Recreation Self Esteem

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by GentatsuNoZanshi cc61, Dec 6, 2001.

  1. GentatsuNoZanshi cc61

    Jun 1, 2001
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    "LA LA! LA LA LA LA! LA LA ..."
    -The Offspring, Self Esteem-

    This is probably the most pathetic thing anyone's ever posted on this site, and it shames me to have to stick it here, but I'll stick it here nevertheless.

    I've noticed that pretty well everyone I've met who likes enjoys watching anime has exhibited the characteristics of a nerd. I'm sorry if I've offended those of you who fit into this category (you know who you are), but come on, y'alls, you know it's true.
    Anyway, I was wondering if I'm the only otaku ... or whatever you want to call me, since I guess that word doesn't suit me too well any more ... that is beginning to get bothered by the fact that we're often outcasts from the rest of society.

    Maybe it's just me. I spent so much time worrying about anime and gamemastering that I lost my ability to integrate with "normal" society.
    I, for one, am getting tired of this. Maybe it's time for Ontario's biggest loser to step up to the plate and kick some ass ...

    "I know I should stick up for myself, but I really think it's better this way. The more you suffer, the more it shows you really care. Right? Yeah!"
    -The Offspring, Self Esteem-

    Hold my breath as I wish for death ... PLEASE GOD HELP ME!
  2. Meaikoh

    Meaikoh See you later, Moderator

    Aug 23, 2001
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    Well then you'd be wrong. C, I'm no nerd, and I can "dumb myself down" to talk to the mere mortals that arent' like us. j/k.
    I mean, people like people who are differnet around here. And I wage war daily against the miniskirt brigade so I keep things interesting. How could I kick more ass than I already do?! This is the girl who does every sport her school offers and gets good grades, so there. As for nerds, there aren't any nerds, just people stupid enough to call them that.

    ~The Way Of The Water Is A Difficult One.~
  3. GentatsuNoZanshi cc61

    Jun 1, 2001
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    That's one way to look at things. I guess I should just stick to the terms loser, freak and outcast to describe myself then.

    "I may be dumb, but I'm not a dweeb. I'm just a sucker with low self-esteem."
    -The Offspring, Self Esteem-

    Hold my breath as I wish for death ... PLEASE GOD HELP ME!
  4. Energizer Bunny

    Energizer Bunny i wuv you

    Nov 17, 2001
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    you know what?i dont think people who love anime are outcasts or whatever!and people who say that just dont know how awesome these 'cartoons' as they call them are.even if they see some anime and still think we're weird who cares!!!we should enjoy what we enjoy and love what we love without caring what other people think!!lol i sound like some self help tape oh well also just remember u can always talk to us anime freaks lol ^-^and we aint nerds~~everyone else are the weird ones!!

    Spread the Sunshine!!~theBunny~^-^

    [This message has been edited by Energizer Bunny (edited 12-05-2001).]
  5. Lady Aoi

    Lady Aoi Princess of Shirataki

    Oct 17, 2001
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    I'd originally intended to post a cranky reply but why waste my time? If that's the way people want to think, then let them. Personally, here's how I see it. If I can spend the night at home watching Saber Marionette J and be happy or spend it at a club being ignored and/or hit on by scary guys and then feel depressed and lonely for days afterwards, I think I'll take Door Number One.

    ~ Lady Aoi: I've had a really crappy day. Forgive if this post seems strong.
  6. InuYasha

    InuYasha New Member

    Nov 16, 2001
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    Hey,it's all about the Fruit Salad Girls' wackiness. [​IMG]

    InuYasha - or,if you prefer,Hanagata's wackiness *remembers the "special item"* [​IMG]
  7. That guy!

    That guy! Expecting Father

    Apr 4, 2001
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    My approach is to convert people to Otakudom(sorry if that sounds like a cult or something [​IMG]). I've gotten people like Matt Amato to like anime(most of you don't know him!!).

    And we aren't nerds or geeks or whatnot, WE'RE ECCENTRIC!!!

    I mean, I don't mind what people think of me!! I've even gone around the school yelling "LET'S GO GEKIGANGER 3!!!". And people say "Oh that's That guy!, he's cool... [​IMG]"
  8. Suzu

    Suzu 7th Seat Shinigami

    Jul 19, 2001
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    Why do you feel that, GNZ? I mean everyone in the world has unique characteristics in him/her. Being an Otaku, liking anime, reading manga all are unique characteristics in some one's personality.

    Nerd? Loser? Outcast? What are these terms? I have forgotten them. I began to believe that all I care is for anything which makes me happy. I like anime cuz it brings me joy.

    Do things that make me happy make me a nerd, an outcast, a loser? It's my personality and no one has the right to say that it's dicusting or pathetic.

    Through anime I learn a lot of things: A new culture, a history, a life style, new ideas. These things make me unique. I have a great outlook of something others have no idea about and are TOTALY ignorant about. I'm sure that you all have something unique about yourselves!

    *Wakes up! @_@ What was I talking about anyway??? ^^;*
  9. GentatsuNoZanshi cc61

    Jun 1, 2001
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    So, it seems I'm an outcast here, too.

    Hold my breath as I wish for death ... PLEASE GOD HELP ME!
  10. Energizer Bunny

    Energizer Bunny i wuv you

    Nov 17, 2001
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    no way youre an outcast!!!i know im kinda new here but your post have already made me smile numerous times!i mean if you ever stopped posting sniffsniff [​IMG] it would be like CRAZY [​IMG] anyway i guess im trying to say that you are loved for exactly who you are lol i sound sooooo weird ^-^ one of my best qualities...
  11. Lady Aoi

    Lady Aoi Princess of Shirataki

    Oct 17, 2001
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    GNZ, I appologize if yesterday's post was a little harsh. I broke my toe falling over a chair and spent half the day in the hospital, so I wasn't in the best of moods when I wrote the above.

    I agree with everyone else here. No way are you an outcast. you rule! ^^ And I don't think you or anyone is bad, 'nerdy', a loser or an outcast because of what he or she likes or doesn't like. I personally can identify with how you're feeling. I don't have a lot of RL friends anymore, due to the fact that most of them moved when we graduated high school and to the fact that I'm at a university where I'm openly hated because... *shrugs* let's just say it has nothing to do with my liking of manga and anime and more with the fact that I'm very shy and not a member of my department's "in crowd". My point is, some of us are blessed with good social skills just like some of us are blessed with good grammer skills, and there is always room for improvement in _all_ aspects of our lives for each of us.

    However, I have often found that life in "mainstream" society is not nearly as rosy as it might seem. I personally think that people are better off seeking out people they like and who like them in return (even if the number of those people are few) instead of trying to "fit in". Believe me, I tried for years to dress right/act right/ date the right people/ hold in all my emotions and be what everyone wanted me to be... and I was miserable. Dangerously so.

    I guess I'm just trying to say that you don't need to fit in with everyone or be accepted by all around you to be a valid human being. If you really feel that you'd have a richer life with less time devoted to anime/manga/rpgs or even that you've moved beyond them entirely, then by all means follow your instincts. But don't give them up entirely if you really love them. The more parts of yourself you sacrifice for 'social approval', the more you hurt. Take it from someone who's lost a lot of herself and gained nothing.

    I hope this very long winded reply helps you and by all means if you ever need anyone to talk to just IM me.

    ~ Lady Aoi: Shall I stick my broken toe in my mouth?
  12. Ardis

    Ardis New Member

    Oct 8, 2001
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    A more correct statement would be that all who like animes like the high quality animation, the more colorful charters, the stories of animes, and the meaning of the anime. as far as I have seen, most American "cartoons" lack one or (more often) all of these qualities. Are we "nerds"? No, just people who enjoy quality Japanese animation…

    Ardis, “What joy is there in trying to be apart of "normal society"?"
  13. Meaikoh

    Meaikoh See you later, Moderator

    Aug 23, 2001
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    There is no normal in this world. And GNZ, if you ever say anything about yourself like that again, I will start putting links of all your great posts up everywhere. You will not be able to hide. Mwuahahahha! j/k.
    You are one of the kewlest! I have gotten my friend Matthew to able to recognize anything and everything that ever came out of Duo Maxwell's mouth. I'm even showing my dad some anime, and that thar is no small task.
    GNZ, thanks for this great topic!

    ~The Starter of Controversy!!!~
  14. BakaMattSu

    BakaMattSu ^__^
    Staff Member

    Feb 16, 2001
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    What would give you that idea, Zanshi? As I see it, the only one who can make yourself an outcast is you. No man is an island... and all that blather. I don't think anyone has the right to judge anyone else, that's the job of higher powers, and as such - if someone feels they need to look down on you or belittle you to make themselves look superior, that's their psychological problem... anyhow, good luck in this post with your 'group therapy'... I know it's made me feel a little better of myself...somehow?

    *sweat drop*

    Ummmm....won't ask....

    And on a personal note, you are always gonna find people who fear the unknown, and as such try to categorize it as "abnormal"...

    Case in point, my parental figures, who understand my anime interests as accurately as the parents on the Apple Jacks commercials...

    ...and even worse in my College, where you mention 'anime' and suddenly, everyone pictures 'hentai'... *SHEESH*

    BakaMattSu, call me what you will...

    [This message has been edited by BakaMattSu (edited 12-07-2001).]
  15. GentatsuNoZanshi cc61

    Jun 1, 2001
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    To Lady Aoi: Sorry to hear about that. That had to have sucked.

    Anyway, I guess it just comes down to this:

    "I'm just a teenage dirtbag, baby
    I like to watch anime, baby
    I'm just a teenage dirtbag, baby, it's true"

    Damn! I hate that song!
    Anyway, I think this conversation is over ...

    GENTATSU: And it's about time, too! Let's go do that math work now ...
    NO: No way! Math sucks!
    ZANSHI: No it doesn't ... Dammit! Now that stupid song's stuck in my head!
    CC61 [putting hand over Zanshi's mouth to stop the inevitable singing]: Let's go before this starts to get ugly ...
    [EXIT GNZ]

    Hold my breath as I wish for death ... PLEASE GOD HELP ME!
  16. Meaikoh

    Meaikoh See you later, Moderator

    Aug 23, 2001
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    lol, Now busy trying to find obscure Duo quotes to test Maffers!
    {"It takes all types, I guess,", Duo Maxwell}

    ~The Starter of Controversy!!!~
  17. MamiyaOtaru

    MamiyaOtaru President Bushman

    Feb 14, 2001
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    But - a rock feels no pain, and an island never cries.
    sometimes being an island is cool.
  18. KaMeKaZi

    KaMeKaZi Insanity$%#

    Feb 21, 2001
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    just felt like adding to the original post of this topic.

    If you ask me ppl who are in there late teens and older(like myself and friends) who still watch Anime are not nerd. We are still just big kids at heart. We grew up watching cartoons and playing kid games and we still want to even now..

    Ppl who think we are losers cause we watch anime and Sci-fi **** . Well in my Opinion they are trying to throw away there childhood and forget who they once were where we want to hold on the very core of our souls..

    Now for the ppl who want to dress up as anime characters and quote lines and stuff all the time. Like trekies.. All i have to say to you.. yOU HAVE TO GROW UP SOMEWHAT!

  19. Meaikoh

    Meaikoh See you later, Moderator

    Aug 23, 2001
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    lol, I just think it's fun to try and find obscure quotes to c how good Matt's skills are. Dressing up, well, if it's at a convention, don't you feel out of place if everybody is dressed up & not u?

    ~The SUPER OTAKU!!!
  20. GentatsuNoZanshi cc61

    Jun 1, 2001
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    Ask That Guy!. It's really his department [​IMG].

    Loneliness is a slow-acting but lethal poison.
    It's time to find the cure.

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