JC's son of godliness, you might still be found shouting it. It's just a figure of speach. But look, I am rambling. I shut up now.
  12. Bloodberry

    Bloodberry Bloody Berry
    Staff Member

    Feb 23, 2001
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    figures of speech i have no problem with. i'd be a big hipocrite if i did hehe

    i'm all for same sex marrages. all it means is that you're having sex with someone of the same sex. marrage is shared between 2 people who "love" each other. i think the only place religion comes into it is for the ceremony, if you have one. for isn't that just for when you want god to watch too? i mean, i'm pretty sure that's how my kids will be taught to think it.
    i wish more places would allow it. homosexuals are people too damnit...i wish people would stop thinking otherwise.

    another way of thinking would be, if god has some grand scheme in order, he wouldn't have allowed the thought of being gay to have occured. therefore, god wanted homosexuals for a reason. <shrug>
  13. neoblacklady

    neoblacklady ~*Tpyo Godedses*~

    Aug 4, 2002
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    I belive its wrong and sick like. I don't agree with it. (due to my religious beliefs messhed with my own thoughts) Doesn't mean im going to parade around and say "OMG IM GOING TO BEAT YOU WITH A stick get the heck out my town" wont take action, that is horrid how people beat up on them. people do what they want. *shrug* I dont think it should be legalized anywhere. But whatever floats your boat. Doesnt stop me from talking to them =/
  14. Meaikoh

    Meaikoh See you later, Moderator

    Aug 23, 2001
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    Using the word 'marriage' in the loosest sense of the word, anybody who wishes to celebrate their bond of love through a union such as marriage has my blessings.
    The reason why women's rights came before other human rights movements is because women were openly...women.
    Homosexual people used to live in fear for their lives. I recently discovered that the derogatory word 'Faggot' comes from bundles of wood and homosexual men who were used to burn things even as far back as the middle ages and probably before.
    I'm christian myself, and I know that the bible has been changed many times to suit those in power. For example, I was looking through a cousin's 'Comic Bible' and all of the rules and things about the Apocalypse and "scary" things like that had been removed.
    If people think so little of the bible already that they would just omit things like this, who's to say that other things haven't been changed?
    I'm no theologist or socialist, but I think same-sex marriages are fine.
  15. Basher

    Basher Mad Writing Skillz

    Mar 21, 2003
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    i think anyone who wants to marry should be allowed to. As long as its a HUMAN marriage. Leave animals out of your marriage
    And your dont steal MY soul mate.
    Go ahead and marry. Same sex marriages dont ruin anything. OMG did you hear about blah blah. Why should it matter? The bible says its wrong. Thats a bunch of crap. Why should a silly book tell you not to marry the person you love? Wouldn't god want you to be with the person you love?
    After all we could be reincarnations. And the person who you are supposed to be with could be of the same sex. Just keep in open mind is all im saying.
  16. Mad_Hamish

    Mad_Hamish New Member

    May 14, 2002
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    What if it's two gay animals?

    anyway, I think legalising it is a step in the right direction. I mean I don't see any negative effects it can have. And unless gay couples have all the oportunities and rights that straight couples have it can never be a truley equal society.

    Which would however bring up the topic of gay couples adopting or having kids by other means. Which is a whole other complicated issue about the psychological effects and all that. On which I don't even have an opinion. I guess that needs to be researched.

    As far as religious objections to it. Religion should have no part in law anyway. Even Jesus said it himself(well apparently) that religious matters should be separate from state matters.

    But enough of the pride marches. Your gay! we know. big deal.
  17. Novus

    Novus Gone

    Jul 19, 2003
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    Here's a question: Why are there no straight pride parades? Why is it okay to be proud of being gay but not of being straight? Try to have one of those and you're just called homophobic.
  18. Mordeth

    Mordeth Mordeth Vult!

    Jan 12, 2002
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    well see straight people aren't the ones being beaten up outside "straight" pubs and nightclubs, they're not the ones being shunned for their sexuality and being made feel like sinners because of who they find attractive.

    maybe it's something to do with that..
  19. Novus

    Novus Gone

    Jul 19, 2003
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    Or maybe it's that its okay to be predjudiced against the majority.
  20. sasuke_aoshi

    sasuke_aoshi New Member

    Jul 22, 2003
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    I think it's both. Minority discrimination against the majority is usually overlooked, but neverthless, it is sometimes condoned, because of all the things the majority has done/does.

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