Debate Should they Clone the Tasmanian Tiger?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Fushigi Rockna, Aug 20, 2003.

  1. Fushigi Rockna

    Mar 4, 2003
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    This is a debate veyr close to my heart, for you see I am obsessed with the tasmanian tiger, an animal in Australia that has the hind legs similiar to a kangaroo, a skin pattern like the Tiger's, a body like a dog, and a huge gigantic jaw. It was also a marsupial (sp?) ._. It was hunted to extinction (sp?) because it was belived it had killed farmer's sheep (which it was later found out after they all died that it was all the fualt of wild dogs) and were believed to be horrible beasts (due to their jaws.).
    Now many believe there are still some of them out in the wild, but mnay don't believe it. (I kinda do tho :p).
    Now, years later, a pickled tasmanian tiger pup was aquired. With this pup, scientists have the power to clone the animal and bring it back into existance.
    However some people don't believe it should be done. They say we shouldn't try playing god which is an outrage cause we played god when we destroyed it. v_v

    So what do you think? Should it be done? (you can find out more about it and the cloning)

    (Picture of it's jaw ._. this is damn freaking)
  2. ~ Zack ~

    ~ Zack ~ Guest

    Well I dunno about the whole cloning thing. Don't entirely like it for some reason or another, but not so much for the argument that "we shouldn't play God". ('cause God sux0rz :p). Though, that is a fairly good argument; that we were playing God when we killed them.
  3. Ark

    Ark Praise Judas!

    Jan 11, 2003
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    I see no reason not to clone them.

    - Ark
  4. Nirvana

    Nirvana New Member

    Aug 20, 2003
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    Perhaps they should clone long as they don't let them roam around freely. ^_~
  5. Fushigi Rockna

    Mar 4, 2003
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    That is what they're planning on doing. ._. Cloning them and setting them out in the wild.

    Can't be any worse than the Yowie... the big foot of Australia. :p (yeha like i'd believe that...)
  6. Nephilim_X

    Nephilim_X New Member

    Sep 19, 2002
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    Clone a pack and let it loose with tracers. Of course, if they breed, those kids are gonna be...... "special", so we'd need to keep cloning until we figured a way to create alternative genes. Anyway, if the pack is too destructive, wipe em out. If they're wiped out early on, screw it.
  7. Sen

    Sen Ero-ninja

    Jun 2, 2003
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    why not? they should also clone me, i would like to have a "backup" body:anime:
  8. Nephilim_X

    Nephilim_X New Member

    Sep 19, 2002
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    Cyborg superior, fleshling inferior [/Soundwave from Transformers]:p
  9. Fushigi Rockna

    Mar 4, 2003
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    Lol, :p

    Neph has a good point, however cloners and debaters seem to overlook this point. the cloners are too concerned in trying to correct history and the debaters that are against it are too concerned a monster will be created and that it will come in the middle of the night and eat their children.

    Oh btw, this is a picture of a model/robot and it scares me each time i see it. It's just freaky. ._.
  10. Bloodberry

    Bloodberry Bloody Berry
    Staff Member

    Feb 23, 2001
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    actually, if they do clone, they should keep them in captivity for awhile to see how they fair in todays ecosystem. the diseases and what have you could be too much for them now. also, it would be helpful if they had another sample or two to clone from, to introduce more genetic drift into their gene pool.
    personally, i'm all for cloning and genetic engineering. mm...tomatoes...
  11. Jaken

    Jaken Coin Locker Baby

    May 13, 2003
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    I am all for cloning them. They should clone all endangered animals. But the piont for cloning them is not to keep them in captivity. If they do keep them in captivity they should do it so they can train the tigers for the wild. Not put them into zoos.
  12. Ryokos_hellyen

    Ryokos_hellyen New Member

    Mar 15, 2003
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    well you are playing with god when you do things like this . things are ment to die even tho they dieing out of exitstance but that dosent mean clone them because you can thats a waste of money we could be useing on curing canser or STD's or something deadly not cloneing animals

    and who the hell do they think are paying for the cloneing

    duh we are ,so lets put it to something useful not cloneing
  13. Jaken

    Jaken Coin Locker Baby

    May 13, 2003
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    Did you ever think about why they are going endangered? Its Human's fault. We are now trying to correct a mistake that we have made. They would not need to be cloned if it were not for us. So are you saying that God would want us to sit there and watch these animals die out of existence? Or would God rather us do somthing about it? We may be playing god but its for a good cause.
  14. ~ Zack ~

    ~ Zack ~ Guest

    I have multiple things to say about this... as it was stated befoer, were were playing God from the beginning by executing these animals and ending their lives. They are damn-near extinct because of US. Also, you contradicted yourself. As you said, things are meant to die out... so why bother curing cancer and sexually-transmitted diseases? What if it's a sign that it's our time to leave this world? What if we're playing God to try and get over these diseases? Wouldn't you say it's playing God to prolong our life as long as possible, basically trying to become immortal? Think about this a bit.
  15. Fushigi Rockna

    Mar 4, 2003
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    Gee whiz Ryoko, I can sure see you didn't read the whole first post. You don't seem to know what you're talking about.

    Aren't you just the cutest little <*Ahem*- Ark>. How cruel and unhumane of you! Animals deserve to live as well, we are not the only race living on this planet and we are certainly not the most important. Don't you know the reason the tasmanian tiger died? Because humans started hunting it, they fought it was an evil beast like they did the platapus and many more of Australia's animals. And you're acting like the government is paying for all of this. <*AHEM*- Ark>

    HA! Don't make me laugh! For starters, this is taking place in AUSTRALIA not the U.S.A. or CANADA or any other place like that, in little ol' AUSTRALIA. You wouldn't be paying a dime! Second, the government is NOT paying for this. foundraisers and other stuff is being done. Donations are being given. it has nothing to do with taxes or the government (I don't even know how Australian taxes are done).

    So next timke <No direct insults please.- Ark> read the whole thread or better yet the whole post <See previous note.- Ark>. i don't care if i'm being harsh or curel so are you for saying 'let these things die! They're non important! We are the only thing that matters in this whole world even though we're the cause of our own and other's species' death!'

    Btw, to everyone that stood up for this (Jaken and Zack) thankies. ^^
  16. Ryokos_hellyen

    Ryokos_hellyen New Member

    Mar 15, 2003
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    for one thing about the things are ment to die part i didn't mean it the way it sounded. every thing has a begging and an end i know its humans fault for killing them off in the first place but clones ? you never know what can go wrong with cloneing things clones just wouldn't just take to things, would they it dosent really seem likely.every thing needs a mother to show them the ways of there kind but humans can't really do that as well as the animals can.

    oh and yes i will admit as you said before i can be the biggest biotch in the wrold, but who can't?
    ~not in U.S any more ~
  17. Yossarian

    Yossarian Yossarian Lives!

    Apr 19, 2003
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    sis we really need to work on your people skills because you have none.and thats seriously bad whats tom teaching you over there?

    ok i agree about the mother thing but im not really sure if i agree with the cloneing things do die but some things don't deserve it just because humans feel as if there doing something horrible.
    you can't punish something for liveing and doing what it does its not right and humans could have handle it another way besides killin them off in the first place
  18. Ark

    Ark Praise Judas!

    Jan 11, 2003
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    You obviously do not understand the issue at hand, and if you do, your grasp of the English language is too tenuous to show it. Please learn to spell, punctuate, and formulate sentences properly before attempting to prove a point.

    On another note, what exactly defines 'Playing God'? I don't believe in God, so why would I play at being something I believe to be non-existent? Technology isn't evil, it's merely how it is used that can be evil. I don't think that repairing the human-caused damage to an ecosystem can be considered evil by any means, and I'll note that God has never done anything in the way of repairing the damage his 'creations' have caused. Objection: OVERRULED.

    - Ark
  19. Yossarian

    Yossarian Yossarian Lives!

    Apr 19, 2003
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    wow you guys are harsh,i'd hate to be you Ryoko gettin jumped by all these people but you deserved it i guess
  20. Fushigi Rockna

    Mar 4, 2003
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    Plain and simple. You make a stupid comment and Sailor Kaiba will punish yo' arse! :D

    I don't believe in god either (just saying.)

    Of course there is belived to be a few left in Australia. (actually in tazmania) and they can get other animals to train them, dingoes, and (hopefully not) the tiger's cousin, the tasmanian devil. Or maybe wild dogs. the tiger is basically a dog/wolf it's self so it can be trained by other dog/wolf creatures.
    I'm all for introducing them to dingoes actually... but i don't know if they'll accept them... ><

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