Saber Marionette Thank you, Akahori Satoru!

Discussion in 'Manga and Anime' started by Reisti Skalchaste, Oct 12, 2004.

  1. Reisti Skalchaste

    Reisti Skalchaste New Member

    Jun 14, 2004
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    Doesn't Akahori Satoru, creator of Saber Marionette J, deserve some thanks? Wouldn't he be glad to know that his work is appreciated?

    Well, I've taken it upon myself to write him a thank you e-mail. Right now, I need quite a few things.

    First off, I want to know whose names I can include. At the end, I will sign my name, my REAL name, and any others who wish to have their names included on this letter of thank you.

    PM me if you wish your name included. Keep in mind, I would prefer to use real names, rather than usernames, but if you do not wish me to use your real name, I won't. If you have no problems, please include your name in your PM. I would like to have as many fans of his series to be on this letter as I can.

    Second, there are some members who haven't been online in some time. If anyone knows how to contact them, please let me know. Right now, the list of members I will need to contact include:

    Lady Aoi

    If anyone knows how to contact these members, please let me know in a PM.

    Thirdly, and most importantly, I need Akahori Satoru's e-mail address. Without that, this letter cannot be sent, so it is paramount that I recieve it. I do not have the time to try and find it, seeing as I can only get online 1 hour a day right now, so any help would be appreciated.

    Fourth, I need someone to translate the letter for me. The letter's no good unless he can read it right? I will be accepting applications through this thread, and will post the person I choose to translate it.

    Finally, I need to write the letter itself. I have it mostly written, but I cannot post it right now. Look here for it at a later date. I'm saying this because I want to know if there is anything that should be in this letter that isn't. Since there is no copy of it online at this point, just let me know what you think should be included. Don't PM me for this, please post it in this thread.

    I hope to have this letter compiled, translated, and sent by Christmas, so I would appreciate any and all help I can get for it.
    1 person likes this.
  2. luvweaver

    luvweaver Ad Jesum per Mariam

    May 13, 2002
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    Great idea!! :anime:

    OK, now for the data:

    Lady Aoi - vanished from the face of the earth or at least it seems. The last i heard from her was that she was in the UK.

    Sachiko & Echiko - they come regularly to AIM messenger. I'll tell them.
    Inuyasha - who? o_O
    Lime - dunno

    Did you try to send them messages? Online messages generate e-mails for them.
    BTW, include me up.

    Akahori's website is

    You can use the to translate the webpage. Also, I compose my japanese e-mails that way (be sure you have the japanese language installed on your Windows). I translate to japanese and then re-translate to english to see if something doesn't get translated OK.
    I repeat the process until the japanese-to-engligh translation is understandable. I save the japanese text with notepad, and finally i write the e-mail. That's how i got the permissions to publish japanese fanart on me wesite :D

    OK, good luck! :)
  3. BakaMattSu

    BakaMattSu ^__^
    Staff Member

    Feb 16, 2001
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    Sounds fun. Tough part will be getting the message into the right box and not looking like spam. A very commendable thing to do in this day and age. :p

    Aka Andy. Contributed greatly to some of the more interesting threads about a year to two years back. Also author of the SMJ MST fics. He should be around, somewhere...Have a bit of a link with him.

    Occassionally still talk with her. Will have to see if such an occassion arrives again. ^^

    Good luck on that one. Tried a similar letter of appreciation a year or so back, but couldn't find this all-important item. I ended up just tossing it in the site help form on his official website...
  4. Reisti Skalchaste

    Reisti Skalchaste New Member

    Jun 14, 2004
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    Hmm... So nobody has talked to her at all? No one even has an e-mail address?

    That would be much appreciated. After reading through the entire SMJ forum, I think I can say their presence has been missed.

    I'll take a look around. Maybe he's hiding in some corner on here. *Checks his profile*: Last Activity: 07-21-04 05:07 AM Hmm...

    As for checking his website, I unfortunately don't have the time. I can only get on for 1 hour per day now, until I get my new computer, and that's spent here. Multitasking is quite difficult online. And besides that, the translation sites I use, Nifty and Babelfish, aren't very helpful.

    [EDIT] BTW, BakaMattSu, does this mean I can include your name? [/EDIT]
  5. Black Robed One

    Black Robed One New Member

    Feb 21, 2004
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    If you are sending a thank you e-mail to Akahori-sama, Shinryu-san, you can most definately include the name of your humble Black Robed servant (true name and surename - Slava Kalashnikov)!
  6. Jedimdo

    Jedimdo New Member

    Sep 8, 2004
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    Here's my idea :anime: :

    Sankkusu, Akahori-sama
    anata no seriesu ha gureeto, arigatou gozaimasu. doko ni aidia ha imashita ka?
    uonderufuru desu ne!

    Burakku Robeddo Ichi
    (Some others)

    Almost everything would be written in katakana :D

    Now, seriously, what would be better? To write our names in katakana or romaji?
    Something else, I think that somebody as Akahori-sama would know English. What do you think?
  7. luvweaver

    luvweaver Ad Jesum per Mariam

    May 13, 2002
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    I think the names should be written in romaji. After all, we're western, right?
  8. Reisti Skalchaste

    Reisti Skalchaste New Member

    Jun 14, 2004
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    And, actually, I've already written the letter, and, as soon as is possible, I will post it here so you can make suggestions. It's currently in English, so I'll still need a translator.

    And, if anyone wants to have their name on it also, just post here. I would prefer actual names, but, if you're uncomfortable with that, your online names are acceptable.

    I probably will go with romanji for the names, with our forum names in brackets. Easier that way.

    So, it would be:

    John Anybody, (Random User Name)

    for an example.

    (and, I think he deserves -dono, rather than -sama)
  9. Jedimdo

    Jedimdo New Member

    Sep 8, 2004
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    Do you mean somebody or software? Anyway, I'd like to help!. I think I have a japanese translator somewhere in my cds collection.

    '-dono'? I don't think so. It's barely used (if it is used), and it was really used in the 'samurai age')
  10. Black Robed One

    Black Robed One New Member

    Feb 21, 2004
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    Well, I do not know Japanese well enough to comment on the later itself, but I would like to point out, that “One” in my online name (I use it everywhere online where I wish to make my presence “official”) is used in the meaning of “somebody”/”person”, like in “I am the only one who know about this”, or “Well, he is the one to do stupid things like this…”, or “Aha, you are the one I am looking for!”

    However, I do not know if Japanese “Ichi” (that as far as I know means number “1” in Japanese) can be used in same way as English “One”; at least, I’ve never heard it being used in this way in anime.

    And so, I am not sure if “Burakku Robedo Ichi” carries the same meaning as “Black Robed One”… But on the other hand, I rather like the name you gave me (Burakku Robedo Ichi), Jedimdo-san.

    But anyway, didn’t Shinryu-san say that he would prefer to use our real names, not our usernames?


    Is suffix “-dono” actually even more respectable then suffix “-sama”? I know little of Japanese myself, but I always thought that suffix “-dono” was somewhere between suffixes “-san” and “-sama” by level of respectfulness.
  11. wertitis

    wertitis Proud Mary keep on burnin'

    Oct 18, 2004
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    Sweet Jebus...

    Man, it looks like Black Robed One went on a posting binge. His posts are flyin' everywhere. Crazy, man... XD

    Anyway, correct me if I'm wrong (which I usually am) but I was always under the impression that '-dono' was more akin to royalty. I fink I remember people using that suffix when talking to emperors and such.

    Then again I've never taken Japanese ever before, so I could be (probably am) wrong about that.
  12. Jedimdo

    Jedimdo New Member

    Sep 8, 2004
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    So BRO-san, your username would be:
    Burakku Robeddo Wan
    'Burakku' and 'Wan' are the official 'japanized' versions of Black' and 'One'

    1. Yes, Shinryu prefers that
    2. Not everybody prefers that
    3. I don't know if someone wants his name unpublished
    4. And... it's funnier!

    All right, many opinions here. My vote is for '-sama'
  13. Black Robed One

    Black Robed One New Member

    Feb 21, 2004
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    Hay, I just came back after a couple of months of inactivity! And besides, it were only three posts…

    Now that sounds just RIGHT!.. Ugh, you gave me a headache, I am trying to decide whether to keep my “official” online name or to change it to “Burakku Robeddo Wan”… :dizzy2:

    Until somebody with better knowledge of Japanese language then that of mine (not a difficult requirement, since I admit knowing almost nothing of Japanese language) will assure me that suffix “-dono” is actually even more respectful then suffix “-sama”, my vote also goes for addressing Akahori-sama with suffix “-sama”. Naturally, I have uttermost respect for creator of Saber Marionette J.
  14. Reisti Skalchaste

    Reisti Skalchaste New Member

    Jun 14, 2004
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    Whoa, you guys have been busy this weekend. :D

    Anyway, I said what I did under the belief that -dono is far more respectful than -sama.

    I figured "Akahori Satoru-dono" would be similar to "The most honourable Akahori Satoru" or something like that. Anyway, we'll have plenty of time to figure it out.

    It's good to have you back, friend Black Robed One.

    I wouldn't, if I were you. Then you'd have to deal with people calling you Black Robed Obi-Wan Kenobi, right? (Or something, at any rate, it would be weird)

    I would prefer to use your real names, but if you'd rather I didn't, that's fine. So far, nobody has asked me not to use their names.

    Here's the format I was thinking of using.

    I'll simply replace "John Anybody" with your name, and "(User Name)" with... well, your user name.
  15. Jedimdo

    Jedimdo New Member

    Sep 8, 2004
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    [post=201719]dono reply[/post]
    dono is more for lords, leaders stuff

    And I repeat, if you need help (even if you don't) I'd like to help you translating it
  16. wertitis

    wertitis Proud Mary keep on burnin'

    Oct 18, 2004
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    I KNEW it! [trumpet fanfare ensues]

    You learned Japanese Jedimdo? If we really are going to send this letter to him then we should probably get someone who knows it down pat. Now that I think about it, one of my high school buddies is living it up in Japan right now. Seeing as he LIVES there, I assume he would know more about it than most people here. I could get him to proof read it so we dont sound like three year olds when we send it.

    Yes, no?
  17. Black Robed One

    Black Robed One New Member

    Feb 21, 2004
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    Well, I’d find being addressed as Black Robed Obi-Wan Kenobi as rather funny and certainly wouldn’t mind it any way. However, I am rather attached to name “Black Robed One”, which I used online for as long as I remember, and so, after careful thinking, I decided against changing it.

    As about “-sama”/”dono”…

    I am not so certain right now, but after learning that suffix “-dono” is indeed more respectable then suffix “-sama”, I am starting to lean towards Shinryu-san’s side in this regard… Of course...

    But still, Baiko and Tamasaburo respectfully refered to Otaru as "Mamiya Otaru-dono", even though Otaru is neither lord nor leader (he is widely respected for being a hero who saved Japoness, but as far as I saw it, he has no legal power).

    But anyway, I am not certain about this mater. Anyway, it is to be decided by those who know Japanese better then I do.


    By the way, any success in getting Akahori-dono’s e-mail address? I don’t remember anybody mentioning that he has found it, and not being able to contact Akahori-dono will make everything else in this thread rather pointless.


    Oh, and thank you for your warm welcome, Shinryu-san!

  18. Reisti Skalchaste

    Reisti Skalchaste New Member

    Jun 14, 2004
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    Certainly! I just need to find a way to get it on here from my computer. (remember, no internet, and floppy disks can't be used.)

    Maybe I'll do what I did with this post, and copy it all out, and re-type it. But, ugh, I don't want to do that again! :whiny: :D

    Hey, good idea! Let's do that! And, wertitis, I don't recall if you wanted to be included or not. (I'd use your more well-known name "The Dark Phoenix," if that's okay. Just as long as I don't typo it as "The Cark Phoniz" again, eh?) :D

    And isn't he a "lord" of Saber Marionette J? As the creator, he certainly deserves the title, no? I wouldn't hesitate to call him such. Heh, "Lord Akahori."

    Besides that, I was watching "Those who Hunt Elves" last night, (surprisingly PG-rated) and I noticed something.

    The elder of all elves, Celcia is called "Celcia-sama," while Those who Hunt Elves are called: "Junpei-dono," "Ritsuko-dono," and "Aika-dono." (By the other elves)

    What could this mean?

    P.S. Hikozaemon also called Otaru "Otaru-dono," but he called the Shogun, "Ieyasu-sama." Otaru referred to him as "Shogun-sama."
  19. BakaMattSu

    BakaMattSu ^__^
    Staff Member

    Feb 16, 2001
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    Sidetracked thread...

    Keep in mind that suffix use in anime and manga aren't exactly consistent with their actual use in Japan.

    So, I believe what you're going for is "Akahori-sama".
  20. Jedimdo

    Jedimdo New Member

    Sep 8, 2004
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    I found a webpage which said '-dono' is for lower people than the speaker :confused: . I didn't want to post it but I can't find it in Firefox's History now.

    Word gave some greetings, here are some of them translated.
    Even USB? You could plug a storage device

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